They're everywhere

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"Cause if the Ghost Riders are here, that means they're not trying to get to Scott."
"So you don't care if they get to you?"
"They're gonna get to all of us eventually."
"You. You're going first. That's the only reason I'm with you-- because while they're busy wrapping a whip around your neck, or shooting a hole in your head, I'll be running the other direction. I'm on your side as long as it helps me."
"Theo." I snarled.

We ran inside. "Theo?"
"It's fine I just thought I was somewhere else for a second."
"Where?" Liam was caring.
"In a bad dream."
"Said you know where to go?" I pressured.

He ran and we followed him up to the morgue.
"This is your brilliant plan? Barricade us in the morgue." I asked as they pushed things against the door.
"Ghost riders go for the living. We hide with the dead." Liam opened a metal freezer, revealing the dead body inside.
"I'm not getting in one of those." Theo was disgusted.
"Me neither." He slammed it shut.

"You should have left me in the holding cell."
"I should've left you in the ground."
"Oh, really?" He sounded aggressive.
"Yes. Really."
"What do you think I was doing down there? Just hanging out with my dead sister? Having a good time catching up on childhood memories?"
"I think you were rotting down there."
"Liam finally gets one thing right." He moaned sarcastically.
"I also think whatever happened to you, you deserved it."
"Is that right?"
"When the Ghost Riders find us, I'm not gonna do anything for you. I'm not gonna help you. I'm not gonna save you. I'm gonna do exactly what you would do to me- I'm gonna use you as bait." Liam yelled.

"You still hear the ambulance? The siren, can you still hear it?" He quietened himself.
"They're here."

We waited in silence as they checked the rooms. Theo and Liam angled a table at the door before ramming it into the rider.
"Hide with the dead?" Theo asked exasperatedly.
"It was worth a try."
"Give me his gun." I ordered.
"Supernatural beings, supernatural weapon." Theo threw me the gun as more appeared.

"They're everywhere."
"Good." Liam gasped, bringing out his claws.
"Really? You really need me to remind you that getting captured by the Ghost Riders isn't gonna help you save your friends?"
"We're both getting caught. You can do it while you're running. I'm going down fighting."

I raised my gun as the boys roared. I shot at the oncoming riders as they fought. The hunt disappeared in clouds of green smoke.

A ghost rider came from behind and threw me on the table from the morgue. Liam jumped at him, knocking my gun towards them. I ran for it but Theo grabbed me and shut me in a room; I was trapped.
"Theo!" I screamed. "Liam!" I banged on the door. I heard the elevator ping.

I could only see Theo in the corridor. The elevator pinged once more and Theo pulled open the door. "Go!" He yelled.
"What are you doing?"
"Being the bait. Go!" I ran for the elevator and pressed rapidly on the button for the ground floor.

"Liam!" I yelled after him as he climbed into the stolen car. "Liam, wait!" I climbed in the car, gasping for breath. "Why was there a train track?"
"I don't know but we have to get to Scott." He insisted, taking the wheel.
"Do you even know how to drive?" I noticed his confused face. "Turn the key, release the hand break and go." I shouted.

He followed my steps and jolted forward. I sighed. "Swap." We climbed over each other and I started the car.

We pulled up at the bunkers entrance and climbed down.
"Liam! Y/n!" Scott saw us and was glad.
"There's something you need to see."
"You're still here..." I hugged Malia and Lydia.
"But everyone else is gone. All of them- they're all gone. Look, you have to come with me."
"What is it?"
"I can't explain it. I have to show you." Liam stammered.
"Uh... All right. You guys stay here. Just in case."
"In case Stiles comes back?" Malia asked.
"If there's any hope, you need to keep trying."

I stayed with Malia and Lydia as Scott and Liam ran off
"What are you doing?" Lydia asked as Malia set off walking.
"We're gonna go find Stiles."
"Scott told us to stay in case he shows up here."
"Stiles isn't coming here. If he was, he would've, and he hasn't, so he's not. You still think it worked, right?"
"I know I saw him."
"And you're never wrong about these things."
"I wouldn't say 'never'..."
"But right now?" I asked.
"Right now, I'm not wrong. Stiles is out there. I can feel it."
"Then what are we doing standing here?" We began to follow her through the tunnels.

We climbed to the school car park. It was now completely empty. The blue jeep was gone and all that was there was a large train track and a sign with names on.
"This looks fresh." I pointed at the tire tracks.
"It's from Stiles' Jeep. It must have just left."
"Without his keys?" I questioned.
"Well, half the time, he got it started with a screwdriver."
"Then he's here. We have to tell Scott."
"We should probably tell Scott about that, too." Malia pointed at the hard to miss railroad.

We walked to the library, following the tracks.
"Why is there a train station in the middle of the library?" Malia asked.
"There's also a train station in the Wild Hunt."
"Any chance they're connected?"
"I would say "high." Like, one-hundred-percent."
"If there's a train station, then there's probably a train."
"And if there's a train... It's going to the Wild Hunt." I finished.
"They're all gonna be taken."
"They can't get on that train."
Malia hesitated. "Okay, listen up, everybody! We've all got to get out of here. We gotta go right now. It's bad! We have to go!"
"Hello?" Lydia shouted and I did the same.
"Uh, hello? Sir?" We went through rows of catatonic people.
"How do we get them to leave if they can't hear us?"
"Uh... Maybe there's someone who can.." Lydia pointed towards one man and we rushed over. It was Peter.

"Err... slap him?" I suggested, raising my hand but being stopped by Lydia.
"Peter!" Malia yelled in his face.
"Malia..." Lydia spoke up.
"The only way we were able to break through the Hunt was through an emotional connection..."
"Dang. Wish I could help." Lydia stared at her. "I'm not saying it." She stared again. "I'm not saying it.
"Okay. Well, I guess everyone dies."
Malia sighed and knelt to his level. "Dad. Dad. Dad."
"Say it like you mean it." Lydia insisted.
"Dad... Please wake up. Dad..."

Peter gasped awake and we divulged the plan with him.
"Me? You want me to stop them? You know how many there are?"
"Yeah- a lot of them. So, get going."
"There are hundreds of waiting rooms in this train station, which apparently now also serves as a high school library. It's impossible."
"We can try." Malia added.
"Where do you get this implausible optimism?"
"Definitely not from my father..." I sniggered.
"We don't have time for this. We need someone to just hear us."
"I think we already did." I added, staring at the ghost rider in the tunnel.

Distracted}• Malia x reader (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now