Pretty ugly

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"Shit!" I yelled.

"Whats happening?" I heard Scott yell through the phone.

"He's gone.." Stiles ended the call and started to wonder where he would have gone.

"You can track Scotts phone right?"
"And he's with Peter, Peter will know."
"Good idea."

Stiles fumbled about with his phone. "The school!"

I ran out of the house. "No time for cars just run." And we ran.

"You really need a better weapon that a baseball bat." Lydia said, joining us at the gate.

A deafening roar came from nowhere.
"Thats Scott." I turned my head to Stiles to process what he said but my first thought was Malia.

I ran up the metal stairs and jumped on the bony human about to hit Malia. I climbed up its arm and wrapped my leg around his neck and dropped back. It fell and Derek came to fight the other.

I rushed to help Kira, Scott and Malia. But the boned thing scratched my back and I fell against Kira and Scott.

Derek was now taking on two. He flashed from him to younger him until eventually he stopped and roared. He turned to us, everything normal except for his yellow eyes. The monsters had ran.

"God they were pretty ugly." I smirked as I got up.

"Y/n that looks bad." Derek stated glaring at me.
"I'm fine, it doesn't hurt i'll get Melissa to stitch it up later."

I went to go find Lydia and Stiles. I found them underneath the school sign at the Hale vault
"Huh. Cool place, bit dusty though."
"Wha- what have I missed?"
"I was robbed." Peter was angry.

"Oh really, me too. That bag of bones out there scratched me and I seem to have lost... a lot of blood," I smiled dizzily "someone catch me."

I tumbled to the ground and landed in Peters arms. Lydia knelt by me assuring me I was gonna be alright. Before I passed out I glanced around the room and noticed an empty, wooden box sat on the floor and the lid decorated with a triskelion.


I woke up in a hospital bed and the steady sound of a beep in the background. My vision was blurry but I saw three figures stood by me.
"What happened?"

"Well.." Stiles voice drowned out the beeps.
"Well you died and then came back to life." Malia interrupted. Stiles hit her on the arm and suggested that that was too harsh. Peter was also sat by me. It made sense he had been like a father to me since Isaac left. No body could tell why.

"How long was I out?"
"Just a couple days. Didn't miss much just the new lacrosse player with a broken ankle thanks to Scott." Stiles had a way of changing the subject.
"What about the money?"
"Well that is still a problem, but we're dealing with it." Peter butted in.

A muffled high pitch yell came from above.
"W-was that a scream?" I sat up and tried to leave "I've missed too much already."
Peter pushed me back into bed. "No. You. Don't. You need to sleep." He guided Stiles and Malia out of the room and darkened the lights but stayed with me.

"You know why I have looked after you since your brother left." I shook my head no. "Its because you have no one. The family you see abuses you and Isaac has left. I couldn't care for Derek or Malia the least I can do is try with you."

I tried to speak but I was speechless. A loud roar came from above but muffled by the ceiling. Peter ran out of the room. I had no choice but to sleep.

I woke up screaming. Stiles who was stood just outside ran in and calmed me down.
"Hey, hey it was just a dream calm, calm!"
I relaxed my self and nestled my head tears rushing down my cheeks. "They were coming for me. They killed me." He glanced at Malia and an incoming Peter as I broke down.

"Stiles, Malia go home, I will stay with her." Peter insisted.

Peter swapped places with Stiles and climbed into the bed. As I led with him I drifted back to sleep. His presence kept away the bad dreams for the night.

I woke up alone. Melissa soon came in to check on me and explain where everyone had gone.
"Scott did WHAT?!" I yelled.
"Keep it down."

Melissa left not long after and I went in the bathroom. Starting myself down in the mirror he finally spoke.
"Hello Y/n." A disembodied voice emerged in my head.

"What do you want with me?"
"Revenge." My eyes burned through the mirror eventually seeing his reflection.
"!" I spoke as my reflection lit on fire. 
"STOP IT! NO! NO!" I screamed as Scott and Malia dragged me out pinning me to my bed. Worried glances exchanged between them.

"Scott." Malia had her hand on my forehead.
"Scott shes on fire." Scott reached for my head and an even more look spread across his face. Melissa soon rushed in with a sedative and Malia called Peter.

"Let me in Y/n."
"Stiles resisted and the pain was worse for him. I can make it easy for you."
"I can handle a little pain."
"No. No you can't." A pain rushed through my mind and I felt my body turn as I slept.
"I wont let you in. Your smart enough now to know that too many symptoms make this too obvious." I tried to walk away in my mind but he had moved in-front of me. "Let. Me. Go!"I snarled in his face. He wasn't a war medic dressed in bandages this time. He was Stiles.
"I think Malia would like to know the truth about you." I tried to trick him but you can't out fox a fox.

"Not only am I smarter." His image duplicated in my mind and circled me. "Im STRONGER!" He yelled from all versions and closed in on my collapsing body.

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