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Harry and Y/N followed the bald man, Tom, as the opened the door for them. 

"Hedwig!" Harry exclaimed, a smile spreading through his face as he headed towards his owl.

(O/N: Owl's name) 

"O/N!" Y/N greeted, petting his owl's head. O/N seemed to be enjoying it. 

"Smart birds you two got there," Tom complimented. 

Someone cleared their throat loudly, getting their attention. 

"As the minister of magic, it is my duty to inform you, Mr. Potter, that your uncle's sister was located in a chimney," the Minster informed. "Sure, blown up. She has been properly punctured and her memory modified. She will have no recollection of the incident whatsoever. So, that's that. And no harm done."

Tom pushed Harry into a chair, forcing him to sit down. He looked at Y/N, ready to do the same, but Y/N sent a death glare his way, signaling that he did not want to be pushed around. Tom just nodded and began offering things to Harry, even though Harry shook his head at each offer. Y/N crossed his arms and tried not to laugh as he heard what Harry did to his aunt. He slightly flinched at the crack of peanuts coming from Tom. 

"Um, Minister?" Harry asked. 

"Yes?" the Minster questioned. 

"I don't understand."


"I broke the law. Underaged wizards aren't allowed to use magic at home," Harry said. 

"Oh, come on Harry, the ministry doesn't send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts," the Minister spoke, smiling. 

Tom made a weird croaking noise that Y/N assumed was laughter. He almost laughed at Tom's laugh but the Minister glared at Tom, making him shut up. 

"However, running away from home, was a very irresponsible thing to do Mr. Potter," the Minister said. "And as for you Mr. L/N, you should have a parent or guardian when going out like that. In the state of things, you're both very irresponsible."

"Sorry, Minister. There were a few complications about that. But I'm alive, so I think I've done quite well," Y/N spoke. 

"I suppose so," the Minister agreed. 

"Sorry, sir, the 'state of things?'" Harry asked. 

"We have killer on the loose," the Minister reminded. 

"Sirius Black, you mean. But, what's that got to do with us?" Harry questioned. Y/N nodded, having the same question. The Minister let out an awkward laugh. 

"Nothing, of course," he mumble. "You're safe! And that's what matters!" Y/N closed his eyes and focused his hearing on his heartbeat, hearing it pound rapidly. 

He was lying. 

He was about to ask about it, but he figured he might as well leave it alone. 

"And tomorrow, the both of you will be on your way to Hogwarts," the Minister confirmed. "Oh and these are your new school books that I had the liberty to be brought here. Now Tom will show you two your room."

Harry and Y/N glanced over at the books, but they were both rushed to the door by Tom. Y/N tried his best to stay calm as Tom pushed them. Harry and Y/N called their owls, taking them. 

"Oh and by the way boys, it'd be best if you two didn't.....wander."


Tom led Y/N to his room, which was right next to Harry's. Y/N quickly closed the door, wanting some alone time. He spotted his school books and heard one of them making an odd noise. Y/N frowned and walked towards it. 

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