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"Heyyyy Stiles." I started to regret calling him but I changed my mind and stayed on.
"I know."
"You-no wait what?"
"Scott told me."
"And you are?"
"I am okay with that." my eyes teared up.

"Now come outside and give me a hug." I put down the phone and walked out of the door.

I ran into his arms, happy tears streaming down my face. "Congratulations." I hugged him tighter and we walked outside with all my stuff packed.

He stopped under the shelter of the door. "You got an umbrella?"
"No, you?" We had no choice but to walk through the storm.

We ran fast to the jeep and set off to get Scott and Liam. After we got them we went into the woods.

"Your tying him to a tree?" I was so confused.
"The last full moon we got reports of a monstrous dog-boy running around the streets of beacon hills naked." We walked back to Stiles' jeep leaving Liam.

"San Francisco Bay." Stiles nodded proudly, staring at the map.
"We could go Mission district but the apartments are expensive. Haight-Ashbury also expensive." He crossed the places off the map.

"How about Berkley? Lawyers live around there." Scott suggested.
"No the jeep would burn through a lot of clutches on Nob hill."
"Your bringing the jeep?" It was a serious heap of duck tape.

"Hey, no-one gets left behind. Lydia would go to Stanford, Kira USF, Malia is going to 'figure something out' and you will cone with us." He winked at me and smiled. "It's perfect, a vision, a beautiful vision." He was so proud of himself I laughed.

Scott soon downed the mood by saying something about 'regression to the mean' but I was focused on Liam, perfectly calm.
"You think its been enough time?"

"Yes!" He shouted from the tree. I went to untie him making sure he was calm.

In the car Liam was curious as to what we were doing at midnight "Your bedtime." The rest of the ride was silent-ish until the car broke down again. I stayed with Liam in the car.

Liam got scared of a little lightning and hurried us to get out of there. We pull up at a fallen tree being lifted effortlessly by Malia. I leant out the window and turned Stiles' face away as I kissed Malia. She told her dad already.

"Sorry we're late." Liam pushed past me.
"I'm sorry too."

Her dad came towards us. "You kids do know I own a gun right."
"Vividly." Malia hopped in and in came the awkwardness.

"So, you find out yet." Everyone turned towards her.
"They are gonna email me." Then Liam made the mistake of bringing up summer school. Stiles got scolded by Malia.

"Should have left him chained to the tree." We then drove to the hospital to drop Liam off. I stayed with Malia down stairs.

"Malia if I told you don't worry got have fun. What would you do?"
"You mean like fun like bowling or fun like sex with other people."
"Now I'm worried."

People were being rushed in and Melissa said that there was a pileup on 115. And there is only one way into Beacon hills from the airport. The 115.

Scott left to get her assumably taking his bike.
And we went to the school. As it started raining I sat on the window of the car having fun as Stiles drove steadily.

"They should be here." We were at the school.
Malia was smelling Stiles. "Whats wrong with you, you smell terrible."
"Yeah its called anxiety, should be a familiar scent to you by now since it's pretty much a constant state with me."

"Why is this thing so important to you?" I asked.
"It's not. It's err..I don't know maybe it is. Alright I asked my dad about his high school friends, guess how many he still talks to. None, not a single one and these are his best friends and he just says he list touch with them. So then I started thinking about things like I always do."
"Excessively." I interrupted.
"What if Scotts my best friend now, but he's not my best friend for life."

He continued talking but my attention had turned to a tired out Liam running our way. Malia knocked him over as he breathlessly spoke. "Scotts in trouble." I ran ahead of them searching.

Scott was being held up but a taller man's claws, he was weak. There was a new guy the one Lydia must have been talking about.

Scotts power soon came to show as he broke the wolfs arm. We gathered together as the new boy introduced himself.

"You don't remember me do you? I guess I look a little different from fourth grade." Scott recognised immediately.

"Theo." He nodded
"You know him." Kira piped up.
"They used to." The rain pattered around us as he smiled. "Trust me I never thought I'd see you guys again until a couple of months ago I heard of an alpha in Beacon hills. When I found out his name was Scott McCall I just couldn't believe it. And not just an alpha but a true alpha. I moved back to Beacon hills, back home with my family. Cause I wanna be a part of your pack."

I could tell Stiles didn't trust him, neither did I. We left him and walked into the school. "I mean we haven't seen this guy in years and then he just shows up, you don't find that highly suspicious?"

My phone buzzed, so did Malia's.
"I'm in." She yelled relieved.
"Me too."
"I passed." She was shocked.
"We are officially seniors." I hugged her and Lydia came complaining of our lateness.

"Are we doing this or not?"
We walked towards her and then to the library. I stood in line behind Stiles. SS.
He handed me the pen. I wrote my initials and stood next to Stiles. Lydia's turn. LM.
"This isn't vandalism is it?"
"Not technically." Lydia came and stood next to me. KY.

Malia's turn. M. She hesitated at her last name until she finally decided. T.
Scotts turn. SM. He paused staring, pen in hand. AA. We all looked at each other.

"She would have been with us." I spoke up.
"She still is."

We walked out of the school coupled together.

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