Pain makes you human

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The beast had clawed his way through Liam and ran off. "Liam." Hayden, Stiles and I rushed too him.

I took off my trench coat and placed it over him as the others carried him into an empty classroom. Everyone was rushing inside.

"I'm fine." Liam groaned. I peeled away the coat and we all grimaced. "I-is it bad?"
Hayden and I responded with a simple no whereas Stiles worried him by saying very.

"Okay. Okay. What do you guys usually do when this happens?"
"Oh, I usually pass out... And I think I still might do that..."
"Stiles look away." I scoffed, peeling away Liams jersey.

"Maybe adding a little more could help take away the pain? Pain makes you human."
Hayden muttered before leaning in for a kiss. Black veins spread across her face relieving his pain so I could help his wounds.
"Okay, next time I'll kiss him." I smirked at Stiles' response and covered Liam back up with the coat.

"Liam." He pretended to ignore me. "You owe me a new coat." I walked out of the classroom. The corridors were all empty and everyone was hiding.

I could hear the beast presence. I turned around, slowly backing away but keeping my eye on it. Scott pulled me and a nearby girl into a classroom as it launched itself towards us.
"Go, out of the window." The girl ran but I stayed as the glass shattered over Scott. "You go too."
"Hell no."

It clawed at the door and went suspiciously quiet. "Come on." He opened what was left of the door but the beast wasn't far gone. We started sprinting to the library, catching our breath as we got there.

I noticed two girls cowering behind a shelf. "Go to the balcony."

Scott faced the door as it broke away and he transformed. They lunge at each other, clawing and growling. The beast knocked Scott against a bookshelf, but before he could even recover he was grabbed by the legs and launched back across the room. I turned away as a recovered Liam joined the fight.

A gun cocked in the doorway and was fired over a dozen bullets at the beast. Malia and Braeden were there. The beast launched itself out of the window. Everyone rushed to Scott to help him.
"You didn't seriously think you were gonna have a chance against that thing, did you?" Scott blushed in embarrassment before shaking his head.
"But, I got its scent."

We followed him through the halls as he led us out to the parking lot, still weak.
"Scott, your hurt, you gotta slow down." He kept going against Liams advice.

He stops at the trunk of a black car and uses his remaining strength to lift the locked trunk. All that was there was a pair of black converses; I lifted them up revealing the dark blood on the sole. We were horrified when Scott closed the trunk revealing a confused Mason.

"Scott? What are you doing to my car?"
"Its you-,"
"Liam, what is he talking about?" Liams look of devastation only made things worse.

Corey appeared out of nowhere. "Corey, wait.."
He and Mason had disappeared.

"Scott," he looked at me frustrated. "Scott your still injured, I'm getting everyone and we are taking you home."

We gathered in the jeep and drove Scott back home. Kira put him to rest as we waited in the hallway.

Braeden and Malia had a grim look on their faces. "What?" They looked at eachother, panicking me more. "What? What did I do?"
"Tell her.." Braeden spoke up.

"You know how my mother wants to kill me? I think she might want to kill you, too..."
"Okay. Uh, that's disconcerting... I think I should have a gun."
"I'm not giving you a gun."

I was quite offended. "W- you have a gun, the desert wolf -who is trying to kill me- has a gun. I should probably have a gun."
Malia looked at Braeden and she tossed me an unloaded gun.

I tried to catch it but kept fumbling about until I eventually dropped it. I got a disappointed look from both of them. "I probably shouldn't have a gun." I pulled Malia into the bathroom and kissed her.

"I-err- are you okay?"
"Your mom wants me dead, I'm pregnant, and I almost got eaten by Mason. I need this." She kissed me back and sat me on the counter. Her hands stayed on my back but I moved them higher.

I continued to kiss her more passionately, calming myself as her hands gently massaged my boobs under my bra.

I pulled away having heard Corey downstairs. "Wait! WAIT! It's not my fault! They took him, and I couldn't do anything. They took him!"
"Who did?" I came out.
"The dread doctors."

"I'm coming." I blurted.
"You don't even know where we are going."
"Well..obviously it's somewhere."

I climbed into the car, Scott and Liam at the front. It was quiet and awkward.
"Did I do something wrong?"
"Scott, you have to tell her." Liam insisted.
"Tell who? What now?" I asked.
"Nothing!" Scott had become defensive.

We got out at the school and walked towards the locker room. "How stupid are we to be doing this?"
"We're not stupid. We're desperate."
"How desperate?" I was confused until I saw Tracy and Theo stood in the locker room.

I expected to see Josh and slowed down. "He's not here." He looked smug. "I told you we'd end up on the same side."
Liam smiled at him fakely. "How about I punch you in the balls to remind you we're not?"

"I love this kid!"
"I don't." Tracy added, aggressively.
We know you're not on our side, Theo. You said you wanted to help Lydia, but you left Eichen with something else, didn't you?"
"You mean the mask? Are you worried about that?"
"Did you put it on?" We took his silence as a yes.

"I didn't see Mason."
"Probably means he's a lost cause." Tracy added.
"We all want Mason back." He sighed.
"Okay, but the difference is that we want him back alive."
"Well, I'm open to compromise. You still got the map with the telluric currents on it?"

We looked at each other, wary, and nodded.
"Bring it to the operating theater in two hours. You need my help." I sat down on the bench, I was remembering things.
"I'll join you guys in a minute." I yelled after Scott and Liam.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Theo asked, lowering to my level.
"It was you.."
"There we go, she remembers."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"I just figured if they wanted you to know, you would."
"And you would just go along with that?" I asked in disbelief.

He seemed offended. "We aren't the bad guys."
I flashed back briefly, "Will you stop saying that."
Theo looked down and smiled. "Josh cant hurt you from six feet under." He looked me in the eyes but my face was stern.
"I will, but I'm not wrong. I helped you, and I'd do it again."
"Oh- my god."
"What?" He smiled.
"You've seen me naked." He chuckled and I walked out of the room.

Scott and Liam were stood at the car, I knew they had been listening so I hit them both. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"It wasn't the right time."
"What you don't think its is the right time, ever, to tell me that my enemy- for some odd reason- my enemy actually saved my life?"

I sat in the car silently after they responded with silence. I pulled out my phone and called the Sheriff.

"Hey, Noah?"
"Yeah, what can I help you with?"
"I want you to report it now."
"Why now?"
"Because he has already suffered the consequences." I knew he knew what that meant so I ended the call.

"I'm staying in the car for now, thank you very much." Scott grunted and left the keys in the car with me.

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