Your turn

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Scott joined us soon after.
"Is he okay?"
"He has blunt force trauma to his temporal bone, three broken ribs, and multiple surface lacerations, which seem to be from whip marks? What he needs, is a lot of rest."
"What happened?"
"The Ghost Riders took everyone. We barely slowed them down. Tell us you found something."
"I found out Claudia never had children. So, Stiles can't be her son."
"What about a relic?"
"There never was a Stiles, was there? It doesn't even sound like a real name." Scott sounded sad.
"We have to keep looking. Check the school records again, or call Scott's dad..." Lydia was desperate now.
"We're fighting the wrong battle."
"We're trying to bring Stiles back."
"The Ghost Riders came back. We still have no way of stopping them. And whatever they are, they're real. We can't keep chasing someone who isn't." I added.
"He didn't leave anything behind... Just us."
"Lydia, maybe they are right."

We all left the hospital and went back home.
I locked the door behind Malia.
"Why did you lock the door?" She knew.
"Maybe so I could do this..." I climbed on top of her and kissed her neck, lifting up her shirt and kissing down her stomach.
"May I?"
"You may." I unbuttoned her jeans, continuing to kiss down her thighs as I pulled them off.

I kissed my way back up and she let out a small moan. I kissed her through her underwear and slipped it to the side as I brought my mouth to hers to stop the moaning. My fingers slid in and out of her speeding up as she moaned louder into my mouth. "I'm going to.." I shushed her and kept going until she came all over my hand.

She pushed me down and ripped off my jeans. She started to lick my clit, dragging her tongue back and forth and sucking. I wrapped my legs around her head and pulled her closer as my legs began to shake. "Your turn." I moaned as I came close. She slipped two fingers in, continuing to eat me. I came on her face and she kept going.

She pulled away and led on the bed next to me. I stroked her stomach and my hand found it's way to her clit, as did hers. I kissed her as my legs shook for a second time. We moaned into each other's mouths and came together on the sheets.

"Do you think they heard us?" I whispered.
"Oh, definitely." I laughed and wrapped my arm around her.

We fell asleep in each other's arms and awoke early in the morning to shower.
"Coffee?" She shook her head and I poured my own.

I took a napkin off the table and wrote a note for Noah and Claudia. Sorry about the noise last night, here's seventy.

I left with Malia as their door opened and we drove to school.
"School looks emptier." The car park had fewer cars than ever.
"Come on we have math first."

We walked in late and took our seats. "Today, we are recapping algebra." I groaned and slumped back in my seat. "Something wrong, Y/n?"
"No. No, I love algebra." I quickly sat up as the class sniggered.

The class lasted forever and I had a free period next so I went outside to read. Lydia was stood staring at a blue jeep.
"Hey?" Scott and Malia came running out.
"It's coming from inside."
"What is?"
"Did somebody just lock the keys inside?"
"Break it." Scott reached for the handle and broke it open.
"Why'd it stop?" We climbed in the car and stared at the police radio which was apparently making a noise.
"It doesn't matter- there has to be a reason."

Scott looked confused. "What?"
"You caught a scent?" I asked.
"Yeah, ours. Mine, yours... all four of us."
"Mine? I've never been in this Jeep before." Malia was skeptical.
"Neither have I." I chimed.
"Yes, we have. We just don't remember it."
"I thought we were done with that?"
"Uh, yeah, Lydia, Parrish checked the VIN number. There's no record of an owner."
"The Jeep didn't just drive itself here."
"Whose side are you on?" Malia was offended.
"I'm on everyone's side."

I climbed out of the car and walked to the front.
"What are you doing?" Malia shouted after me.
"I'm checking something." I grunted as I lifted the hood. It was covered in shiny, silver duck tape. "That is just scrap metal." I slammed it shut and climbed back in the car.

"You going to my house?" Lydia nodded and climbed out of the car. In the glove box was a pair of my sunglasses. "I was looking for these." I put them on and smiled.
"What are they doing in a scrap jeep?"
"Probably the same reason our scent is." We left the car and went back to what we were doing.

The rest of the day flew by and was unusually calm.

"You didn't have to leave us more money, Y/n."
Claudia was sipping a tea in the sofa.
"It made up for the noise." I joked.
"Nothing wrong with a bit of young love." She stood up and walked towards me. "Have the twenty back."
"Oh, no.. that's yours now. Also Lydia wanted to talk to you both about some old jeep. I'll be in my room." I smiled and left them to talk.

I sat in my room, oblivious to what was happening and playing a game. "Y/n?"
I turned my head to the door where Lydia was stood. "Can you drive me back to the school?"
"Yeah." I grabbed my keys and walked out with her.

"You broke his truck?" I sighed.
"No.." she lied but smiled.

A loud roar could be heard from the distance.
"What the hell?"
"Did you hear that?"
"I think all of Beacon Hills heard that."
"Who is it?"
"I'm not sure, but I think I recognize it."
"Go!" I insisted. They ran off, trying to follow the series of roars.

"You know I could try and Hotwire it."
"Well... I don't know what I'm doing but it could work."
"Let's not break it."
"It's already a hunk of metal."


Scott and Malia came running back alone.
"Who was it?" I asked at Scott handed Lydia some keys.
"Who- oh Peter. How did I forget Peter?"

Lydia tried the key a couple times but none worked.
"Don't flood it." Scott insisted.
"Do you even know what that means?"
"No." She tried again, calmer this time and it worked.

"Hello?" A voice broke through the radio.
"Stiles are you there?"
"Scott? Lydia? Is that you?"
"Oh, my God, Stiles! We can hear you!"
"Oh, my God. You know me? You remember me?"
"Stiles, is thi-is this you? Is this actually you?" Lydia was relieved.
"Yeah. Listen to me... Do you remember the last thing I said to you?"
"You said... You said, "Remember I love you.""

"Stiles.. where are you?" I asked.
"We're comin' to get you." Scott insisted.
"No, no, no. You can't. You won't be able to find me."
"Stiles, what-what are you talking about? Just tell us where you are, and we'll-we'll come and..."
"Look, just remember this-- Canaan. Okay? You have to find Canaan. Just find Canaan."
"Stiles? Stiles!" He was gone.

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