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We walked inside. The house looked as if it had been empty for decades.  The floorboard creaked under our feet as we walked through the doorways. Two plates, two water glasses, and two wine glasses were sitting on the table, all coated in layers of dust.
"You wanna split up?" Scott suggested. Stiles looked at him like he had lost his mind.
"Uh, absolutely not."

I followed Scott and Stiles up the stairs and we looked into every room, each with no furniture in. A door at the end of the hall was shut. I walked towards it.
"Maybe Alex got the address wrong?"
"Or he lied."
"Why would he lie?" I twisted the doorknob and pushed it. The room, unlike any other, was full of stuff, blue walls and pictures of Alex, alone.

"He didn't lie..." Stiles replied, walking in.
"Why didn't the cops say anything about this?"
"They don't know its here. They can't come here without a warrant, and there's no owner of record to serve a warrant to... So, unless there's some kind of threat or imminent danger, they wouldn't come in." I replied.
"What?" Scott was quiet.
"I think I heard something.." he left the room and I followed, leaving Stiles behind.

We wandered down stairs, glancing around for anything strange. "Scott.." I tapped his arm. "Weren't there plates and glasses there before?" The table was now empty.  We heard a sound and rushed towards the door only to run into Mason and Liam, scaring the crap out of us.
"What-what are you doing here?" Liam asked.
"This is Alex's house. What are you doing here?"
"This is where the compass led us." He replied.
"What compass?"

Mason holds out an old compass which is spinning of its own accord. "Why is it doing that?" I asked looking up.
"They're all doing it." Liam pulled out his phone to show us but as he did the other one span so hard it shattered.

A loud thump echoed through the ceiling. "Stiles.." I rushed up the stairs to see him cowering against the door.
"What? What happened?" Scott helped him up.
"He was here. He shot at me!" He pointed to the bullet holes in the door.
"The guy who took his parents?"
"No, no, no... They weren't just taken-- they were made to disappear. That's why there's no furniture, that's why they weren't in any of the photos... They were erased."
"That- is even creepier than this house." He opened the door but the room was completely abandoned.

"I'm gonna leave." I walked to the school and took out a book from the library before sitting at the front of the school on a bench to read it.  The wild hunt. It soon went dark while I was reading it and police cars had arrived.

"Hey Noah, what's happening?"
"They found a body."
"Who did?"
"Liam, Hayden and Mason." I left the crowd of police and met up with them at the end of the corridor.

"What did you idiots do this time?" I joked.
"Nothing we just found it."  I rolled my eyes and went back to my bench as I had left my book.

It  wasn't on the bench anymore, it was a couple meters away and it took me a while to find it. "That's weird." I walked back inside, dusting off the pages.

"Yeah?" I replied to the voice.
"People are forgetting!"
"Forgetting what?"
"Well maybe just remind me who you are and then you aren't forgotten." I winced at how bad I made that sound.
"Its me, Stiles." He seemed hurt.
"I don't know a Stiles, sorry." I tried to turn away but he ran back in front of me.
"Just listen, the ghost riders, the things Scott saw in Alex's mind. Do. Not. Look. At them."
"Okay.." he ran away having seen the Sheriff and I walked the opposite way.

I walked back towards Liam, Hayden and Mason. "Did you see that weird kid?"
"Yeah." Liam replied.

I decided I needed a ride home so I went to go find Noah. "Can I have a lift back home? Or the sheriff's station, not that far a walk?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'll drop you off at the station. Have the keys, I'll meet you in a sec."

I sat in the passenger seat, continuing my book and waiting for Noah. "Those who see the Wild Hunt, beware, for you are already lost." I took a photo of the quote and continued reading.

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