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He threw me against the pillar and it cracked upon impact. I growled and let out my claws. I flew at his chest but he pushed me back to the ground. I slid along the dusty floor and growled louder as I felt my fangs begin to push through.

I roared as my clothes ripped and I fully transformed into my weresmilodon form. I knocked Solis to the ground and pinned him with my paws. He roared back at me and tried to push me off.

Another wolf kicked me off Solis and I fell, only to expect Alpha claws in my side as I tried to get back up. I turned back into human.

Derek stepped in from the entrance and handed my a spare change of clothes. "I told you she doesn't like you."
"Nice of you to contribute." I snarled, sarcastically.

I changed into the clothes, much to the dislike of the other wolves. "I just want some information." I smiled.
"What do you know about the Louve's?" Derek intervened.

I reached for the gun in the pile of torn clothes and tucked it back into my jeans. "I know they were last seen in Los Angeles. And that they are talking to any and everyone who can help find Y/n." Cora replied. "Now get them out of our home."

I followed Theo and Malia out, Derek close behind. "We totally had that handled." I lied.
"Really? Have you healed?"
"Your not healed?" Malia was concerned.

I kept walking to the truck and was surprised to see that Scott and the rest of the pack were stood close by. I ran up and hugged each and everyone of them, wincing slightly each time.

"Why are you here?" Theo asked, before kissing Liam boldly.
Scott turned to me. "Your hurt."
"No.... I'm injured."
"That's the same thing dumbass, lift your shirt." Stiles insisted. Reluctantly, I lifted my shirt and everyone saw the deep scratch on my side.

"You'll heal eventually it'll be fine." Malia applied a bandage and I pulled Scott aside to talk to him.

"Are you okay?"
"Do you hate me?"
"No. It just- it just hurt me." He opened his mouth to speak but I quickly interjected. "I mean you were the first one who knew I liked her, then I went through so much I just-" my eyes began to water and he pulled me in for a hug.

"I would have never done it if I had known. Your one of my best and oldest friends. I don't want to see you hurt." I pulled him closer and chuckled through the tears.
"I might've wet your shirt a little there."
"How's the scratch?"
"Still healing." I said as we walked back to the others.

Everyone was looking at the entrance to the building and when I did I saw Cora and a couple other wolves coming our way.
"Hey Cora." I sighed again.
"Scott..." she yelled as she stormed towards us.

Everyone's attention soon turned away from the three wolves and back to the building. Thuds and crashes erupted in clouded of grey smoke as the building collapsed in on itself. I grabbed Cora and pulled her back. "Stop fighting!"
"Cora, they're gone." Derek stepped forward and she ran into his arms.

"I didn't do anything." Malia defended herself as Scott and I looked back at the others.
"It wasn't any of us." Scott added.
"Was it hunters?" Liam asked.
"If it was we have to leave." I felt a sweat break through my skin as I heated up.

I climbed into the jeep with Stiles, Scott and Lydia while Malia, Liam and Theo went in his truck. "Y/n are you healed?" Scott asked.
I knew I wasn't but I nodded anyway.
"Are we going back to Los Angeles?"
"Yep." Stiles said, cheerily.

I led against the door of the car, resisting the sweat as we drove. "Y/n?"
"Lydia I'm fine." Scott turned to face me, clearly sensing a lie.
"Lift up your shirt." I reluctantly lifted it and revealed the padding soaked in black blood.
"You have to trigger your healing."
"I don't know how." He gripped my arm tightly and my pain went away and dark black veins.

I felt relief as my side healed slowly. "Why did it go black so fast?" I asked.
"Not sure."
"Well your fine now." Stiles added.
"I don't think Cora is though. Did we lead them there?"
"No." Lydia lied.
"I'm telling the truth." She protested. "They were on them anyway, they always were."

The rest of the drive was long, boring, and silent but we arrived at the motel before the others. It was raining and I was bored so I started dancing with the others despite them being unwilling.

"Dance with me!" I insisted, grabbing Stiles' hands and swinging him side to side. "We aren't dancing to anything."
"Who cares?" I stopped dancing when I saw the two angry people staring at the four of us.

"Hey, honey." The woman replied.
"Mommy and daddy are home." They growled and stepped towards me causing me to step back, slightly scared.

They roared and lunged at me, claws extended and ready to slash.

Sorry, if you're actually reading this... but I got a little bored. If you want me to continue it I can, just respond to this. Anyways, if you are reading this, I love you, you are great. <3 :)

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