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You-Know-Who is back! REAL PROOF!

Death Eaters at Department of Mysteries: Hogwarts student dead, many injured.

Y/N sat on his bed, reading the paper that was about the battle yesterday. He read how Voldemort was seen above Harry, who was on the floor. Some sick fuck took a photo of it. Harry told him about the possession, but if he was honest, he didn't care. About anything. 

He realized that no one was here when Tyler was killed, or when Fenrir almost killed all three of them. The logical side of his brain was telling him that they obviously couldn't. Voldemort himself was there fighting with Harry and Dumbledore, and then he possessed Harry. What could they do?

But his emotions were amplified as the full moon was around the corner. He felt betrayed, then berated himself for feeling that way. That, however, only made him angrier. Y/N was always the one to hold in his emotions and deal with it. He didn't feel like doing that anymore. He wanted to release all of the anger, guilt, despair, fear, all of it. Preferably on Fenrir, or maybe Ian. 

Oh, yeah, he bit Ian. Why not add to the pile of shit he's in?

His eyes traveled down the paper, and landed on Tyler's photo. Y/N froze, and stared. Tyler looked into the camera and smiled. The photo was interrupted when Leroy bumped into him, and at the time, for shits and giggles, Y/N did the same, only on the other side. Tyler tried to wrestle them out of the photo, but eventually, he pulled both of them into it, an arm wrapped around both of their necks. With that, they all smiled in the photo. 'Course, they got in trouble for it, since it was a picture supposed to be going into the yearbook. But they didn't care. 

Y/N looked at the caption. 

Tyler Bryant, 16, was killed during the battle. The only witnesses of his death were his two friends, as seen in the photo, Y/N L/N and Leroy Lester. Both have chosen not to speak to the public. We plan to question soon. 

Y/N growled and threw the paper to the floor, then winced. He lifted up his shirt, to see the bandages on his stomach stained with blood again. 

When you don't care, you'll give up. Physically and mentally. 

And that's why Y/N hadn't healed. 

"Dumbass," he heard Leroy say, who had his head faced towards the ceiling, and his back against the backboard of his bed. His eyes slowly traveled to Y/N's. "Madam Pomfrey told you not to reopen your wound."

"I didn't mean to, dumbass," Y/N replied, mocking Leroy's voice. Then he leaned his head back and sighed. "Besides, I don't care."

"Why won't you just let yourself heal?" Leroy questioned. "Look, I feel terrible about Ty...about what happened. But you can't leave yourself like that. I healed because I knew-"

"Tyler would want you to, yes I know," Y/N interrupted. "I also know that-"

"Tyler would want to be alive, yes I know," Tyler cut in, now mocking his voice. "That's not an excuse, Y/N. I wish you'd stop being so stubborn and let someone help you-"

"I need some air," Y/N mumbled, sitting up and ignoring the spike of pain in his body. He opened the door to their dorm. 

"Y/N," Leroy said sternly, making Y/N bring himself to a stop. "If you don't get help, you'll go mad. Just like You-Know...Voldemort."

Y/N let out a weak yet breathy laugh. 

"You're comparing him to me now?" he questioned, turning around to look at Leroy. 

"If it'll bring you out of your shell, yes," Leroy answered. 

"Does that include the murders?" Y/N added, his glare hardening. "Just because I'm not accepting your help doesn't mean I'm going to go around killing innocent people."

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