Beacon hills preserve

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"I keep having this feeling like there's pieces missing. Holes in my memory. Like this..." Scott pulled out a piece of glass from his pocket. "I took that from a windshield at the Sheriff's impound lot, but I can't remember why I was there."
"Sleepwalking?" I suggested.

"The subconscious can be a conduit for our memories. Dreams and waking dreams can be powerful tools to help us remember." Deaton chimed in.
"Could it all be connected? The Ghost Riders, the Wild Hunt, the holes?" I asked.
"The Wild Hunt are drawn to war and mayhem-- I've never heard of t doing anything to anyone's memory." He paused to think for a moment. "It's almost like you have a form of phantom limb syndrome."

"Isn't that where amputees feel an itch or a pain on a part of them they couldn't possible feel because it's gone? It's so important the brain acts like it's still there." I replied.
"So, my subconscious is trying to tell me what's missing?" Scott seemed to understand.
"It may be."
How the hell do I figure out what it's saying?"
"Well, the easiest way to do that would be to simply go to sleep..." Deaton answered.

I drove everyone home, Malia and Lydia had waited in the car while Scott and I talked to Deaton.

"Y/n, I'm gonna go to my dads place tonight. Are you okay?" I nodded as she climbed out of my car and into her own.

On the table inside was a chocolate cupcake and a card.
Happy birthday, from the Stilinski's.
I chuckled and took the cake into my room before brushing my teeth and going to bed.

I couldn't sleep though. Scott was right. Something was missing. I played with my new car keys adding all my other sets of keys. "Stilinski's house, Scotts house, school, hospital records... what am I missing?" I looked around my bed for a missing set of keys but I couldn't see any. "Guess that's all of them." I shrugged my shoulder and attached a photo keyring.

It had everyone on and was the candid that Sydney took. Then I put my keys on my bedside table and led staring at the ceiling fan.

The phone rang.  It was Scott. "Come meet me at Beacon hills preserve." He ended the call and I snuck out of the house, driving away.

When I got there Lydia and Malia were already there and Scott gave us all flashlights.
"Hey. I went to bed at home, and I woke up out in the woods, about a mile out. I think there's a reason why this has happened..." he led us further in to the woods. "I've been out here before. It was the beginning of sophomore year, the night before tryouts for first line."

I thought back, trying to remember. "I was there."
"What were you doing?" Malia asked.
"We were looking for a dead body."
"That's morbid." Lydia replied, shaking slightly.
"So... what were we doing out here all alone? Neither of us would willingly look for a dead body." Scott led the way, though we had no idea where.

"I wish I could help you, but I didn't know you then." Lydia stated.
"I was still a coyote, so I might have tried to eat it..." Malia suggested.
"Deaton said that my subconscious is trying to tell me something... But I need you guys to help me figure out what it's saying."

We all thought. "Maybe you were just curious teenagers. You heard there was a body..."
"But how? I never watched the news, and I didn't have a police scanner."
"Your mom works at the hospital. Maybe she got called in and you overheard her?"
"My mom wasn't home that night."
"We live five miles away from here. How did We get here?"
"You drove?"
"We didn't have cars." I spoke up.

"You ran?"
"We were hiding but they knew we were there."
"Maybe you made a ton of noise with the asthmatic breathing." I laughed.
"How would they know it was us?" He paused to think.  "Why would the sheriff even think we'd be out here?"
"He was close with my dad?" I added.

"Maybe because like all deaths in this town it was related to the supernatural."
"But I wasn't supernatural."
"It was the night you were bit.." I was remembering.
"I don't think we were out here alone." He hesitated, "I know it sounds crazy, but I think we had a best friend and I think he was out here with us that night."
"It doesn't sound crazy." Malia reassured him. "I know that someone chained me up, and I think they wanted me to stay human."

"I came to school this morning, and I was sure I was supposed to meet someone... But I couldn't remember who it was supposed to be. I have been looking for them all day. Whoever it is... I think I loved them." Lydia added to the conversation.

"I'm staying at Stilinski's house but I'm not sure why. I know he was close to my dad and all but I would have gone to Scotts house after I was evicted."

"What if we are all missing the same person?"
"How does a person just disappear from our minds like that?" It didn't make sense.
"I think he was in this picture." He pulled out my keyring from my pocket and showed us the picture.
"And he was sitting right there." She pointed at the blank space on the bench.

We walked out of the preserve and back to our cars. "I'll meet you at the clinic, I want McDonald's." I smiled and Malia jumped in the car with me.
We drove to the drive through and pulled up at the speaker. "What do you want?" I asked Malia.
"Quarter-pounder with cheese meal. Please. And a coke." I smiled and kissed her as the man spoke up.

"Hi, welcome to McDonald's what can I get for you?" He sounded super tired.
"Can I have a Quarter-pounder with cheese meal with coke, a ten piece chicken nugget meal with sprite, and a cheeseburger and fries? Thank you."
"Okay, just to your next window."
"Why did you order a cheeseburger and fries?"
"I- don't know, I'll give it to Scott."

I scanned my cars and drove to collect my food. "Thank you!" I passed it to Malia and we drove to the clinic.

"What did we miss?" My mouth was full of fries.
"Lydia is gonna try and remember them." I nodded.
"Cheeseburger and fries?" He took the burger and started eating it but denied the chips.

"Now she just magically writes down all the answers?"
"It's not quite that simple." Deaton spoke up, pinching a chip from the extra.
"It never is."
"Psst- Lydia. Do you want some fries?" I whispered.
"Yeah." She whispered back, taking them from me.
"In automatic writing, the hand moves outside of any conscious awareness. Now, hopefully, the silence, the darkness, and the light will allow you to find a more comfortable trance-like state. Lydia, I want you to stare into the light, and let go of all thought..."
"Can I finish my fries?" He shook his head and she put them down.

She relaxed herself and we walked away to keep quiet.
"I have to warn you... We may not be able to access these memories."
"Why not?" Scott asked.
"The legend has always been that the Wild Hunt takes people. But, if what you're telling me is right, the truth is much worse. They erase people from reality." I slurped my drink.

Lydia had started pacing and frantically writing, Scott rushed forward but Deaton stopped him.
"Lydia, Lydia? Slow down." She kept writing so he turned of the light and she dropped the pen, sitting down. She was still trance like but Malia and I were more interested in the paper.

It was covered in hundred of scribbled of the word mischief. "What does "mischief" mean?" Scott and Deaton stepped around to look at the paper.
"Thats not what she wrote." I unfocused my vision revealing a bigger word formed by all the little ones.

Lydia gasps and sits up from the trance.
I asked the question everyone was thinking. "What the hell, is a Stiles?"

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