Don't Tell Anyone

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"My're my son."


A few silent seconds went by as Y/N tried to process the information. 

"You're the son of Melissa Black, right?" Sirius asked. 

"Son of Melissa L/N," Y/N corrected. "She got married to another man."

"Of course, as expected. Everything and everyone turned on me back then," Sirius said, a sad look overcoming his face. 

"For a good reason," Y/N mentioned. "And, yes, you're my dad. It's gonna take me days or maybe weeks to actually fully process that but, that doesn't change the fact that you murdered all those people and you're here to kill Harry."

"I am not here to kill Harry. Nearly everything about me is filled with lies, I swear on my life," Sirius said. "I didn't murder all those people."

"Who was it then?" Y/N asked. 

"Peter Pettigrew," Sirius answered. 

"Peter...I thought his finger was the only thing left of him," Y/N said, surprise and shock covering his face. He heard nothing change in Sirius' heartbeat. He was telling the truth. 

"That foul git cut off his own finger to make everything think he was dead," Sirius stated. 

"Wait, so he's not dead?!" Y/N questioned, getting more confused. 

"No, he's the red-head's rat. He's an unregistered animagus like me," Sirius said. 

"Red-head....are you talking about Scabbers, Ron Weasley's rat?" Y/N asked him. 

"Yes! I'm not here to kill Harry, you, or that Ron! I'm here to kill Peter!" Sirius exclaimed. "That's why I escaped."

"So everything's wrong. Absolutely everything," Y/N mumbled. "I have to tell Harry."

"No you mustn't!" Sirius ordered, grabbing Y/N by the shoulders. "He cannot know, and neither can anyone else."

"But Dad- Sirius he needs to be told! He thinks you're after him! They're all wrong. They have the wrong man," Y/N argued. 

"They'll never believe me or a 13-year old wizard. There's NO ONE on our side, besides Remus," Sirius stated. 

"Remus. As in Professor Lupin?" Y/N asked. 

"Yes. He's a friend of mine, almost like a brother."

"Is he helping you?"

"Somewhat. He knows the secret passages around Hogwarts, but has not told Dumbledore or anyone else. I'm trying to see if I can sneak into Hogwarts and catch Pettigrew then," Sirius explained.

"What if you get caught? They'll take you back to Azkaban and give you to the dementors," Y/N said. 

"If Peter gets killed and so do I, I'll be satisfied," Sirius stated. 

"Well I won't! I finally found my real father and he's about to get killed or captured by literally everyone!" Y/N argued. 

"I promise we'll have more, normal, dad and son moments. But I have a mission, and I have one for you too," Sirius told him. 

"Which is?" Y/N asked. 

"Don't, tell, anyone," Sirius ordered. Y/N sighed and looked down. "Can you do that?"

"Yeah," Y/N said. 

"Good. The plan won't work if someone else knows. I hope you have good lying skills and ability to keep secrets," Sirius spoke. 

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