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"Remember, you can't look at it-- you have to fight it blind."
"How about we don't fight it. Just get our friends, and get the hell out of here."
"Works for me." Jackson replied.
All of them suddenly begin to stumble except me. "You guys good?"
"It's here. Shut your eyes."
"Why isn't it affecting Y/n?"
"Should it be?"

I ignored them and went to the toilet for the first time that week. I nearly died from that alone. I washed my hands and closed my eyes. I feel my way to the door and suddenly hear Malia's voice.
"Y/n?" She was whispering.
"Where are you?"
"Right in front of you." I opened my eyes and saw a big, faceless being with purple, flamelike eyes.
"Gah you are ugly." I frowned. "Am I meant to die or something? Weird." I smiled.

I laughed as voices of hunters erupted from down the hall and it disappeared. I load my gun and turn to face them. "Miss me?" They aim their weapons at my head, red laser beams inches away from my eye.
"I don't think I'm your only problem at this moment in time. Close your eyes." I ducked behind a corner and tried to think about a plan.

Later I hear Monroes voice over a radio further down the hall. "One in the head, one in the heart."

I shot at both their guns and picked them up before running and collecting Monroes gun. Both of them were trying to shoot a Hale.
"Five gun. Gotta be a record." I ran away to the library and met Stiles outside.

"Are you gonna throw that blind?"
"I'm gonna take a good guess?"
"I can see it do you want me to do it?"
"Please." He handed me the jar of ash and I burst through the doors.

I threw it at the ground near the creature and it's own power started radiating against itself, turning himself to stone.

I heard all the footsteps and ducked behind a bookshelf, out of sight.

They all crouch around Scott as I watch from the shadows.
"Scott? He's not healing? Scott, what happened to your eyes?" Malia's sweet voice was concerned and confused.
"I had to. I'm sorry."
"Scott, you have to heal. If your eyes stay like this much longer, the damage is gonna be permanent."

Stiles glanced in my direction briefly before looking back. "Come on, Scott, concentrate."
"I'm trying... It's not working. I can't focus."
"Hey! Hey, look at me! Yes, you can! Just concentrate!" Malia cradled his face.
"I can't-I can't-I can't do it."
"Yes, you can. Scott, please, just look at me."
"Malia...? Kiss him." I felt my heart ache at the words I just heard.
"No..." Stiles spoke up. They ignored him.
"Kiss him."

Malia leans into Scott and kisses him, he kissed back and after a long moment they pulled away and Scotts eyes were healed.
Peter seemed to be counting and I knew what he was counting so I hid behind the shelf properly.
"What are you counting?" Scott asked.
"Heartbeats!" They all listened for a second, my heart was already beating erratically.
"There's a seventh."
"Wha-err- no there isn't." Stiles objected.
"Stiles?" Scott used a tone of voice that knew he was lying.

Stiles walked behind Scott and everyone stared at him. I took the opportunity to sneak around the back of the book cases and out the door.

I kept walking, despite the sounds of footsteps close behind me. They followed me out of the school car park and through the streets, clearly aware I wasn't okay.

I just walked and walked to the bridge. I was never going my to jump I just had to calm myself down.

It was an empty bridge and I just sat there, my legs dangled over the edge when the finally caught up.
"Y/n?" Scott was edging closer and he was scared.
"Y/n, you get back from that edge right now." Peter insisted. None of them knew what I even wanted to do at the bridge.
"I'm not gonna jump. I just needed to be alone and clearly you don't know what boundaries are." I said standing up.

As I turned around I saw a young teen, maybe 16. He had a gun aimed at my head.
"You don't know me."
"Don't I?" I said, a little scared.
"You might now my dad though. He had a little encounter with the famous Y/n Lahey. Now guess where he is. And put down your guns."
"Tucked up in bed on the coldest night of the year?" I suggested as I slowly crouched and placed the six guns on the ground before standing back up still slowly.
"He's in the morgue." I was shocked, all my bullets aimed to injure, never kill.

"Your scared, we get it." Scott urged.
"Scott..." Derek held him back.
Lydia and Stiles could only watch but Malia was angry. "No!" I held out my hand towards Malia as a stop. "Don't hurt him."
"He didn't deserve to die, he shouldn't have died." Theo's truck pulled up with Liam, Mason, Corey and Theo.
"Hi Theo." I said.

"Listen I got what I deserved for shooting those men." I turned around quickly and lifted Stiles' flannel for everyone to see the burns on my back.
"But you didn't get what you deserved for killing my dad." He pulled back the hammer and used his other hand to try and slow the shaking.
"What good is killing her gonna do?" Stiles asked.
"No don't hurt him." I shouted to stop the three partially transformed creatures from attacking him.

I stepped, slowly towards the others. As his gun stalked my head. I watched as Liam stepped around the side of him. The gun turned towards Liam and his finger tightened.
"Liam! No!" I ran in front of Liam and pushed him away. Theo picked him up as the bullet hit my side.

I stumbled backwards I looked down as the dark blood dripped down the side of my thigh.
I hit the rail and sighed. The sound of my cuffs hitting the rail echoed loudly as I fell head over heals into the water.
"No!" I heard screams as my back hit the ice-like water.

I watched the people crowd over the bridge like angels. The water encased my body as I tried fight against it and stay alive. My mouth froze open as I saw the water go red with my blood. I caved in and closed my eyes and listened to the crashes of water.

All I had on was a sports bra, sports shorts, Stiles' flannel and the handcuffs which were still half attached to my wrists. My heart coated itself in a thick layer and I listened to the faint sound as it gave up beating.

Distracted}• Malia x reader (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now