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I was in bed. I couldn't remember. "Isaac!" I yelled walking out of my room. He ran up the stairs and hugged me tightly.

"Where were you?"
"I don't remember." I was confident I didn't come home last night.
"That is two nights in a row. Maybe we should chain you to your bed." I agreed with his comment and laughed.

He told me about last night, what I missed.
"Lydia is fine and apparently Tracy is a chimera or something." I went upstairs and changed into some actual clothes. There was a circular wound on my shoulder but I decided not to worry anyone anymore than I already had.

I hugged him goodbye and walked to school. As I opened the doors, every eye stared my way and as I walked to my locker, people gave out some comments worth a punch to the face.

"Let us see them tits again."
"Coma-girl, try to go back to sleep did you."

I walked towards him and pressed his head hard against a locker. "I can put you to sleep if you want." He shook his head and I let go.

I decided to skip maths and go to the library to do the catch up work instead. Stiles and Scott came during their break and talked about the Bestiary and chimeras.

They completely ignored me as I stared into space and clicked my pen. I tried to remember last night. I could tell Stiles was glancing at me and then at Scott every few seconds but I ignored it. They left me in the library and I left the school.

I called Isaac on my phone and decided to go for a walk.

"Sooo..why did you call me?"
"Because I keep disappearing and no one knows why so they would think I have disappeared again while I'm on my walk."
I talked with Isaac as I walked and it soon went dark. I decided I should call Stiles and see if he could give me a lift.

"Hey Stiles, I went for a walk. I am at the hospital, could you give me a lift." I had his voicemail so I just sat outside the hospital on the phone with Malia.

"Wait so, you found a book in Tracy's room about three doctors in masks?" I was puzzled, "The same doctors that killed Tracy."
"Yeah." She responded blankly.
"Tell Stiles." She pause to text Stiles but a few moments later spoke up.
"He hasn't responded, he always responds quickly. That's weird. I'll call him." She ended the call.

I decided to walk home. "Isaac I'm back." My eyes widened as he walked towards me with lengths on chain. "Oh my god I thought you were joking. What the fuck is this?"

He grabbed my hand and dragged a resisting me up the stairs and into bed. He chained my hands and feet to the ends of my bed and left the room. "But I'm hungry." He came back up with some grapes and fed me. I felt like royalty but were-wolf. "What if Malia sees?" I said my mouth full of grapes.

"She knows." I was stuck. Alone. All night.
Malia didn't come because she was so stuck on the Dread Doctors book.

Morning soon came and I was still chained up. "ISAAC!" I yelled. "IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR ASS UP HERE WITH THE KEY I SWEAR TO GOT I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" He didn't come.

My phone rang and I struggled but managed to answer it and put it on speaker with my nose.
"Hi." Isaac.
"Isaac I swear to god.." I calmed myself down.
"I had to talk to Scott."
"It is midday. Isaac." It was a Saturday but I was still pissed.

"Thank you." I said relieved and rubbing my wrists and ankles. I left the house and decided to call Lydia.

"Hi, you out of the hospital?"
"Yeah. Stiles, Scott, Kira and I are going to Eichen to visit Valack. Do you want to come along?"
"Sure, I'll meet you there."

I changed my clothes and walked to the creepy Eichen. I buzzed in with Lydia and Stiles, joined shortly after by Kira and Scott. Stiles and Scott shared worried glances between me and each other and I pretended not to notice.

"This place gives me the chills." I spoke up, looking around.

"Remove everything from your pockets, and remove your belt." I took out the gum and phone from my pocket and placed it in the box with everyone else's things.

We were taken down to the 'supernatural ward' and told not to make eye contact with anyone.

Scott and Kira were stuck outside by the mountain ash barrier so the rest of us went ahead. We passed cells and cells until we stopped at the one at the end. Valack asked Stiles about what he just saw but I was more interested in the bandage on his head.

"Everyone down here is a lost soul." I tuned back in.
"Don't give up on them yet, we are all works in progress."
"Where did you hear that?" Questioned Lydia.
"Wise words from a former cell mate."

I tuned back out still focused on his bandage.

"You want Lydia's scream." I butted in.
"No! Valack is a nut job."
"How many have died so far?" I sat up from the floor. "Do you want to know how many died the first time?"

"Its happened before."
"How do you know?" Stiles asked.
"I saw it." He unravelled his bandage revealing his third eye. I grimaced.

I walked out of the room, almost sick and I saw Kira surrounded in lightening. Scott is carrying her out but I stayed inside. Waiting for Lydia and Stiles. Lydia had screamed and given the tape to Valack. I hid around the corner as three familiar doctors come in. Alarms sounded.

We ran as the doctors left and met up with Scott and Kira breathless outside.

The gate was down a huge stone staircase. I walked behind everyone and noticed that Isaac was stood outside the gate.

"Isaac?" Everyone had stopped in-front of the gates and stared at me. Theo was also there.
Kira and Lydia looked confused.

"Why have we stopped, what is happening?"
Stiles looked down ashamed.
"Don't you think its a little strange how Y/n was bitten but didn't turn? And how she has gone missing at night recently?"
"Who told you that?" He looked back at a smiling Theo who quickly changed his emotions.

"What are you saying Stiles?" My eyes welled up. "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?" I was angry and upset.

"I am saying that you, aren't you." He sighed.
"Well we can fix it, we can you know trap it with fox fire or-or.." my eyes were worsening.
"We are leaving you here Y/n." Scott spoke up.

"You knew, you knew." I yelled and began walking forward. Two big men placed their hands on my arms holding me back. I was so mad at Isaac and Stiles and Scott.

"NO!" I screamed as I was dragged backwards. "No, no, no, no-hoho!" My screams turned to cries as I sunk my body and was dragged crying up the stairs. I could see tears on everyones faces except Theo's.

I slowed my tears as they all drove away and I was assigned a room.

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