Too hot

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"Mr. Rider? We'll let you out if you tell us how to get our friends back." Liam was scared.
"Everyone. We want everyone back."
"Tell us how to get 'em all back."
"This is the plan?" Theo scoffed.
"There wasn't a plan for this part of the plan."
"It's okay. Look, we got him trapped. He can't get out. We just have to figure out how to communicate with him."

"Maybe he can't hear us." Scott continued.
"Maybe he speaks an ancient language." I suggested.
"Maybe he only responds to pain."
"Or fear."
"Nothing's gonna scare this thing. Look at him. He's a walking corpse."
"Something's wrong. Why'd he stop trying to get out?" He had been pulling in lightning, attracting it to the cage but it hadn't been working.

It growled loudly.
"Erm... did he just call for backup?" I asked.
"When Corey made the Ghost Rider visible at the party, another one showed up."
"We have to figure out how to talk to him... or else get the hell out of here." Scott added.

Parrish soon arrives and the ghost rider reacts. "That's progress..."
"Ask him how we get everyone back."
"Tell us how we get everyone back." It responded with inaudible mutters.
"What was that?"
"Did he say something?"
"He said "Hellhound.""
"Is that a good thing?" Theo asked.
"Probably not." I added.

"Ask him again." Scott insisted.
"What do you want from us?"
"We are the Wild Hunt. We hunt forever. Those who hunt with us hunt forever." Its voice was whispery and echoed.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"Tell us what you want."
"We are the Wild Hunt. Those who hunt with us hunt forever." It repeated.
"That clarifies things..." Theo added.

"What do we have to do to get everyone back? Do you want something from us?"
"Why's he looking at Scott?" Liam asked.
"He figured out Scott's the Alpha."
"There must be something you want." I said.
"There is only the Hunt. No one resists. No one escapes." It echoed.
"If they can't be bargained with, we're gonna have to fight 'em." Scott insisted. "I'm coming for my friends. I'm coming for everyone. I won't stop. I'll never stop until we get everyone back."

"Guy... it's getting a little too hot in here." I fanned myself.
"Parrish? What's happening?" Liam asked.
"Scott..." Parrish was edging closer to the ash barrier. "What is he doing?" Theo was uneasy.
"He's gonna set him free."

"Hey.. hey Parrish stop!" Scott yelled.
Scott, Liam and I tried to push him back. He threw me against the wall as Scott and Liam got him outside.

Douglas walked in as I remained still. "Have you been here the whole time?" Theo asked.
"How could I stay away?" He had a German accent now.
"Maybe you should tell them who you really are... Hauptmann."

Douglas grabbed Theo and dragged him to the line. "Break the barrier. Break it or I'll rip you in two." He insisted as Theo edged his foot towards the line, breaking it.
I reached for my knife that had fallen next to me.

I grunted and threw it through the air at his head. He turned and caught the spinning knife. His face was now a monstrous look, worse than a wolf. I pushed myself further against the wall.

He took the knife and drove it through my top, trapping my to the wall and walking back to the cage.
"It's been a long time." The rider takes out his whip as flicks it at Douglas. He caught it and pulled them forward.

He chomped hard on its skull and I closed my eyes tight. I heard him leave the room so I opened my eyes. The riders body was dead on the floor and had a hole in its head.

Everyone else walked in. "Can I have help?" Hayden walked over and pulled the knife out of my top.
"What did you do?"
"It wasn't him." I defended.
"It was Mr. Douglas. He ate his brain."
"Scott was right. I was wrong. I'm sending you back."
"It wasn't his brain-" Scott added.
"Mr. Douglas ate his pineal gland." I finished.
"It couldn't have been Theo. These murders have been going on for weeks."
"Guys...? His whip's gone." We looked down at the dead rider.

"Fuck..." Theo said.
"Put the chains back on him." Scott ordered and Liam did. "We're going to the station."


"You're going to bite Stiles?" I asked.
"To get him through the rift. It's the only way."
"Just to clarify, are you planning on biting everyone in the train station?" Peter pointed out.
"Peter?" I hugged him tightly.
"With Stiles back, he'll be able to help us figure out a plan."
"He's good at that."
"So, the plan is to get Stiles to come up with a plan?" Peter pointed out.
"You can shut up now." Malia snarled.
"Malia, look around. We're the only ones left in Beacon Hills. If they take us, Lydia will be the only one left to haunt the place."

"That's why I'm the only person that's going in. Liam and Hayden will stay here with Mason. As long as somebody is left in Beacon Hills, the Wild Hunt can't move on." Scott finished.
"I like your plan, Scott, I really do, especially the part about turning Stiles. But it can't work."
"How do you know?" Malia asked.
"Logic? Life experience? Liam, what are the odds that he'll get taken? What if Stiles isn't there? What if there's no Beacon Hills for you to come back to?"
"You got a better idea?" I asked.
"Yeah. It's called "run like hell." So, leave in five?"

"You promised you'd help us. We still need to find the rift." Malia added.
"I didn't promise I'd help you commit suicide."
"If you can't help, we can find it ourselves."
"Scott, I admit that you have a flair for beating the odds, but this, you don't walk away from- you run."

Scott, Malia, Lydia and Peter left and I stayed with the others.
"I'm sorry about Corey." I spoke up.
"We'll get him back." Mason responded.

I stood up and went to the bathroom, leaving them to talk.
"And guess who knows all about Mr. Douglas?" I walked back. "You?" I didn't know what was going on.
"Break the sword." He demanded.
"That's never going to happen. We're not making that deal." Mason replied.
"I hold all the cards."
"You're locked in a jail cell. You have no cards."

"You want me to tell you about Douglas? Break the sword."
"Does anyone else want to do the negotiating?"
"Break the sword."
"I'll break the sword. I'll break it right in-"
"Hayden..." I spoke up.
"You break, I talk." We looked at each other. "Come on, guys. Look, I don't want in anyone's pack. I don't want anyone's power. I just wanna stay alive."
"How do we know if we let you out, you won't run?"
"Cause we're not letting him out. He's going to tell us from in there." Liam answered.
"I'm still going to need some incentive."

Liam pulled out the sword and twisted it, shattering it to pieces.
"He's a Löwenmensch."
"A what?" I asked.
"It's part-wolf, part-lion." Mason was shocked.
"He was a part of the Ahnenerbe, Himmler's personal project to use the occult to win the war."
"A Nazi, great." I said sarcastically.

"Douglas didn't beat a Ghost Rider. He ran."
"We broke the sword for nothing." Hayden sighed.
"Wait, if that was back in 1943, where's he been all this time?" I asked.
"Douglas kept looking. He found a scientist he thought could help him... Three of them."

"The Ghost Rider's whip didn't go deep enough to take him, but it left a gash on his back. He was thrown into the tank and the wound infected the water. It mixed with the fluid in the vat, and actually made him stronger-- soaking it in, absorbing the power for seventy years. So, he came out with the power of an Alpha, a Löwenmensch, and a Ghost Rider. A side effect no one could expect."

"So he can fight them. He could stop them."
"The Nazis lost the war. Why is he still obsessed? What does he want an army for?"
"He doesn't want it for them. He wants it for himself- his own personal supernatural army." Mason realised.
"We need to warn Scott." I insisted.

I started to walk away. "Ghost-" it had already whipped Mason and he was gone. Liam was furious and ready to fight. I stayed in the cells with Theo as Liam and Hayden prepared to fight.

"Y/n!" He yelled back. "Meet is at Scott's and leave him behind."
"Where's Hayden?" He stayed quiet before bursting out of the door.

"You. Stay." I said, grabbing my things and rushing to my car.

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