Quidditch World Cup

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After Y/N got a letter from Ron about his family including Harry and Hermione were going to the Quidditch World Cup, Y/N couldn't help but accept the offer. Tyler and Leroy weren't able to make it, much to Y/N's disappointment. But he eventually cheered up when they said they'd be there at school. 

After his mom dropped him off at Ron's house, Y/N knocked and walked inside, smelling the breakfast Mrs. Weasley was making. 

"Y/N, my dear! It's so great to see you," Mrs. Weasley greeted, giving the young boy a hug. "You've grown!"

"Yup. It's great to see you two, Mrs. Weasley," Y/N said. 

"You're a bit early, dear. You could go upstairs and sleep for a little longer," Mrs. Weasley offered. "Choose any room. Harry and Ron are already sleeping in one."

"Okay, thanks," Y/N thanked, grabbing his things and walking into a random bedroom. 

Even if the Weasley's didn't have much money, their place definitely seemed like one of the most coziest and comfortable places Y/N could be. After putting down his suitcase, he fell face first into the bed since he got any sleep last night. Stupid red eye crap. 

"I could get used to this," he mumbled to himself, his voice muffled by the pillow he was laying on. 

Y/N slightly laughed at himself and sat up, sitting properly on the bed. He was analyzing the room before he heard a big THUNK. He turned around to see his owl, O/N, against the glass. He winced and quickly opened the window for him/her. Once O/N recovered, he/she handed Y/N a letter. 

"Thank you, O/N," Y/N thanked, giving his owl scratches on its head before allowing it to fly off. "Still don't know how we're friends."

Y/N looked down at the letter, realizing it was from Leroy. He frowned and got under the covers of the bed, relaxing. For once. He opened up the letter and read it. 

To Y/N L/N, 

Listen, I half expected you to write to me about your daydreams about Hermione but that shit came out of nowhere. I'm going to act like you're serious, and that you weren't hallucinating. 

I did a bit of reading and there's not much information on a beta having alpha eyes. But there was something that did match the description. This type of werewolf also doesn't have much info, but I tried. 

According to this book, what you're talking about is a True Alpha. Sounds stupid, right? But it said that it's a beta who can rise to the power of their own will and become an alpha. No power-taking, no killing, no fighting. Just your own will. It's an extremely rare alpha, maybe there's one every 100 or 200 years???? I don't know. But it's very rare. 

It didn't say anything about when the last True Alpha was or who, and it didn't have a whole lot of info on it, so I wouldn't call it completely reliable. For now, just keep on watching your eyes and your anger. 

Other than that, see you later. 

Also can you and Hermione just like fucking make out already? THANKS!

One of the only friends you have, 

Leroy Lester

Y/N laughed a bit as he read the note, but then focused on the True Alpha part. What...the actual...FUCK is a True Alpha? He's never heard any of that and it's never been mentioned in any of his classes. Maybe it was just a fake?

Or maybe it was real? He saw himself with red eyes, he was sure of it. Or...maybe not? This was really confusing. 

Y/N closed his eyes and tried concentrating again, grabbing a nearby mirror. He thought about friends, family, protecting them, anything that could kick in the alpha instinct. When he opened his eyes, he saw the colors switching back and forth, between yellow and red, like the two were fighting for the right of his eye color. His eyes slightly burned, making his eyes water. He clenched his eyes shut and opened them again, now met with fully red eyes, not more switching. 

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