Ghost town

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Lots of ruins. All buildings were destroyed except one. A large church sat in the centre in pristine condition.

We drove down and through the empty streets. Gazing through glass-less windows and sand coloured buildings. Not a soul was anywhere it was a ghost town. The fact it was dark made the scares worse.

As we pulled up to the church we saw three people stood outside: Braeden, Scott and a younger boy.
"Derek!" shouted Stiles surprised. Lydia just stared in confusion.

"Wait thats Derek!" I replied just as confused.

Derek was out cold as we lied him in the jeep.
"I'm sorry Y/n but you were at Dereks apartment when Kate took him. We need to know what we are up against." Scott persisted.

"I didn't know that it was Kate though I only saw glimpses. But fine be my guest; just don't go exploring on your way there." I was still reluctant but I sat on the hood of the jeep and Scott brought out the claws.

I lowered my head but immediately snapped back as his claws pierced my neck. I could feel his presence in my head but couldn't control my thoughts.

His hand pulled back and I fell off the jeep face first rubbing my neck. "Ow!" I groaned. I picked myself up and dusted the dirt off my shorts.
"So what did you get?" Kira chirped up.

"Kate is powerful. She is a were-jaguar and is protected by these men in animal skin and bones " Scott sounded serious until the next bit.

"And... Y/n has a crush." His smirk grew as my face went redder.

The group crowded around Scott as I groaned loudly and dramatically fell to the floor and led there face first. Again. Stiles led next to me and tried to pry the name out from my lips.
"Hey, you okay? Yeah goood. So are you gonna say who it is?"
"No!" I groaned back, getting sand in my mouth.
"Come on." He got up and helped me up as I wiped the sand off my tongue.

"Nya no ni nate nyou." my tongue was still on my sleeve.

The car journey back was quiet. Stiles' jeep broke down twice which was a major improvement compared to the way there. We all sat on the wet grass as Stiles worked on the jeep.

Scott pulled me aside. "Do you want to talk about it?" I didn't really but it all just blurted out. "Yes. I like Malia and I don't know what to do because she's with Stiles and I don't even know what this means for my sexuality i'm just so confused, how would my family take this? How would Stiles take this?"

The tears filled my eyes. I was too over whelmed with it all so he pulled me in for a hug; which lasted a fair few minutes. His warm wolfy body comforted me.
I wiped my eyes and laughed it off.
"I needed that, thank you."
"Any time you want to talk about this just come to me." he walked me back to the jeep as Stiles had finished.

Malia was plaiting grass until she looked up at me and Scott. She had a look on her face that I couldn't quite comprehend.
Ten minutes left of this awful car journey.
Kira had knocked Derek out at least seven times to keep him irrelevant for the time being.

Home sweet home.
It was clear that Scott had seen the look on Malia's face as he pulled her aside when we got out of the car at my house. We always met at my house it was closest to the school and a lot of things happened there.

I couldn't hear what Scott was saying and my lip reading skills sucked worse than Stiles' jeep.

We all walked into my house. The door was locked. That was bad I forgot to lock it. The house was empty as it always was. It was a small house and I payed for it with my dads money and a bit of help from Isaac. He moved away because of Allison and I don't blame him.

But the house was payed off and it was mine. Seventeen and already a house owner.

I made everyone drinks and walked back.
"Put Derek on the sofa. Deaton is on his way."


"Well I have never seen something like this before. I think we should wait until he wakes go home and get some sleep. It is a school night." Deaton stayed at my house as did Scott but the others went home.

We were both tired but neither of us could get to sleep. I was led next to him on the pull-out sofa-bed twisting my shirt.
"Hey Scott." I was so tired my words droned a little.
"What do you think will happen if Stiles or-or my family find out that I like Malia?" Deaton heard me I could tell he wanted to speak up but didn't quite know what to say.

"Well I've known you since pre-school just like Stiles has. Nothing can come between the friendship you have with everyone. Stiles especially. He might be mad but he will get over it eventually he always does."That reassured me.

"And... my family?" I knew the answer but I also knew that Scott knew how to lie to make you feel better.
"Y/n, Your family, especially Isaac, loves you and nothing can change that no matter how hard they try."

"Y/n, I hope you don't mind my input but you family is in need of change and you are their anchor, just as Scotts was Allison. But only by speaking out can we create lasting change. And that change begins with coming out. The hate they gave you and Isaac may never change it scars you but you can always break free." Those words engraved themselves in my head like a beacon of hope. I had fallen asleep not long after. As had Scott.

My dream was a blur but it seemed quite good.
I woke up to Scott struggling to hold down a confused younger Derek.

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