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I ran out of the bathroom and caught up with Stiles. "Oh my life your covered in blood." I scanned his body pretending to care.

"I-I am fine come on we have to get to Scott the cure is in the vault." He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowds and down to the basement.

"Scott, Scott open the vault there is a cure." Stiles was screaming through the key hole. "Mushrooms in a-a jar."

Kira was mumbling, repeating the words we said. She clearly knew what we were on about and Scott soon built up his strength. We heard fumbling around and eventually a smash. I turned my gaze to Stiles a shocked look upon my face and the doors soon opened.

Stiles rushed over to Malia and placed a hand on her shoulder, I watched as she slid his hand off her shoulder dropped the list and walked away. It's about time.

We all decided to stay at school that night because Scott had a plan to catch the Benefactor.

"You want to essentially kill him?" I asked.

"Yes but we can bring him back, if we can't prove the death then what is the Benefactor going to do?"

"See for themselves." I answered. I left the room after that to go fill up everyones water but I ran into Peter in the hallway.

"What are you doing here?" I asked nicely, wrapping my arms around his chest.

He didn't hug me back.

He knew.

I pulled away, smirked, and then slapped him across the face for the sheer pleasure of it.

Everyone ran out of the classroom at the noise. Peter was stood still facing them angry and I was walking away. His cold rings suddenly pressed against my jaw, his other arm pinning mine to my side. He span me to face the others and tilted my head revealing my bare shoulder.

"Peter, no what are you doing?" they all were shouting at once but all I could do was smile.

"You won't bite me, Peter. She wouldn't want this, you would kill her. Your no Alpha."

"I knew I smelt a rat at the hospital, and the apartment. Why shouldn't you be bitten? You killed Bree."

"What the hell is happening?" Scott was scared, I could tell and while Peter was distracted I grabbed his wrist and fed on his pain, chaos, and strife. With him weakened and me strengthened I pushed away and ran the corner.

"Nogitsune." I heard him say disappointed in himself I had escaped. His heels squeaked on the school corridor and his slow steps grew louder.

But I was gone. I knew Malia had no idea and neither did Derek but he was weak so I called her.

"Malia, Malia please Peter tried to bite me, help me. I-I am at my house." I whimpered through the phone.

"I'm on my way." I sat on the bed and Malia soon came.

"I-I don't know what happened he just grabbed me an-and called me a demon." She hugged me and we stood in my room for a while talking.

"Hey it will be alright I will keep you safe." I glanced out the window and saw an angry Peter stood outside. I pushed Malia onto the bed so we were out of site and just by pure luck I was sat on her lap, legs apart.

I leaned in close, placing my hand on her cheek and kissed her. She didn't resist, only kissing me back. I moved my hands, one around her head, another down her back. Passion was all we could feel.

But the phone soon rang. She pulled away, looking ashamed that she had submitted to me and answered the phone.

"Peter!" she grimaced at the name.

I heard rushed chatter on the phone, her jaw dropped and she wiped her mouth on her sleeve. When she wasn't looking I jumped out of the window knowing Peter had moved and vanished.


The only place I had left to go was the hospital. Scott McCall can stay dead. I appeared on the roof, the plan had already started, as I heard Melissa's faked scream and sat there patiently.

"Berserkers." I could smells their horrid stench from a mile away. "You know I really should thank you, but since you are here to kill my lovely host I probably shouldn't." I ran in circles around the big metal crates and eventually stood still long enough for one to try to attack me before I jumped out of the way and the power went out. "Finally I can go inside now." I ran to the door before they could catch up and bolted it shut with something I found nearby.

I saw trails of blood on the floor. "More Berserkers." I rolled my sleeves up preparing to fight but ran into a very shocked but also ready to fight Kira and Liam. They backed me towards the door foolishly. I removed the blockage from behind the door and out burst two Berserkers. Kira and Liam fought them and led them out onto the roof. The corridors were empty and I walked my way to the morgue.

The lights continued to flicker. I halt at the door and hear Kate and Chris. I decided against it and went off the find two berserkers.

"Hello boys." They stopped angrily towards me but before they could injure me my hands were on their 'sculls'. They were mine now.

We walked down the empty corridors pausing at the morgue. They kicked open the doors and we walked in. Kate turned blue and Chris raised his guns. "Hey Chrissy, hows little Allison?" reluctant to shoot me he tried to tase me. I caught the electricity and released it at a pouncing Kate. "Now now, shouldn't you know that already? And shouldn't poor Scott be up and about around about now. I sent the Berserkers away and winked. "One on one is fair."

Peter grabbed me from behind pulling me into the same position as the school. "Not really. He has guns." His grip had tightened and Kira had already awakened Scott. Malia came, finally catching up to Peter. Kate awoke looking absolutely pissed and Stiles came out from the next room.

Full house.

"Ahm so...we need an audience do we." I chuckled. Nobody else said anything, they just circled us. I couldn't escape. I began to laugh and repeat the words that Y/n said to Scott the year he got bit.

"I wouldn't want to get bit, there is still a chance of death, she said. What are you going to go against her wishes?" I mocked their seriousness.

"If it saves her, then yes." Peter extended his claws digging them into my arm and jaw.

I began to cry and act more like Y/n. "Please-please no, its me I swear I don't want to b-be a were-wolf. Please!" My last word broke apart as the crying became more realistic. Worried glanced spread between and a struggled smile spread deep across my face.

"I AM THE DARK FOX. I CANNOT BE CONTAINED!" I yelled as my smile turned quickly into anger.

"NO!" I yelled as everyone nods at Scott.
"No!" I repeated my words, struggling against Peter. His claws only sinking deeper into my flesh.

Scott strode towards me and his teeth sank deep into my shoulder.

Distracted}• Malia x reader (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now