Happy birthday

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"Isn't your birthday on Wednesday?"
"Yeah." The car ride had been quiet until then.
"Whatcha reading?"
"A book on the wild hunt."
"I'm not sure it just seemed to interested me."

I started to climb out the car. "When you get back, say hi to Claudia for me I'm going straight to bed."
I walked back to the house and left another fifty under a cup. The first one hadn't even been taken yet but I left another and went straight to bed.

Malia hadn't come home that night. But I supposed she was just in the woods.
"You left me a hundred."
"One hundred and fifty." I placed another fifty on the counter. "Its from the last three days don't worry." He sighed and I walked out of the door and to school.

"Malia, you didn't come back last night."
"Oh, yeah sorry, I was in the woods."
"That's okay." I wrapped my arm around her as Lydia walked in looking confused.
"Hey you okay?" Malia asked.
"I feel like I was supposed to do something."
"What?" Chimed Scott.
"I can't remember... never mind. Y/n, what are you doing tonight?"
"Well I was going to help Mason, Corey and some other sophomores with physics extra credit, why?"
"No reason." She smiled and we all walked to class.

The school day flew by and nothing much happened. So after school as the sun was setting I snuck into the physics lab with the sophomores.
I helped Jake and the others while Mason helped Corey.

"How is this supposed to work?"
"The ferromagnetic magnetic properties are gonna interact with the..." he paused as Corey looked at him. "Don't worry, it works. Just make sure that all the iron oxide is completely absorbed."
"How come you're here if you already know this?"
"Know it? He's practically teaching it." Jake scoffed.
"We're all here for the extra credit. I mean, don't you have like, a 4-point-something?" Corey was in awe at how smart he was.
"I didn't even know it went that high. I'm stuck at a 2.7." Mason lowered his voice and continued to talk while I helped the others.

"You have to stir it all in." I repeated.
"I am doing."
"No you're not." I smiled.

Corey's putty started to magnetise and pull in other metals off the desk.
"Is it supposed to be that strong?" I pointed out. More things slid across the table.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Coach scared us.
"Physics- extra credit?"
"Extra credit? At nine-o'clock at night? Come on, guys. Get the hell out of here! Go have lives." We all walked to the door and he grabbed Corey and Mason by the shoulders and I walked in front.

"Your teenage years are not the time for academic achievement!"
"Yes, they are." Mason corrected.
"That's a lie sold to you by the government!" I chuckled at this. "Go find some girls and you Y/n a guy, get into trouble. Live a little, damn!"
"Coach we're gay.." I pointed out.
"Even better-- go gays! Now, get out of my face! I don't get paid to lock up after you losers."
"Err- yes you do."
"Get out of here! Go wreak some havoc like the other kids." He pushed us out the door and we stared as he walked back away.

"Uh- I think I forgot my phone." Mason rushed back inside leaving me with Corey. The lights went out as Mason was went out of sight and a cold wind blew out of nowhere.
"That's creepy. Text him." I walked inside calling out to Mason. Corey followed.

The double doors at the end of the corridor blew open and dead leaves flew everywhere. Corey grabbed me and pulled me against the wall. A man was walking down the corridor. He looked quite like a highway man. I reached for the gun lodged in the back of my jeans but Corey grabs my hand and stops me.

The person looked directly at us but didn't seem to care. Corey pulled out his phone and texted Mason. I pulled Corey with me to follow them. They went to the library and had Jake hung by ropes in the middle.

Mason walked in not long after and Corey turned him invisible too. Jake was hung so high he disappeared and the men walked away. I let go of Corey's hand but there was no evidence that they had been here.

I walked up to the balcony as Liam and Scott rushed in. I traced my hand across the rail and looked around but everything looked normal.
"You brought him into this?" Liam sounded aggressive so I rushed down.
"He was trying to protect me." Mason was protecting Corey.
"Uh, they didn't seem to care about us. They-they walked right by us." Corey stuttered.
"Then what happened?"

I tried to think back but they just stood there.
"They jumped down and left, I guess." I butted in.
"Thats it?" Liam was confused.
"They didn't take someone? There was nobody else in here?"
"No. It was just us..." Corey finished.

I started to walk out but everyone stopped me. "Woah, where are you going?" Scott walked in front.
"Home, that thing creeped me out."
"No, no, no don't go home. Err- come to my house." I knew he was trying to keep me away from some birthday surprise so I agreed.

"I'll sleep on the chair."
"No, sleep on the bed."
"It's your bed Scott. I'm not gonna deny you the comfort of your bed just because people want me out of the way." He smiled and sat on the bed.

I looked at his bulletin board. It was full of pictures and papers. He got up but ended up standing on a pin. I laughed at his pain and walked past him. The pictures were all of him and us but some seemed to have a blank space in them. I picked up the picture led face down on the floor. It was the one Sydney took of all of us yesterday. Malia and I were sat on the table, while Lydia and Scott were on the bench. There was a blank space on the bench that was human sized.

"Why do all of your photos look like someone is missing?"
"I'm not sure." I fell asleep on the chair and in the morning, walked to school with Scott.

I only had three classes today so I sat outside for the rest of the day, reading my book on the wild hunt.
"They ride horses while wearing cowboy hats and old withered clothing typical of the 1800s, while also arming themselves with pistols and whips. A Ghost Rider's face appears to be pale and heavily lined, as if scarred, and their mouths are kept shut due to numerous strips of skin stitching it together. There is also blackness where their eyes should be."
That is exactly what we saw last night. I ran inside.

Scott was at a locker trying to break into it. "Scott." He stopped what he was doing. "Stop trying to break into some random locker and read this." I handed him the book and he read the paragraph.
"What about it?"
"That is exactly what I saw last night."
"Wait... really?"
"I gotta get to class, but we'll talk about this tonight okay." I smiled as he walked away and I headed to french.

"Dans quelle université allez-vous étudier? Y/n?"
"Je vais étudier à Stanford." She seemed impressed with my french and continued to pick on others.

After school I met up with Scott, Malia and Lydia. Scott put a blindfold over my eyes and sat me in Malia's car. "Why am I being blindfolded?"
"Because you can't see the birthday surprise." Malia laughed at my confused face.

Lydia grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the car, I laughed as I stumbled forward. "Not much further," Scott urged. "Okay, ready?" Someone untied the blindfold and sat in front of Stilinski's house was a sleek, black car.
"You didn't."
"We all pitched in." Claudia spoke up.
"You didn't think I was actually going to accept fifty pounds a day did you?" Noah added. I squealed and ran around hugging everyone.
"Happy birthday."

"Take it for a spin." Claudia suggested, throwing me the keys. Lydia, Scott and Malia climbed in the car and I was close to tears of joy.
I turned to hug them and laughed through the tears. "Anyone else feel like something is missing?" It went quiet. "So- where are we going?"
"Animal clinic?" Scott suggested and I turned the key in the car.

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