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I took ten dollars from my suitcase and gave it to Noah for mine and Malia's pizzas and we went to bed.

We spooned the whole night and I finally slept. In the morning we went into Stiles' room and went over his crime board. "No new chimeras."
"But it's been five days."
"That's what I'm worried about."
"Well we've had a break at least."

"Stiles, any luck finding the Nemeton with Lydia?" Malia broke the silence.
"No. But we are still looking."
"And remind me why we are trusting Theo?"
"Because.. he could lead us to the dread doctors and he doesn't know that we know that he is a bad guy."

We all turned our attention to the desert wolf which was drawn back on by Stiles. It went silent and Stiles left again to go meet with Lydia. I set of walking with Malia to school, it was a longer walk now.

"One of the more common biological weapons, anthrax, was used by Germany in World War I, and in human experimentation by the Japanese during World War II." I was bored out of my mind. I know I had to catch up but I was so bored.

"Beth? Please close your computer. I won't ask again. Beth... Beth!" She burst out of the room cupping her hand in her other. Malia got up to follow but was blocked by Natalie. I couldn't hear what was going on but Malia soon pushed past.

The lesson continued and Malia came back alone later. I knew that Beth was a chimera and now dead by the look on her face. Class ended and my notebook was empty, though it shouldn't be.

"I hate this. I hate losing like this. I'm not like Scott-I can't deal with another body. Another failure." She was upset.

Stiles was on the phone with Lydia trying to get her out of Parrish's way but she wouldn't pick up. We left the school. "Oh-hey you got your jeep back." We got in but it took a couple tries to get it started and we then drove to the animal clinic.

Stiles went ahead of us so I could talk to Malia about our grades. "Hey, Natalie said your grades dropped you doing okay?"
"I was just stressed, you were in Eichen a-and." I stopped her, kissed her and walked her into the clinic.

"Yeah, because you're Scott McCall! You're the True Alpha! Guess what? All of us can't be True Alphas! Some of us have to make mistakes. Some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes. Some of us are human!" Stiles was upset and I could tell we walked in on a bad moment.
"So you had to kill him?"
"Scott, he was going to kill my dad!"
"But the way that it happened... There's a point when it's... It's not self-defense anymore!" I don't think Scott knew the whole story.
"What are you even talking about? I didn't have a choice, Scott!"

I span around and pushed Malia out of the room. I kissed her so she was distracted and couldn't hear anything. "Why did you do that?"
"Because- I love you." We walked back in, hoping it was over now.

"Well, what do I do about this? What do you want me to do? Okay, just be... Scott, just tell me how to fix this, all right? Please, just tell me-- what do you want me to do?"
"Don't worry about Lydia."

"She's getting worse. I think she's dying. It's got to be some kind of mercury poisoning." Theo stopped the argument.
"Scott, remember what you promised me- you said you'd do everything you could to save her. If she's a real Werewolf, we can save her. You gotta give her the bite." Liam was upset.

Everyone was shook. "Scott, what do you mean no it could save her." I slipped away during the second argument to get my bag from the jeep and I knew Theo had followed me. He was silent. I walked to the door but his hands grabbed my waist and span me against the wall.

I looked around for an escape but I had dropped the keys and was pinned. He pressed himself against me and came forth to whisper in my ear. "Now this I could do to her." I struggled.

I tried to scream but as I opened my mouth, his met mine. He pushed my head against the wall trapping me. He kissed me, with tongue. I couldn't do anything. It was still raining.

I heard Stiles rush out but Theo kept kissing me. "Y/n?" Theo pulled away and looked down. I was still pinned against the wall.
"I- Stiles," how do you explain this.

Theo walked away, stroking my waist as he did.
I could still feel his presence in my mouth so I took a swig of water and spat it out.
"Stiles you know that wasn't me."
"I know." He paused for a minute, "But he doesn't. Pretend we fell out." He whispered.

"Stiles, Stiles come back!" He was driving away as everyone else rushed out. "Stiles!" Theo's smile was so big. It was still raining and I was more soaked. I faked a sigh.

"Sorry Malia, we have to walk." I held out my hand and guided her away from the others.
"Y/n, what happened?" Scott yelled.
"Nothing." I couldn't really tell him anything.

When we got back I went for a shower and Malia went to bed. I showered, got out and got dressed but I left the shower running so I could call Stiles. "Stiles, Malia can't find out about this. She trusts Theo. And I think he is gonna try to talk to you so watch out."
"Y/n. Its fine go to bed." I turned off the shower, dried my hair with a towel and climbed into bed with Malia.

I soon fell asleep but when I woke it hadn't been long and Malia was gone. It was a weekend so I decided to go for a run.

I changed into leggings and a long sleeve top then put on some music.

I felt like I was being followed. I took out my headphones once in a while but all I could hear were birds and cars. I carried on my run, wary of my surroundings. I figured Stiles would be at the station so I called there. Stiles and Malia were in a car outside and I couldn't see the jeep.

I tapped in the window, startling them.
"Did you know she knew?" Stiles asked rolling down the window.
"About-," he nodded. "Wait you knew?" She nodded.

Stiles came out of the car and walked with me.
"So, what is this genius plan?" I hushed my voice.
"He has to think he is winning. So in a minute I am going to walk away and you have to pretend it is because of the kiss." He turned the corner.

"Stiles! Again? It was nothing." I continued walking to Stiles' house. I changes into shorts, a shirt and a leather jacket because the weather had improved.

I walked to the animal clinic to see if anyone was still there. Scott, Liam and Melissa were working on Hayden trying to save her. I looked around and saw Theo sat on the bench.

"Y/n." Scott called from across the room, "Can I talk to you?"
"Yeah, sure, what about?" He grabbed my arm and pulled me outside.

"You have to tell Malia." I knew what he was talking about but I hid it.
"Tell her- what?"
"Y/n you know."
"No I don't." He stepped towards me.
"Do you need reminding?" I nodded no but he pushed me against the wall. This time I slid out from under his arm.

"What the fuck are you doing?"
"So he was right."
"Right about what?" He didn't know all the facts, just like with Stiles.
"Y/n. If you don't tell her I will."

He stormed away pulling his phone out. "No, no, no." I snatched it from his hand and held it away from him. He was too strong though and managed to get it. He rushed inside.

"Scott, no! Please." Everyone was confused.
"Tell her." He put his phone away and I walked outside. I walked far enough away that they could only hear my voice and not the person on the phones.

I got quite good at the maths over time.
"Play along." I whispered before I ranted.
"Malia, I-I kissed Theo. Well he kissed me but I didn't. Don't be upset please, please. I- no, no, no come back. Malia!"
"Scott knows doesn't he. I don't know how this is going to work if Malia can't know." I ended the call and walked back, faking my tears.

I hugged Scott who was still mad at me and Theo pretended to care.

I walked out, far enough this time that they couldn't hear a word. "Malia, Stiles and I have a plan but for it to work we need to pretend to be broken up."
"Wha- why?"
"Just trust me. The reason for the break up is that I kissed Theo."
"You what?!"
"No he kissed me but you have to pretend to be upset over our break up."
"Okay." She ended the call.

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