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I changed my clothes and picked up my bag. "Stiles can I have a ride?"
"Woah, you- are you sure?"
"Yeah, can I have a ride?"
"Of course." We walked to his car and he drove me to the school.

I sat in the car. "Y/n?" He walked around to my side of the car. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here, so is Malia and Scott." I climbed out of the car keeping my head down.

I pushed open the doors, the halls were lined with police and the bruising on my face had caught almost everyones eyes. There were whispers as I walked by. It felt like everyone knew, like they were there. But they didn't and they weren't.

I pulled down my sleeves and kept walking towards Scott. "There is a new curfew."
We walked towards an officer. "You don't think this is a bit much in terms of firepower for a high school?"
"Your dad's the one that issued us these things... and he wouldn't officially say why. Everyone has their suspicions."
"Whats yours?"

He hesitated and noticed my face. "Are you okay? What happened to your face?"
"Nothing." I looked up and went towards my locker, dropping my books and staring.

Everyone had seen me. It hurt. I slammed my locker and rushed to the bathroom. Scott and Stiles noticed because I heard them call my name through the door. "They were all staring at me."
"No. No they weren't."
I got up and opened the door. "What if he's here?"
"Well so are we." I walked with them to our first class.

The rest of the school day consisted of stares and school work. I decided to go with Scott to follow Liam. "You know we've passed the same corner five times."
"Maybe we should tell him." He stepped out of the shadows and I followed.

"Why were you following me?"
"Why are you down here?"
"I'm just trying to figure out if this is where they took us. Me and Hayden. Malia said she was down here, too-- that the scent was the same. She said you were right."

"Where are you going?" I was walking ahead.
"To the turn, your heartfelt conversation is boring me."
"Wait, Liam do you feel that?"
"Vibrations, they're coming from everywhere."

We saw a snake eating itself on the wall and Scott decided to turn it. A doorway appeared revealing Chris holding a gun towards our heads. Gerard was stood in the back. Alive.
"You didn't."
"I had too, we need him."
"Who's the old guy?" Liam looked a little lost.
"Uh, at the moment... they would call me a 'necessary evil.' But you can call me Gerard."

Their attention turned to me. I was so sick of staring. "Yes. I know. There is a big, purple, hand shaped bruise on my face. Will everyone just stop staring." They looked away.

"He knows all the stories. All the folklore. Everything written, and everything passed down." He steps to the side and a large painting on the wall comes into view.

"The one on the right is the Beast of Gévaudan. The left.."
"Hellhound." Scott seemed shocked I knew this. "I read a lot."

"Does the term damnatio memoriae come to mind?"
"They want it to remember itself." Chris walks towards the wall and starts to kick at the bottom breaking it off.
"Who are they?" The bottom was covered in images of dead bodies.

"Great." We left Chris and Gerard with Parrish's name and left the tunnels. We went to the animal clinic after that.

Malia was there and I hugged her, breathing through the hug back. I then went to hug Deaton. He didn't once stare at my face. I could tell by the look between Scott and Malia that their friendship was okay.

We left Deaton alone and went to Scott's house.
"We've got the band back together." Liam slams down a book on the table. Eichen security log.
"Time to go get Lydia."

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