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Tw. Sexual assault.

I walked to the school and stood outside staring until Theo's car pulled up behind me. "Can I talk to you?"
"Get in." I reluctantly climbed in the car interested to what he has to say.

The school sign was no longer at its station but in the school. I went for the door but it was locked. "Unlock the door please."
"Just let me talk."
"I'm sorry about Malia. And Scott. And Stiles."
"You tore us apart."

He reached across the seat. I turned away but his hand caught my thigh. "Sorry." He replied backing away. I fumbled for the unlock button, finally pressing it. I opened the door and fell out backwards, hitting my head.

I looked away, rubbing my head but when I looked back his car wasn't there and neither was he so I walked into the school.

"Lydia?" I walked to the library wondering if she was there.

I saw Scott trapped and Theo finishing the line of mountain ash. He smirked at me while he was talking to Scott. Scott couldn't hear me whisper as he climbed to the roof. I noticed Liam followed him and he looked furious.

I stood there all I could hear was fighting. Scott jumped down and Liam followed.
"He's using you, Liam! He wants you to be the Alpha because he can't take the power from me-only you can. But, once you do, he'll take it from you. That's why he wants you to kill me."
"I want to kill you."

Liam was now clawing at Scotts chest. "Liam!" He ignored my screams and Mason soon came along. We both stepped past the barrier.

"Hayden... She's gone. Hayden died a few minutes ago. She's gone." Liam backed off and went running through the school. "Scott what happened?"
"The super-moon it was just..."
"Bad timing." Theo finished. I backed away from Scott. "I mean, seriously? You couldn't have waited five minutes?" He was talking to me and Mason now.

He threw Mason against a table knocking him out. I raised my fists as he walked toward me. I punched his face which amused him. He pushed me further against the table, towering over me and scaring me. The tears had reached the surface and Scott was ready to fight.

He pulled away from me and I fell to the table. When I sat up, his claws were in Scott's stomach and going deeper. Theo walked away. I fell to the ground and crawled towards Scott, who's red eyes were fading.

"No. Stay with me Scott." Mason regained consciousness and helped me apply pressure to his wounds. "Scott! Fuck, check his pulse." He reached for his neck and shook his head.

I started doing compressions on him until Melissa rushed in and took over.
"What are you doing?"
"Bringing him back."
"But, his... his heart... He... He hasn't had a pulse in over fifteen minutes. You can't bring back someone that's-," There was little to no hope.

"He's not someone-- he's my son, and he's an Alpha, and he's too strong to die like this!"
"Come on! Open your eyes and look at me, okay? Come on! Breathe, baby, breathe!"
"Melissa, it's-," I butted in.
"Shut up! He's too strong to die like this. Come on. You can do this. You're an Alpha. You're an Alpha. Come on, Scott... Roar. Come on! Come on, Scott! ROAR!"

Scotts eyes opened, glowing bright and red and he roared. "Oh thank bloody god." I wiped his blood on my shirt.

I left knowing he was safe and went to Stilinski's house. I went into the guest room and shut the door. "Y/n? Are you okay?" I stayed silent. "Y/n, let me in." I opened the door and sat back on the bed.

"I have some news." I turned my head slightly towards her still staring at the bloodied up shorts on the floor. "The Desert Wolf is alive. And may or may not want me dead?" I was completely worried but I kept staring.

"Hey are you going to talk?" I stared.
"He died, in front of me."
"I can leave if you want." She stood up and left the room as I nodded.

I didn't lie down, I didn't text, I didn't talk I just stared. I pulled myself together and looked away from the bloodied shorts, putting on some leggings and leaving the house. I decided to walk to the hospital because my head had been bleeding from my fall out of the imaginary car.

Melissa stitched it up and didn't question it. But Melissa wasn't in her scrubs.
"Why are you here if you aren't working?"
"I don't think I should tell you."

I walked out of the hospital, intending to go back home but I saw Josh walk, sneakily around the back of the hospital and wanted to know what he could possibly be doing there.

I followed his path but he turned a corner. When I turned the corner he was gone, I looked around until out of nowhere someone pushed me against the wall face first. I pushed away, only to be spun to face him.
"You know, I had this huge crush on you since like sixth grade. Now your here, weak. And I'm in control."

I shut my eyes and faced away from him. "Theo is not the bad guy, Y/n. And you and your little pack aren't the good guys either." He guided his hand down from my chin to my boob.
"Stop. Jo-Josh, Stop!" He groped my boob. I fought against him, pushing and punching.

He grabbed my wrists and slammed them brutally into the wall above my head, they were too hurt to move so he dropped them. I wanted to scream but his mouth caught mine. His hand slid around my neck, scratching me.

He broke away and slammed his hand against my mouth pushing me further into the wall. His other hand grazed my stomach and skid under my leggings.

His cold fingers stroked my clit. I tried to move my body, escape or something but I was stuck. Tears fell over his hand as two fingers slipped inside me. I continued to squirm. I could feel a bruise forming on my cheeks. He kneed me in the stomach to stop the squirming, curling my body over in reflex.

He pushed me back against the wall and unbuckled his belt, pulling out his cock. He slid me down the wall, level with his hips. As his hand moved from my mouth, stroking my lip. I tried to scream but he thrust his hips forward and back, over and over again, forcing my mouth open with his hand and releasing.

He pulled me back up and I tried to spit it out but he kissed me, roughly, forcing me to swallow. His hand slid back over my mouth and his other hand was back inside my leggings. His cold breath whispered into my ear. "Your mine now." I squirmed more as more fingers slid in and out of me. He kneed me again.

He pushed me back against the wall again. Hard enough this time to knock me out. I fell against his arm, and out of consciousness.

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