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I packed my bag full of clothes and wrote a note, trying to stay quiet.
I'm not missing or kidnapped or dead I'm just gone. I am fine.
I left my keys since I wouldn't need them and I walked out of the house.

Theo and Malia were outside, Malia in the passenger seat and Theo stood my the door.
"You think we don't know you but we do." Theo said.
"Yeah your really predictable." Malia added. I glared at them.
"You aren't coming."
"Erm... I don't know how you think you are getting anywhere when no one has found your keys yet. So... are you gonna add our names to that note." I sighed and walked back through the open door adding their names to the note and a little extra. Please find my keys.

I joined them in Theo's truck. "So where are we going?"
"I took Stiles' phone last night." I pulled out a map from my back pocket. "He told Scott about two people, suspected murderers, who were hunting for a teen girl in Southern California."
"Sounds familiar." Malia joked.
"Very." Theo added.

Malia looked at us and then at the door. "Drive!" We looked at the door and Stiles was walking out. Theo rushed to start the car and we sped away just as Stiles saw us.

"We're going to Fresno first; since there are still hunters we are still going to protect any supernatural we find."
Malia looked down at one of my bags, which were slightly open since I rushed. "That's a lot of weapons."
"We have claws but they have guns."

I pulled up Fresno on the gps. "Any word on what Scotts doing?"
"Monroe has based her operations in Los Angeles so that is where Scott is. Mason, Corey and Peter are staying here to protect Beacon Hills. And we are on the hunt for the mystery parents."
"Are you sure you okay? Leaving Liam and all."
"I haven't left him, he knows what I'm doing and I'll visit him often." I rested my hand on his shoulder.
"As soon as we find my parents and find out what they want with me, we go back and join the fight."


The drive there wasn't long but it certainly was boring. When we arrived at the motel I got a call from Scott.
"Where have you gone?"
"That's a good question."
"I know that you need help with the fight and we are still doing that. Just somewhere else. Who knows they might end up in Los Angeles."
"If you need help we are always here."
"I just have one question. How do you plan to end the fight?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well if you take down Monroe, who's saying someone isn't just going to take her place."
"The hunt has been happening since before we were born. We just plan to revert it to how it was."

I felt my phone buzz as another call came through. "Scott gotta go." I accepted the other call and ended Scotts.
"Meet me at the underground gardens at seven."
"Is there news?"
"Worth saying? Yes." I ended the call and collected my key from Theo.
"Be up at six thirty." I announce to him.

I walked with Malia to our room and we both collapsed on the bed.
"Tired?" I asked as she sighed deeply.
"Absolutely." She mumbled. I set an alarm and placed my head in the crease of her neck, hugging her like a teddy.

We awoke to a loud alarm ringing in our ears. I turned it off and groaned, changing out of yesterday's clothes and into my gear.
I had on a black crop top and leather jacket, a white mini skirt with black shorts underneath and black, patent, knee high boots.

Theo was waiting for us at the truck when we finally came out.
"Where to?"
"The underground gardens." I said. I dug through my weapons bag under the seat and tucked a strike one in the back of my skirt.

"Why are we meeting here again?"
"I don't know ask Braeden."
"So that's who we're meeting." Theo realised.
We turned corners and corners until we finally stumbled upon Braeden.

"Why are we meeting here?" Malia asked her.
"Because here it's quiet." She pulled out a piece of neatly folded paper from her pocket.
"I've compiled a list of everyone who has come into contact with them in the past month."
"Everyone?" Theo questioned.
"Everyone that can help you."

"I just have one more question." I stated, taking the list from her hand. "What are their names?"
"I don't know their first names bu I know their last..." she looked at Theo and Malia then back at me. "Louve." She walked away and we all looked at the list.

"I don't recognise any of these names." Malia groaned.
"I do." Theo pointed at a single name on the list. Cora Hale.
I sighed and reached for my phone. "Guess we are calling Derek."

The first ring had no answer so I tried again. On the second buzz he picked up. "Heyyyyy... Derek."
"What do you want?" He said flatly.
"I need to know where Cora is."
"She doesn't like you."
"I am fully aware of that."
"Remind me what you did again... oh yeah... you stood there and watched while she was practically being torn apart by Aiden."
"First of all, I don't even know why she dragged me there in the first place. Second of all, what the hell was I supposed to do jump in front and get torn apart instead."
"I'm not telling you where she is."
"Derek!" I growled.
"Y/n... breathe. Last I heard she was in Lemoore."

I ended the call and walked back to the others. "Y/n?" I was still breathing heavily and I felt my eyes flash purple.
"Get her to calm down." Theo urged.
Malia cupped my face in my hands and turned my head to face her. She kissed me and I felt myself returning to my normal state.
"Cora doesn't like you."
"That's where you two come in." I smiled, eagerly.

Theo rolled his eyes and we walked back to the truck. "Is anyone else missing the pack? Be nice to have them on this so far boring but soon to get better hunt."
"Yeah I miss them too." Theo responded.
"You could go back to them... if you want." I suggested.
"No I want to help you."

I climbed in the back and we drove the short ride to Lemoore. I put on a baseball cap and sunglasses. "What is that for?"
"She doesn't like me." I pointed out as I climbed out of the car.

"We don't know what she looks or smells like." They pointed out.
"But you know what a wolf smells like. Now do either of you know anything about Lemoore?"
Theo walked up to a nearby guy. The only nearby guy and tried to ask him for directions.

We watched him get thrown to the ground and the other guys eyes glow blue. He turned to us and extended his claws. I glowed my eyes and did the same. Malia lunged past me and clawed at his chest, knocking him to the ground. "We're looking for Cora Hale." I said, still growly.

I tried to calm myself but couldn't think of anything until Brett came into mind. I remembered his pack and his mantra.
What three things cannot long be hidden?
"The sun... the moon... the truth." I repeated the phrase as Malia pinned the wolf down.

Once I was calm I walked back to him. "Cora." I removed my sunglasses, allowing him to see my purple eyes. "Your the hybrid..."
"If I must be." He got up and dusted himself off.
"Come with me." I helped Theo up and we followed him to an abandoned wreck of a building.

Coloured eyes lit up the darkness and a dim light turned on by Cora's chair. "This is eerie." Theo said.
"Hey Cora." I sighed. She growled at us and so did the many other wolves. "We didn't come to fight."
"We just want some information." Theo raised his hands.
"I could take them." Malia suggested. "It's just a couple betas and omegas."
"No ones taking anyone." I shouted back in a whisper.

A tall figure stepped out from the shadows with glowing red eyes. "You must be Solis."
His name was on the list, Braeden warned me about him.

Distracted}• Malia x reader (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now