You died

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I gaged to get rid of the water pooled in my throat. The hand on my chest stopped pressing as my breathing was no longer silent. Malia walked up the hillside as Scott carried me up. She was soaking wet and slightly shivering.

They put me in the back of Theo's truck. My wet hair was resting on Malia's lap and Scott had one hand holding mine and the other pressing on my bullet wound.
"Theo take us to the hospital."
"I can't, it was practically evacuated." He shouted through the glass.
"Stiles do you know the way to the hospital downtown."
"Yep." Stiles climbed in the front.

"There's a blanket under the seat." Malia reached for it and tucked it around my shivering body.
"I-t m-might h-have a bit of b-blood on i-t."I stuttered.
"Your gonna be okay?" Malia was close to tears.
"No- no I don't think I am." I smiled and lifted my shaking hand to her face. "I- l-love y-ou." I stuttered again.
"I love you too." I looked at Scott who was nodding in agreement. Like he was okay that she liked me.

"Scott... I do- I don't want to- I watched them all die. I don't want to join them. Not yet."
"You won't." Theo said, pressing harder on the pedal and speeding up the car.
I nestled my head into Malia, she was warm and I was still freezing.

"Bite her." I closed my eyes and turned onto my side, clutching the wound in my side.
"I don't know what it would do to her. She's been bit before and her condition- she might rej-"
Stiles cut him off. "Scott maybe it's something to think about. And quickly." Scott paused to think.

"Y/n stay awake." Malia urged.
"If your going to do something it has to be now." Theo shouted over everyone.
"Stop the car." Scott insisted. My hand fell from the blanket as we jolted to a stop. Scott raised it to his lips.
"I don't think she'll make it much longer." Malia cried.

I felt his warm breath caress my arm, the snap of his fangs rang through my ears. Malia pulled my close as his teeth sank deep into my arm. I gasped but only lightly. It didn't hurt.

I felt more blood trickle down my skin. "Now what?"
"Now we wait."


Every thought was rushing through my head.

"H-u-m-a-n of my being."
"Three kills you."
"Your mine."
"You died."
"What happened?"
"Say it!"
"Boys who touch. Boys who steal. Boys who aren't men."
"Brett! Lori!"
"Liam your fangs."
"I want to work for you."
"Can you feel my heart?"
"I love you."
"I don't want to die."
"The morgue."
"No... no it's not."

I gasped myself awake and as I sat up so did the five other people around the room.
Malia was led next to me, Theo was sat at the end of the bed, Scott and Stiles were sat on the chairs in the corner and Isaac was stood by the door.
"You okay?"
"What's wrong?"

"Hi." Isaac sat next to me and I hugged him tightly.
"You healed." Malia stroked my back where the burns once were.
"Not entirely." I said, still in the tight hug with Isaac. "Could you get me some food?" I looked up at Isaac and pulled away.

He left the room and went into the kitchen.
Everyone stared at me. "I'm fine."
"Y/n..." I looked down at my stomach and saw it was still bleeding.
"Tell me someone took the bullet out." I sighed.
"Do you want me to do it?" I nodded and led back down on the bed.

Theo picked up some tweezers from my bedside and reached into the bullet hole. I yelled as he dug around for the bullet. I squeezed Malia's hand, careful not to hurt her as he finally pulled the bullet out.

I sat up as Isaac came in with sandwiches for everyone. "When's the full moon?"
"Two days."
"Okay..." I said with a mouthful of food.
"Why are you all being so painfully quiet?"
"Do you remember what you said before you passed out?"
"No, why?" They all stayed quiet as I looked around.

I stood up. "You can't just say that and then shut up!" I shouted.
"Y/n..." I stormed out of the room and leant against the kitchen counter.
Whoever wasn't in the bedroom was in the kitchen.

Noah, Melissa, Argent, Peter, Lydia, Derek, Liam, Mason, Corey, Ethan and even Jackson.
"Your okay?"
"No." A paused before remembering the boy that shot me. "Where is he?"
"Where is who?"
"The boy."
They all looked at each other before Derek stepped towards me. "They took him into custody, he's at the station."

I picked up my coat and reached for my spare keys. "You. Aren't. Going. Anywhere." Peter held my keys out of reach.
I looked around at everyone, confused as hell.
"Lover boys, can I talk to you?" I led them away from the others.

"Jackson, you have a habit of being painfully honest. What is up with everyone?"
Ethan shook his head so I put my hand over his mouth, revealing a look of shock and annoyance.

"I-it's not my place to say..." I rubbed my face in exasperation and groaned as I stormed through the kitchen which everyone was now in.

"What is wrong with everyone?!" I shouted as I slammed the bathroom door behind me. I looked at the slightly open window and had an idea. I turned on the faucet and opened the window further.

I winced as my handcuffs clanked against the frame. Someone knocked on the door and I sped up my escape, jumping out of the window and walking across the street. I was wearing exactly what I was on the bridge yesterday.

I knew what I said that night but I also knew that wasn't the only thing everyone was keeping secret.

Theo's truck followed me with him, Liam and Malia inside. "Get in the truck, Y/n!"
"Everyone's keeping secrets. I know exactly what I said that night and I meant it."
I kept walking and they kept following me.
"Turn the radio on." I head Liam whisper.

Suddenly, voices and instruments filled my ears and I stopped and fell to my knees, my hands clamping my ears. Theo turned it off and Malia picked me up off the pavement.

"You can't just say something like that and expect to be left alone."
"What did she say?" Liam asked.
"I sai- I said I would rather die than accept the bite." He looked at me with shock and fear. "Now these losers think I want to kill myself. They are also keeping a secret." I snarled.

"Malia?" I asked as she walked me back into my room. "Did you really mean it?"
"Yes." She kissed me.
"I don't want to die." I said, smiling as she walked out.

I led in the bed, oblivious to their conversation until Theo knocked and walked in. I made space on the bed and he led next to me.
"So what did I miss?"
"Well," he smirked down at me. "I kissed Liam."
"Took you long enough." I joked.
"There is a secret... but it's not ours to tell."

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" He urged.
I sighed. "I don't want to die. But I don't want to change. Nothing ever goes right in this town. No one ever becomes just a werewolf."
"You ready to behave and come out of your room."
"You sound like a parent." I joked standing up.

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