They're dead

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Several months had past since I started working for the argents. Isaac had gone back to Paris after I aborted the child over the Christmas period and that was when I became a fully fledged worker for Chris.

I wasn't payed much but it helped with all my bills. I had left Noah fifty dollars everyday since I started getting payed. I never stayed in the same room as him while he collected the money incase he tried to return it.

We didn't do much work for Argents Arms and we mainly stayed undercover and helped Scott's pack. I became less defenceless and more helpful. Not that there was anything to help with because most of senior year had been quiet.

I climbed in Malia's car and drove to the impound lot, picking up Lydia on the way.

"This is a perfect shade for me. I forgot the name." Lydia spoke up distracted from her task.
"Mhm, I agree it looks great on you. Really brings out your eyes." I added, smiling at Stiles' annoyed face.
"Can we please stay on topic?"

Lydia concentrated but clearly wasn't getting anything. We suddenly heard a coyote howl in the distance and Lydia and I wasted no time to go greet Malia.

Lydia threw her some clothes and I stood in front of her, waiting till she was dressed to kiss her. "I will never get used to you doing that." She laughed, kissing me again.

"I don't think their dead." Malia looked skeptical.
"They're dead. Probably torn apart. The only thing I don't get is why there's no blood."
"They're not dead. If they were dead, I'd sense it." Lydia argued.
"If they were alive, I'd smell it."

Stiles stumbled out of the car, still clumsy.
"Yeah, I'm not getting anything either."
"Scott, what are you talkin' about? You were in his head for four minutes! I timed it."
"Well, it's not an exact science... And he's a kid. Maybe he's too freaked out to remember?"

"Why does it matter if they're dead?" Malia asked.
"Dead is dead, okay? If it's just a robbery, we can't help them. And, if it's something supernatural, my dad can't help them."
"It sounds like you want it to be supernatural..." I spoke up.

Stiles looked slightly embarrassed. "Its been like three months since anything has happened."
"Yeah, and once a week, you drag me out of bed like I'm some sort of supernatural metal detector!" Lydia replied.
"Okay, it is way more often than that." I chuckled.

I left with Malia and Lydia after we knew there was nothing more to it. "Hey, Y/n?" Lydia asked.
"Isn't- isn't your birthday on Wednesday?" I nodded as Malia halted the car, shooting me forward.
"What?! How did I not know?" I groaned, recovering from the halt.
"Well I was in a deep coma for my last one and you weren't entirely a part of the pack before that."
She turned to me shocked.
"You don't have to get me anything don't worry." I reassured her.

We dropped Lydia off and went back to Stilinski's house. "You know when my birthday is how come I don't know yours?"
"Malia, let it go and come back to bed." She climbed back into bed with me. I could tell she was still a little mad so I turned to face her.
"What are you worrying about? Lydia almost always has a surprise planned." She smiled and kissed my forehead before we both fell asleep.

"Does my hair look okay?"
"Your hair is perfect as always." I replied.
"What about my clothes?"
"Malia you look as gorgeous as always." I flirted.
"As do you." She flirted back, kissing me.
"Come on if we get there early our picture could be over and done with by second period."

We picked up out bags and I left fifty under a cup for Noah. School had already started and we were still queuing for photos. Lydia and Scott had been in front of us and had already sat down.

When it was my turn I sat on the stool and smiled a cheesy smile. Then it was Malia's turn. Every time the photo was about to be taken Stiles rushed into the shot so I stood up from the table and grabbed him by the shoulders pulling him back. Malia left the stool and joined me on the table.

"You ruined it."
"Why would I want to ruin your yearbook photo?"
"Maybe because you haven't signed up for your own yet." She pointed out.
"Yes I did." He pulled out a scrunched up, empty form and was confused by its emptiness.

"Or maybe you're sublimating the stress of graduating by avoiding key milestones?" We all looked at Scott confused. "Psych paper."
We noticed Stiles' exaggerated hand movements and turned our attention to him.

"Hey, the deputies searched the car. No slugs, no exit hole. And, the address Alex gave my dad? It's an abandoned house." We had no idea where this was going. "Come on! Missing parents? Suspicious guy on horseback? Magic bullet? Who's coming with???"
"I have to retake my photos." Malia responded.
"Yeah... not interested." Lydia turned her attention away.
"I cannot miss any more classes." Scott added.

"I missed thirty-eight last semester."
"And Lydia's mom is the only reason I'm still in school."
"I can go after school."

"You know what? Forget it. I'll take Liam." I turned to where Liam was sat and saw him kissing Hayden passionately. "Yeah, I'm not taking Liam."

"I'll come whenever."
"Really? No excuse."
"Well.. I could not, I just- don't feel like doing any homework."

"Can I get a candid?" Sydney asked. Stiles tried to decline but we sat him down on the bench and the picture was taken.

Scott and Stiles went to see Mrs. Finch and I met them outside the classroom. "Thirty-nine?" I suggested. They nodded and we walked to the door. Halfway out the door we were shoved back inside by Natalie.

"Neither one of you are going anywhere. Thirty-eight classes, Scott. I had to beg the superintendent!"
"Mrs. Martin, Scott is the sworn protector of Beacon Hills!"
"He can protect it at 3:30." She insisted.
"We are not waiting till 3:30." I added as we headed back to history.

We watched a documentary about one of the wars but it was so boring. The bell eventually rings and we rush out of the classroom.

We pulled up at the old abandoned house. The garden was full of swings and kids toys but the rest of the place looks abandoned. "Thats not creepy at all."

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