Harry Learns the "Truth"

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Coach called Y/N over to him. 

"What the hell was that?" he asked. 

"Uh, a, block," Y/N stuttered. 

"You wanna know something? Come over here," Coach said, wrapping an arm around Y/N and bringing him to where the Ravenclaw team couldn't see him. 

"Am I in trouble?" Y/N asked. 

"What? No! That was awesome!" Coach exclaimed. Y/N eyebrows raised in surprise. "Of course I can't tell that in front of the other kids because this game requires sportsmanship and from what I was seeing, neither of you attempted that. But that was a nice body check."

"Thanks, Coach," Y/N said, smiling. 

"You're gonna need to go with him to the hospital wing so people think you've made up. So get going."



Y/N helped Ian move onto the hospital bed, a few of the Ravenclaw teammates glaring at him. He rolled his eyes. 

"Next time, try to control your teammate and just maybe, this won't happen," Y/N said. 

"Y/N!" a voice called from the other side. Y/N looked over. 

Holy balls how did I not see them? 

"Ron!" Y/N greeted, walking over to the crowd where Ron, Hermione, Neville, Seamus, and the twins were at. He realized Harry was on the bed. "Huh, he must've been the body I saw falling down the sky."

"Gee, thanks, Y/N," Harry said, his voice weak, sitting up. 

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked. 

"Oh, brilliant," Harry answered. 

"Gave us a right good scare, mate," Fred said, sitting down on the chair next to the bed. 

"What happened?" Harry asked. 

"I wasn't there so I don't know," Y/N told him. 

"Well then where were you?" Harry questioned.

"Lacrosse," Y/N spoke, holding up his lacrosse stick. 

"Cool. So, what happened then?" Harry asked, turning to the others. 

"Well, you fell off your broom," Ron answered. 

"Really? I meant the match, who won?" Harry spoke. They all looked away. Hermione sat up. 

"No one blames you, Harry. The dementors aren't supposed to come inside the grounds. Dumbledore was furious. As soon as he saved you he sent them straight off," she told him. Harry sighed. 

"So in short, Hufflepuff won. A rarity it is. They should be thanking you," Y/N said. Hermione nudged his shoulder, making him shut up. 

"Something else you should know too Harry," Ron started. Y/N realized what he was holding. 

Oh wow, that sucks, he thought. 

"When you fell, your broom, it, sort of blew into the Whomping Willow and, well, kind of, broke," Ron finished, holding up the broken broom stick. 

"Broke? Got demolished," Y/N said. Hermione nudged him again and rose her eyebrows at him. "Sorry."

"I need to go see Professor Lupin," Harry announced, attempting to sit up. 

"I need to go back to the field," Y/N mumbled, putting his lacrosse stick on his shoulder. "See you guys later?"

They all nodded and he walked off. 

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