Move over

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"Melissa has been following us for like a mile can we scare her?" He smiled and we hid behind some trees.

We leap from behind the trees as she comes close and aim our guns.
"You might wanna think twice before you sneak up on a man and a woman holding loaded M24's."
"I wasn't sneaking up on you. I was catching up with you." She gasped for breath.
"We know, we heard you a mile back." I chimed.
"I found a low branch with my face. How can you see anything around here?"
"Practice. What are you doing, Melissa?"
"I thought maybe you could need some back-up. Which way?" I could tell Argent cared about her.

"You can leave me out here alone with a stun gun and a box of band-aids or we can just keep going. It's up to you." She held up the stun gun and sparked it. He nodded and we kept walking.
"You're probably wondering why I'm here when I could be nestled in home reading a book. That's because I'm sick of seeing people that I care about wheeled past the nurse's station on a hammock. All of you are here risking your lives... and is about time for me to do something too."
"Melissa.." I whispered. Before I could finish Chris chimed in.
"For people with a lot of experience, tracking supernatural creatures, it's best to be quiet."
"Shush." I stopped them and they shushed.
"What is it?" She repeated herself again lowering her voice. "What is it?"

I raised my gun and led them forward. On the ground was a bicycle and a cyclist nearby.
"He's dead."
"Really? Never noticed." She guided the lantern around the bloody scene, shining it on a body lodged in a tree. "Oh, my.."
The boy opened their eyes, shocking us all.
"It's okay. You're gonna be okay."

The boy choked up blood before collapsing from the tree. There was a hole in the back of their head and they were now dead.
"How long can someone survive like that?"
"One or two minutes." It went quiet as a noise emerged from the bushes.
"It's still here." I raised my gun but caught a glimpse of the figure in the distance. "Were-coyote."
"Malia?" I nodded "You're not gonna hurt her, are you?"
"No. I'm gonna wing her."

He pulls the trigger and clips her leg. I rush over but she was growling and her fangs and eyes were on show.
"Help me get her to my car." I lifted her with Argent and we carried her before speeding to the hospital and sneaking her into the morgue.

"Keep her still."
"The morgue? I'm not dead yet."
"You're a werecoyote. It's private down here and this is going to hurt. Try not to roar." She grabs onto Chris' arm and uses it to relieve the pain.
"Have you got anything for the pain?"
"No. I can take it."
"It's for me."
"What were you doing in the woods at two a.m.?" I asked.

"Coyotes are nocturnal. I heard screams- like 'someone being murdered'-type screams."
"Did you see anything? Catch a scent?" Argent winced through the pain.
"Just blood. And that's all I remembered until someone SHOT ME!" She was still angry.
"You were about to tear us apart."
"It's not her fault. When a coyote smells a fresh kill, its senses are overcome. The blood drives it crazy." Melissa continued to struggle for the bullet.

"Melissa, move over. Malia, sit up."
"What? Why?" I glared at her and she sat up. She let go of Chris' arm and I kissed her, pulling out the bullet from her leg and handing it to Chris.
"There's your bullet back." She smiled.

I walked out with her and drove her home to change. "How did you know the kiss would work, you can't take pain?"
"Behavioural synchrony." She looked at me blankly. "When I kissed you, we synchronised and because I was calm, it made you calm."
"I want to come with you to the tunnels."
"Why? I'm just putting my gun back."
"I just do." I smiled and we walked through the tunnels.

"Do you hear that?" I raised my gun as we turned the corner.
"Liam!" The gun was level with his eyes.
"You could have killed me."
"But I didn't. So you gonna tell me why you brought a bunch of high schoolers to the tunnels."
"They saw the ghost riders." I sighed and led them to the bunker.

"Liam? Where's Gwen?" They both leave to look for the missing student.
"Touch anything and you won't have hands to touch things with."
"Ow! Did you have to cut me?" I had thrown a knife at Nathan's hand, only close enough to clip him.
"You still have your hand right?"
"Damn I missed."

"What is all this for?" Another student asked.
"For your protection." Argent walked in.
Scott, Liam, Mason and Corey followed.
"They're missing three people past Gwen."
"All lacrosse players."
"They were at the party, so they all know what's coming."
"People see what they wanna see."
"Guys we're running out of time." Mason lifted his phone.
"Scott, we have to get them."
"I'll go. The rest of you stay here."
"We couldn't fight off one Ghost Rider. Who knows how many are gonna be tonight. We're going with you."
"You're marked."
"So am I."
"Me too... but at least I can see them coming."
"Alright. But if you see them coming... run."
"I'll stay here."
"You sure you don't wanna come."
"Yeah, he's afraid of me and it's fun." I smiled at Nathan.

"What's she doing here?" He pointed at Malia.
"I asked her to come."
"Look. How much longer do we have to be down here?"
"As long as it takes." He loaded his rifle and Malia agreed to stay.

"How do you know that they can't get in and shoot all of us? I'll never graduate. I'll never do anything. This is it!"
"Give me the stun gun." I held out the stun gun. "Can you think of a better, less-seizure inducing way?" Agent snatched it from me.
"Don't any of you get it?! We are never leaving this place."
"Jayden. It's okay. Before they get in here, they got to go through us."
"What if that's not enough?"
"No one is getting through that door." Malia assured her.
"Guys, where's Nathan?"
"Little rat."
"You guys go I'll stay." I closed the door behind them.

"Any on you try that and I'll gut you." I stuck my knife into the table and waited.

"Malia? Argent?" I opened the door slightly. Walking down the corridor was the man from the library. I slammed the door.
"Throw me the gun." I caught it and shot through the gap in the door.

It kicked the door open and pushed me back against the wall. Gun shots and whip cracks echoed as everyone but me disappeared. They left in a poof of green smoke and I ran out.
"They... took... everyone!" I said, in between breaths.
"Did you see them?"
"Help me get Argent to your car."
"What the hell happened?" I helped him to my car and we drove to the hospital.

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