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I was given grey joggers and a grey shirt and then I was walked down to an office on the main floor.

"Ah. My kidnapper."
"Hello, Y/n." I nodded back. "You have no phone calls and no visitors for 48 hours."
"Well since you kidnapped me I have two requests." She leant forward listening.

"I want two phone calls tomorrow and a pass to visit a patient in the supernatural floor."
"Who?" She was intrigued.
"Hale, Peter Hale." She agreed and I was led out of the office to a room where I sat and stared out of the barred window.

I didn't sleep. I didn't want to cause any trouble.

Night flew by and the doors were unlocked. I strutted out of the room towards the supernatural floor. I went past ten cells before I reached Peter's.

I hugged him tightly. "They trapped me here."
"Who did?"
"Theo, Isaac, Stiles, and Scott."
"Why?" His voice seemed angry.
"They think I am possessed. I mean I'm clearly not. It was Theo he tricked them."
"Who is Theo?"

I realised that he had been trapped in Eichen as long as I was in a coma. "Theo is this guy from fourth grade who Stiles didn't trust and neither did I but I soon did and he seemed all cool but I think that he stole something from me. A memory, and I want you to get it back."

He snapped out his claws and pulled me out of sight. "Ready." I nodded and his claws dug into my neck.

Minutes later he pulled out his claws. "Well you aren't possessed."
"And I am going to kill him."

We discussed a plan to escape and I later left the room. I was walked to the phone box, my hair covering my neck.

First I dialled Malia. "Hey Malia."
"Where are you everyone is being secretive?"
"They trapped me in Eichen. They think I am possessed. It was Theo but don't do anything yet, I have it sorted." I scoffed.
"Right I'll try not to say anything and a bit of advice. Boys showers are warmer. Oh and talk to the therapist."
"I love you." The phone disconnected and I made my second call.

"Hello?" The voice responded. I chuckled before speaking up.
"Hi honey," I paused. "I know what you did and you, my friend, are totally screwed." I ended the call and walked away.

I made some friends during my stay. Avis, Jade, and Val. They showed me around and some tips and tricks. At the end of the day I went for a shower, I checked to see that the boys room was empty and it was.

I undressed and turned on the shower, letting the hot water run over the scars on my neck and shoulder. I faced away from the door and let myself breathe in the steam.

A boy walked in, I saw him in the corner of my eye and he was hot. He stared at himself in the mirror before seeing me.

"Don't worry, you didn't just accidentally walk into the girls bathroom."
"Thank god. what are you doing in the boys room?"
"I can see that. I mean I saw that. Well, actually, I didn't see anything, really... I just... There was too much steam to, uh... Not that I would prefer there to be less steam..."

"I don't care. The girls showers are kept way too low, it is much hotter in here." I turned off the shower and walked towards him.
"Now you're staring."
"No I'm not." I wrapped a towel around myself and covered up.

"Then what are you doing?" I smirked as he looked away.
"Not staring."
"Are you going to tell me your name?"
"Noah." He reached out his hand and I shook it.
"Y/n. I'm new." I winked at him.

I dried myself and put on some fresh clothes and he turned away respectfully. "Now that we are acquainted, how about you help me."
"What with?" He seemed curious.
"Revenge." I did a sort of evil smile and noticed myself in the mirror.

"Okay sure, but only when you tell me why you are in here."
"I was framed. You?"
"Violence." We walked out and went our separate ways.

I spent the night drawing out the plan in my head and thinking aloud.

I met up with my new friends again the next day. I told them the plan and how they came into it.

Avis had a drug problem, her job was to fake an overdose.
Jade had hallucinations, she had to pretend to predict Avis' overdose.
Val was gay as-well as me, so all she had to do was assist me.
Noah had to pick a fight with an nurse while Val and I spoke to the therapist.

"Now remember this is only if the therapist wont talk to me." They nodded and we headed to our session.

"Staying calm. It is what many of us here struggle with." Her eyes swam towards Noah. "So does anyone want to talk about it." Everyone stayed silent.

"May I talk to you, privately?" I raised my hand but she shot me down. "It is important."

"Y/n we don't do that here." I looked to everyone else and nodded discreetly.

Jade began to scream loudly and run towards Avis. "You are going to die!" Security burst in and began to drag her. "Nooo! She is going to die." The session ended there and I left with everyone else.

"So all I have to do is make myself throw up and lie on the floor." Val nodded.

We snuck out of the room and came back minutes later. "Help! Somebody help!" Val yelled at the guards in the corridor. We watched as three guards carry her away and went to meet up with Noah.

"So it's time for Morrell now." They led the way to her office and we waited around the corner as Noah took out the guards.

"Hey!" He punched one mid conversation. The other guy punched Noah back and the bloodied up guy left his station.

I led the way and we stormed into Marin's office. "You have to let me out of here." I demanded.

"Why should I?"
"Scotts in trouble so is everyone else."
"Okay, but your crew stays here."
"No no, they come or I let everyone die."
"Fine but you seem a bit psychotic to be free."
"Well my friends did abandon me at a nut house. Kidding." I was perfectly fine I just had to get out.

"Peter, Avis, Noah, Val, and Jade." She stamped all the forms and I went to go get Peter with her.

"Peter, it worked." I shouted through the corridors as his cell was unlocked. We all packed our stuff, getting back our phone and clothes and we left the building in the dead of night.

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