Killer queen

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I awoke with Peter asleep in the chair next to me. I climbed out of bed and opened the bag next to me, taking out the clothes.

I put on sone white jeans, a hot pink top, a leather jacket and some boots then did my hair and make up. "God being a girl is hard."

I waltzed out of the room smirking and marching out of the building. "No car Y/n, I'll walk." She screamed in my head trying and failing to break free. Her pain fed me. She could feel everything. She knew everything she was doing. Because she was doing them. I was just the puppeteer.

"Don't you just love the dark and the rain. Makes me feel like royalty. I'm a killer queen."

I walked to the school and in the car park I saw a girl being hunted by a girl. I snuck in the back of the car unnoticed as the boy killed the blondie.

The other girl climbed into the car and kicked the headless blondie out. Then she kissed the boy passionately and photographed the dead girl. I noticed it was Garret from Y/n's head. Garret hacked away on his computer and the code soon turned to words. "We just got paid."

I sat back and clapped my hands slowly. Their attention soon turned to me. "Wow, what a show. Brought tears to my eyes I'm so proud."
I fake wiped away a tear and smirked.

She had a stretched out in her hand that glowed red. "Jeez I expected more of a welcome after Stiles I should be famous. But thanks for the hostility anyway greatly appreciated."

"You?" Garrett said. "You are the Nogitsune?" I nodded and laughed at their confusion.
"The one and only, I just figured you could use a little help Garret," I wiped my finger along their seats collecting dust " and I am down a car."

They quickly agreed with me and we parked the car. Properly.

I led the way inside to the basement, breaking the locks on all the doors.

"So, hunters, who we killin' and whats the price? No sucker does it for free." They showed me a list with stars next to the names. "Brett, really? He's only worth a million." I chuckled. "You gotta go for the big one."

I threw the list on the floor. "But Scott is worth the most. He has his whole 'pack' and his alpha status." I sneered and drew out a plan. It took us all night but it was worth it.

"So Violet, What. is. the. plan?" I asked to check she was listening and not dozing off in the corner.

"First we take Lydia, she's always wandering off she will be easy. We don't kill her yet just keep her. Second Garrett goes after Brett at the lacrosse game. Scott will think that we are after Liam but we don't touch him. Scott will soon figure out that we are after Brett instead of Liam who isn't even on the list and Scott will leave. Then I will be there over Brett, who I haven't killed yet, but hidden. I attack Scott with the wire which won't work and the police take me. Garrett uses Liam and Lydia as bait to get Scott to break me free and we hit him with wolfsbane." she smirked at how well she remembered that.

"Well done but don't get too cocky now missy." I noticed Garrett wanting to speak up but hide away, "Speak Garrett." I insisted.

"Won't the realise that you are the Nogitsune? I mean you are like a thousand years old, they know the symptoms and how to defeat you."

"A thousand and one. And yes, but I am smarter, I know what to do and how to avoid it. Plus Y/n's mind holds all the secrets. She once told Scott she never wants to be a werewolf. They can't change me this time."

"Oh yeah and aren't you in like a box or something?" I nodded my head and insisted that we all slept for the rest of the night.

I walked home and led in bed resisting sleep. "Sleep makes you weak Y/n." She knew exactly the chaos she was doing, and I could tell she liked it. All she could do was play an endless game of go.


I got up in the morning to her phone exploded with texts and calls. I smashed the phone and walked to school with it in hand. I was crowded in the corridor by worried people.

"Y/n what the hell happened Peter woke up and you were gone we even called Stiles' dad?" I pretended to look scared as I acknowledged the worried look on Malia's face. So the crush has feelings.

"I-I I'm sorry, I woke up and Peter looked so peaceful so I went for a walk and told a nurse to let him know when he wakes. He must've clocked off. Plus I tripped and broke my phone." I held up the broken phone and walked into a warm embrace from everyone.

"Y/n your freezing and you look tired." Scott's calming voice broke the hug.

"Yeah I couldn't sleep, these things cost like a lot of hundred bucks that I don't have." I responded jokingly.

"Now come on we got Econ, Stiles tell your dad that I am fine." I smiled back as a walked ahead to coach's class.

I sat in Y/n's place and smirked as the hopeless fool walked into the room. My tongue rolled the side of my cheek as I resisted to bring up his past. He was talking about economic disparity and was walking around the room. As he walked past me i could smell the stupid seeping from his pores.

He stopped walking and leant down to Stiles' desk glaring at the crime scene photos on his desk.

"You know Stilinki, if i could grade you on how profoundly you disturb me, you'd be and A+ student." I giggled at his remark. I had spent half the night studying Y/n's mind mastering the way she acts and speaks. Stiles quickly grabbed coached lacrosse stick and eyed it back and forth from the crime scene pictures. I knew he had realised what the weapon was.

After class we went to the locker room and pulled apart every stick. "This is pointless, most of the team owns their own equipment anyway." Scott whispered.

"Well we could get coach to cancel the game." Kira suggested.

"No!" I was quick to deny, maybe too quick. "No, this would be our best chance to find our assassin."

"I'm not afraid." Scott persisted.

"Well I am and I'm not even on there. These are professional killers with professional weapons." Stiles said shakily.

The rest of the day flew by and after school I met up with Violet and Garrett.

"Violet!" I shouted. "Ready the poison we have work to do." I debriefed the plan with them and walked out unnoticed but stayed by the door to make sure they were still with me.

"I still don't get why we are going after a beta when an Alpha is on the field." Violet spoke up.

"An entire pack of alphas went after Scott and he was the one left standing. Y/n said no just follow the plan and we will be fine."

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