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We walked inside and on the bed was someone new with Scotts claws deep in him. Theo and Stiles joined us later but I restrained my anger.

"Don't get too close." Lydia stopped Theo.
"What is he doing?"
"Tapping into Corey's memories. It's usually something only alphas do."
"Who's Corey?" I perked up.
"Another Chimera we think." Lydia realised it was me and hugged me.

"Is it as dangerous as it looks?" Mason asked.
"Probably more." Stiles added, coming towards me for a hug. I hugged him but something was off about him.
"Do you think it's working?"

It went silent so I asked Stiles if I could talk to him. "Hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah why?" I knew he was lying.
"It just that you seem a little off. I know you thought right putting me in Eichen and I don't blame you."
"I-I'm sorry."
"I know." I pulled him in for a hug.

"You can talk to me you know."
"Not about this."
"Well I don't have a jeep at the moment."
"On the bright side if you get it fixed there will be less duck tape." He chuckled.

"Y/n." He was hesitant. "Donovan was a chimera."
"Who and then where is the body?"
"He threatened my dad and me."
"Oh, him."
"I killed him." His eyes began to water.
"Well it was self defence wasn't it?"

I comforted him. "Tell me what happened. It helps I promise." He wiped away the tears and went on to explain what happened. I listened which seemed to help him.

"Well it's up to you to tell your dad and I am sure he will understand if you do." I walked him inside and we joined the rest.

Scott was no longer in Corey's head so I went to hug him. "Listen, I think it worked. I saw something. There were tunnels, pipes along the walls... There were these huge blue pipes at the entrance, two on both sides." He showed us a sketch.

"Hang on I think I know that place. That's one of the tunnels I used to skateboard in. Remember? My dad caught me one time and told me never to go back?"
"It's the water treatment plant." Lydia pointed out.
"Then that is where they are. That is where we'll find Liam and Hayden."

I was so confused I had missed so much.
"Err.." I didn't know where to start. "Who is Hayden and why was she taken with Liam?"
"Well we tried to trap the doctors and they ended up taking both Hayden and Liam." Stiles remarked.
"And Hayden is also a chimera." Scott added.

Theo could tell I was restraining myself and he loved it.

"Oh did you suddenly get super wolf powers? I wasn't aware of that development." Mason wanted to come.
"Well, if your not going, I could use the help." Scott argued.
"No, I'm coming as soon as I talk to my dad. They're moving the body and he want to make sure that this time, no one steals it."

"How- is he going to do that?" Malia asked.
"I don't know..but whoever took the last one was strong enough to flip the jeep."
"We can bring Theo." He eyed me and smirked.
"Maybe I should stay here, incase the doctors decide to make a house call for Corey."

"Scott, Stiles is right. We need to slow down and think." Lydia piped up.
"I am thinking- about how Liam and Hayden could already be dead."
"You could've hurt him Scott, really hurt him."

"Hey, text me for anything." Stiles asked Malia.
"I got it." I began to follow them out but Stiles grabbed my hand, stopping the others aswell.
"You aren't seriously going are you?"
"I have been trapped in Eichen for-how long?"
"Two days." Malia replied.

I went to continue but I was shocked. "Two-two days! It felt like a bloody month. I have missed too much."
"Y/n, Stiles is right." I looked at Theo who was now smirking.
I hesitated, rolling my tongue around the inside of my mouth. "Fuck-fine." I stayed with Lydia, Corey, Stiles and fucking Theo.

Me and Stiles set off walking to the hospital, he called his mechanic. "You tell me man, you're the mechanic. If the gas tank didn't rupture and nothing electrical was burned, how did the fire start?" The other guy clearly didn't know. "Spontaneously combusted? Are you kidding?"
"So how is the jeep?" I asked.
"Well it is fixable." He stated.

The Sheriff snatched Stiles' phone from his hand. "What the hell are you two doing here?"
"Noah, you gotta leave the body. Let them take it."
"Sheriff- and I am doing my job."
"Yeah, real busy arresting innocents."
"Go home. Don't argue."
"Then we aren't leaving." Noah's eye caught the security card on a nurse.

"You know, Clark mentioned something about, uh keycards. Do you all have after-hours access?"
"Yeah, I'd show you mine but I lost it a couple weeks ago." His attention turned to me.
"I- just got out of Eichen."
"Sorry." I made a face that said fine and we left to walk around the hospital.

I heard a frantic police radio and signalled for Stiles to follow me. "Dad? Dad! The body!" It was gone. I left with Stiles and we split ways at Scott's house so I could go home and change.

I walked home and there was a yellow notice on my door.
30 day eviction notice.
Fuck. I went inside and all of Isaac's stuff were gone.

I grabbed the two suitcases on top of my wardrobe and stuffed it with all of the things I need for the moment so I could come back.
Clothes, shoes, photos, bathroom essentials, makeup, jewellery and money. It had started raining outside.

I stood in the doorway, two suitcases in hand and said goodbye to my home. "Stiles," it was raining so hard I was already soaked. "I was evicted."
"Come to my house, I'll talk to my dad."

I walked my way to his house and unpacked into the guest room, listening to his conversation with his dad.
"Dad, Y/n was evicted can she stay here?" I walked out as he hesitated.
"I can pay for my own food and I could pay rent, eventually."
"That won' t all be necessary. I know how much it costs for Eichen and the hospital."

He opened his arms for a hug and I walked in. I was close to him because I had known Stiles for so long.

"Y/n, where are you? You aren't at home and all your stuff is gone."
"Malia, I was evicted." She hesitated clearly clueless about the word. "I was kicked out of my home. We have about 20 days to leave the home with all our things."

"So where are you?"
"I am staying with Stiles. I-I know money is an issue for anyone I could have stayed with but I'm closer with Stiles and I can pay mostly for my own food."
"I'm on my way." I wasn't sure if Stiles was okay with that so I had to ask.

"Stiles, are you okay if Malia stays as well? I will pay for her I promise I just-,"
"I'm fine." He assured me.

Distracted}• Malia x reader (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now