Lost it all

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"Who are you? Where am I?" Derek fought against Scott and Deaton. His voice had gotten lower and his eyes glistened blue in the morning light. I stood up and tried to calm him.

"Y/n get back!" Scott snapped.
"Hey Derek, Derek its okay. Your fine everything is fine." His breathing slowed at the sound of my voice. I sat with him as Deaton and Scott left the room to talk in private.

"Your in beacon hills still just, a little bit ahead of your time." My hand was on his shoulder comforting him.
"No, no this isn't right I want to go home let me go home." The others heard and rushed in.
"Derek its fine."

But it wasn't not for him he had lost it all but not yet. To him his family was still there, still alive, still protecting. But to anyone else they were gone dead.

Except Peter of course.

He jumped straight out of the window and began running like a wolf.

"Scott he will be fine come on we have history first." He reluctantly walked to school with me, after we got changed, still anxious about Derek.

Sat in history Mr Yukimura was talking about historic leaders that failed miserably before success. " One, you will recognise from last nights reading, failed at business, had a nervous breakdown, was defeated for both houses of congress and lost as a candidate for Vice President. Can anyone tell me who I'm describing?" He scanned the room for weaknesses and saw Malia struggling. "Malia how about you?" She was clearly clueless and Kira was waving her hand frantically at the back.

"One of our greatest Presidents, Gettysburg Address?" She was still so clueless. Scotts phone rings and breaks the silence. "Phones off." Scott was hesitant and declined the call.

"Can anyone else answer?" Every hand goes up and Malia sinked deep in her chair.

Another ping "I said phones off!" He was stern but Kira pointed out it was his instead. He went to read the text. "Scott call Lydia." And then Scott left the room.

A thought sprung to mind. Family.

"Sir I have to go." Before he could even respond I was out of my seat and out of the school. I left my bag in class it was nothing important anyway.

I ran to the woods. I didn't have a car. Dereks house was being rebuilt but he was sat there lonely with two police officers trying to coach him out. I stopped outside the fence trying to stay out of sight. He heard me though.

I saw them tase him and drag him to the car.

Out of breath I called Scott. "Police.. st..station." I hung up and jogged to the police station. Scott and stiles were already there.

"We found him like that." I already started to laugh but it gets funnier.
"Where? Swimming in the fountain of youth?" Sheriff was baffled.
"No. We found him buried in a tomb of wolfsbane in an Aztec temple in Mexico underneath a church in the middle of a town that was destroyed by an earthquake." Stiles just made things worse for himself.

"Y-you told me you were camping!" Now sheriff was furious.
"We-we were it was in mexico."

I was pretty sure sheriff had given up with Stiles' lies.

Scott proceeded to explain how Derek had aged backwards. But I snuck back to comfort him.

"I saw you there. H-how did you know?"
"Family is important if I was like this i'd look for family." My response assured him.

I made jokes to lighten the mood and he did back. Soon he was released and calm.

"So why should I trust the others?"
"Its okay come on Scott will show you."
Scott glowed his eyes bright red but that still didn't convince Derek.

"Your family is fine. There was a fire and your family had to move out of Beacon Hills. I promise we will take you to them when we get your memory back." Scott lied.

"Stiles take him to my house." Scott insisted.
"Wait where are you going?" I asked.
"Me and Malia are going to visit a 'friend' come if you want?" We knew who friend was.
"Oh no, no I'm good thanks. He's satan in a v-neck." Stiles joked.

"Shoot its Scotts dad." I whispered trying to turn around but too late.
"Heeeyyy Agent McCall, you are getting taller."
"Who's this?"
"This is my cousin Miguel from mexico." I stifled my laugh as I remembered that same lie from the start of sophomore year.

We sat down to eat as he had extra and McCall starts speaking spanish. Me and Stiles glared at each other worried but to our surprise Derek replied back in spanish. "Miguel's full name is Miguel Juarez..Cinqua..Tiago." Stiles chirped up.

"Thats very unique, how do you spell that?" He replied. Derek looked at Stiles fascinated at what lie he was going to tell next.


"So Agent McCall what do you know about the Hales." We were screwed the second Mr McCall opened his mouth.

Minutes later myself and Mr McCall heard a loud bang from upstairs.
"I should probably go see whats wrong."
I left and ran up the stairs to see Stiles' head pressed against the door frame and Derek screaming "You lied to me!" He looked at me and shouts turned to tears. A look of betrayal carved deep into his face. "I'm not talking to anyone but the alpha!"

"Okay, okay i'll go get Scott." Stiles left the room to call Scott and I stood outside of the room.

A loud smashing sound broke the silence and Derek was gone. All I saw was Kate following him out.

We rushed to the window and looked down at them running.

"What is it with this guy and windows?"

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