Los Angeles

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"I'm coming."
"The full moon is two days away."
"I'm coming just get me some chains by then."
"I don't think there's any arguing with her." Malia added.

I walked over to Jackson and Ethan. "Do you guys have to go?"
"Monroe has people all over the world, we can protect London." Ethan assured.
"Would have been nice to have you back." I hugged the both of them as they walked out the door.

"Got my girls. Got my boys. Let's go to Los Angeles." I wrapped my arm around Malia and Theo before Derek spoke up.
"We are not your boys."
"Yeah we are."
"Yeah we are." Scott and Stiles said in unison.

I laughed and walked to Malia's car with her and Theo.

"So how did you do it?" I turned to Theo.
"We were talking in the hospital elevator and I just kissed him. And he kissed me back."
"Well, I'm happy for you."
"Wait you and Liam?" Malia laughed in shock. "Go you." She smiled.

We arrived at the motel and I checked everyone in. "Rooms 20,21,23 and 24."

Malia walked us to room 24.
"You tired?" She asked.
"Exhausted." I sighed and we both collapsed onto the bed.
"Wanna talk till we sleep?" She suggested.
"Yes, what did I miss? I've heard Theo's side. What's yours?"
"Peter bought me a car. It got blown up but it was a nice gesture. I was hunted. I was really ashamed of myself that I fell for that text."
"Don't be." I kissed her on the forehead and closed my eyes, although by the lack of movement I knew she wasn't going to sleep anytime soon.

"Y/n? Are you awake?" I opened my eyes and saw the pink sky out of the window.
"Yes you are I need to tell you something."
"Is it the big secret?"
"No. But it is a secret. One I have to tell you." She said sadly.

I rolled to face her. "It's about Scott... and me."
"While you were at Argent Arms... I thought we were broken up... and I slept with Scott."

I stood up. "You...what?!" My voice was loud and growly. Theo and Liam burst in.
I growled at them. "The full moon is in three hours what did you say?"
Liam was stepping slowly towards me.

"Y/n... your angry. But you have to save your strength. Tonight is gonna take a lot out of you." I calmed my breathing.
"Malia, Liam, go help Scott. I'll stay with her. I'll tell you where to meet me but you have to come. She can't do this alone." They both left and Theo came towards me.

"What did she say?"
"Scott..." he pulled me in for a hug. "You smell like Liam." I pointed out, giggling.
"Know anywhere in Los Angeles."
"No but Peter will." I handed him my phone.

"What do you mean there is nowhere in Los Angeles? Beacon hills is half an hour away."
He hung up we went outside for a cab.
"Where are we going?" The driver asked.
"Beacon hills."
"Scott, have you got him?"
"Well get to Beacon hills, we are on our way there."
"Is there nowhere else?"
"Hurry up." He said to Scott.

I looked out of the window at the darkened sky.
"We are nearly there." The driver announced. "Left or right?"
"Left." I said. I pulled out my wallet and gave it to Theo as I climbed out of the car.

My head was spinning as I stumbled down to Lydia's boat house. Scott and Malia were already there. I growled at Scott and launched at him but he just be against the pillar while Malia wrapped me in chains.

I gasped for breath in between growls.
"Malia, the chains..."
"What's going on?" Peter asked.
"Get out." They scrambled out the door and locked it shut behind them.

I growled louder and glowed my eyes as they watched through the window. The chains snapped to the floor and I led against the door, banging.

"Open the door! Open the door, open the door, open the fucking door!" I screamed.
"What's going on?" Lydia asked.
"You did this to me, Scott! You fucking did this to me!"

I saw Isaac through the window. "Isaac! Please, you know what it's like. Please!"
"I'm sorry..."

I roared as I felt the sharp fangs push through my gums. I caught myself in the reflection of the glass. The teeth were larger than a wolfs and my eyes were glowing purple. The anger and agonising pain soon grew too much. My clothes ripped and fell lightly to the ground.

I leapt at the window, fully transforming mid jump. I ran through the endless forest, passing joggers and scaring them. I slowed my running and came to a walk so I could listen to where the others were. Two coyotes leapt at me from in front and Scott was behind me. I roared at the three of them. Scott roared back and Argents loud, high-pitched wolf things turned on.

I fell to the ground, now human and completely naked. The lighter coloured coyote dropped clothes on the floor and changed into Malia while Theo walked away. I got dressed, as did Malia. She nodded at Scott and he walked towards Argent. I started to follow but she pulled me back.

"I hurt you. And I just have one thing to say." She smiled at me. "I want your love, and I want your revenge." I smiled and turned back to face her. "I want your love, I don't wanna be friends."
"J'veux ton amour, et je veux ta revanche. J'veux ton amour, I don't wanna be friends."
I chuckled.
"Quoting Lady GaGa, now, are we?"
"Absolutely." I kissed her and we walked back to the others.

"Hi." I held out my hand only to be left there. "Okay, not very friendly. I'm not as rabid as I looked." He shook my hand.
"I'm Amory, and I'm not staying."
"I'm Y/n."
"What are you?" Theo asked, now fully clothed.
"W- I- what, do you think I have a PhD in the supernatural?"

"Isaac. What is wrong with your face it looks like sour milk?" I joked.
"Y/n I have to tell you something." He looked at Scott and Scott nodded. "You aren't my sister."
"Well that's news." I said, still processing it.
"Mom took you in when you were five, they found you in an old house that was... unoccupied."
"So the past few months I've been tracking down your family."
"Why, now?"
"I got news of a family looking for a child in Beacon hills and checked it out." Stiles added.

"Argent said, that what he saw was a saber-toothed tiger." Scott interrupted.
Deaton walked in the front door. "A weresmilodon is a rare creature and are usually hybrids, part wolf and part tiger."
"Okay well I am part tired and part 'slightly-annoyed-at-all-of-you' so can I get some sleep?"

"I'll take you home." Stiles walked me out and I got into his jeep.

"Your not annoyed at all of us are you?" He asked.
"I could never be annoyed at you, your all my family. Malia is my girlfriend. You and Liam are like my adopted brothers. Theo is my best friend, never saw that one coming. Peter is like my adopted father. Lydia is with you so she's practically my adopted sister. And Scott is my alpha and my oldest friend. No matter how much I hate him for what he has done, I could never truly hate him."

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