Psycho mom

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I rolled down the window. "Hey where are you going?"
"On a hike." Theo responded.
"I wanna come." I rolled the window back up and climbed out of the car with the keys.

We walked and walked as the sunset.
"How is it night again?" I asked, breathlessly breaking the silence.
"We're close." Liam paused.
"You got his scent." He nods.
"Which way?" Liam glared at Theo untrusting. "You think you're gonna leave me behind."

"Look he wants to kill him." He turned to us.
"I just want his power! You want to fight someone that actually wants to kill Mason? Go fight Parrish."
"Who did you see when you put on the mask?"
"It wasn't Mason?"
"Who?" Liam insisted.
"A man dying in the snow, impaled on a spear."

We looked at each other. "Then you know what that means, we are running out of time."
"He's right." I spoke up. Liam pushed passed us leading the way.

"Thats a creepy cabin." I pointed out. They all rushed inside and I followed. I was too distracted by my surroundings to notice the cable leading out of Mason's head.

"What is this thing?"
"I don't know." Theo replied.
"I can feel it... its in my skull." Mason came to briefly.

Scott attempts to remove it only resulting in Mason's pain.
"Guys..." a skittering dread doctor was getting closer.
"Not now."
"Guys!" Theo noticed and pushed me back.
"They wanted us here." He realised.

"Theo... Theo Raeken..." The surgeon spoke up.
"He's coming with us." He insisted.
"Failure. Theo Raeken..." The was hurt.
"I'm not a failure."
"Not a complete failure, we learnt from you."
I placed my hand on his shoulder. "He's trying to get to you, don't give it to them."
"We can't beat them." Scott added.

"We're taking Mason and then I'm taking whats mine." He was angry so I stepped back to help Mason.
"Liam- just rip it out and take his pain."
"What-no. Scott, we can't get it out." Liam got up to help fight while I stayed with Mason.

I looked back as Liam and Scott were thrown across the room, leaving Theo outnumbered. I stood up, turning my back on Mason but staying close. Mason starts yelling and as I turned around I saw him standing and pulling the cable out of his neck.
"Mason stop!" I tried to stop him. I stepped back as black smoke grew around him.

I unknowingly walked back into the pathologists sword. No one noticed, they were all staring at Mason. I fell to the ground, still unnoticed. The sword was still sticking out of my side.
"Thats...not..... my name." The newly formed beast rips out the geneticists throat before lunging and killing the pathologist.

Theo was thrown across the room and the surgeon was cornered. "Success."

My hand was still around my wound as the beast dragged the surgeon outside, followed by the boys. I stayed in the cabin, unable to move. Loud gunshots went off and the roars quietened. "Where's Y/n?" It was Scott.

My breathing had sped up as pools of blood spilled from my stomach. "Y/n?" Everyone was calling for me before Theo ran into the hut.
"She's in here." They all rushed in, followed by the Argents and Parrish.

"What happened?" They crowded around me, pressuring my wound.
"My fault really," they looked concerned. "It's not hit any organs, although if it was a little lower I wouldn't have to- pay for an- abortion." I chuckled, breathing through the pain.

Scott grabbed my hand, taking my pain. It was like a weight had been lifted off my chest. "Ohh- thats better." I gasped. I reached for my back to take out the sword.
"Don't take it out." Chris insisted.
"It's harder than it looks to stop bleeding with a sword impaling you."

Theo reached for his belt to use as a tourniquet. My mind flashed back to Josh and I screamed as the pain came back. I began to fall back but Liam caught me before the sword could push any further. I fainted in Liam's arms as they started to carry me out.

I awoke, alone, in a hospital bed. Beside me were bandages and medical equipment. My wound had stitches still in but I felt fine so I cleaned them with antiseptic and put a bandage over it. Then I got dressed and walked out.

I went to the vending machine and bought a pack of Cheetos. "You can't eat those." Melissa snapped.
"But I'm hungry." I groaned reaching for them in her arms.

I stopped reaching as I saw the sheriff carrying in a bleeding Lydia. I rushed over to Noah as Lydia was placed on a stretcher. "What happened?"
"Sebastian. Why are you here?" I lifted up my shirt showing the padding on my side.
"Got stabbed by a doctor." He chuckled at how calm I was.

The others arrived as Lydia came out of surgery. I avoided them a little but met up as they decided to sneak Lydia out.
"Okay, me and Stiles will go get Malia."
"Text me when you find Parrish." Stiles added.

Scott paused us, pulling out a brown, wrapped cylinder.
"Plan B?" Stiles asked.
"It was plan A."
"Plan A never works."
"This one will."

I ran out with Stiles and we sped to Scotts house. We walked into the house to see Malia and a woman fighting. "Oh, shit." I pulled Stiles into the other room. We hid behind the couch as the table smashed. Stiles jumped over but was knocked down into the pile of glass.

I pushed myself far against the wall. "I'm guessing your the psycho mom who wants me dead."
"Aww... she talks about me." She slowly stepped closer to me as I reached for a shard of glass.
"Ow.." She had stomped hard on my wrist.

Malia was reaching for the gun on the floor so she backed away. I crawled to Stiles, looking away as Malia's mother shot her twice.
"You had to fight back against a wolf didn't you?" I whispered.

I looked back to see claws embedded deep in Malia.
"Its not the full moon, Malia.. but you know what... its close enough."
"Stop-" I called out to Malia and threw her the talons in the brown packaging.
"Malia..." They glowed blue as she caught them.

"I want my power back." The wolf grunted, digging her claws deeper. Malia dropped the jar but managed to get the claws on.
"I want my family back!" Malia stabbed her mother with the claws and began to absorb her power. Malia ripped her hand out of her mother just as Braeden knocked her out with her gun.

"Can someone please come and take this gigantic shard of glass out of my chest? Please?" I reached for the glass and pulled it out of his chest.
"Much." I helped him up and we walked out. It was morning now so we all went to Stiles' house to change before going back to school.

"I can't believe the semester is nearly over."
"I can't believe we survived this long." Stiles replied. "We could totally have our own tv show." We chuckled at his comment and walked in.


I sat on the hood of Malia's car, helping her study. "Do you get it?"
She looked at me in awe and smiled. "I don't get how you understand all this."
"I had enough credits to graduate last year, just like Lydia." She smiled proudly before kissing me.

Lydia soon joined us and we walked into the school. Everything and everyone seemed happy. Theo was gone and couldn't cause any trouble, Lydia was healed and there were no supernatural bad guys.


"I want to work for you." I insisted.
"You will need extensive training."
"I am fine with that."
"Meet me here after school on Friday." Chris reached out his hand and I shook it.
"That was brief, kinda expected that to run longer." I stood up.

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