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The group led by Fenrir and Y/N raced above he clouds, doing a small duty of going into Gringotts and getting the wandmaker to Voldemort. The Dark Mark had been casted into the sky not too long ago. Y/N ignored the other werewolves and Death Eaters who smiled as they destroyed muggle property along the way. He saw some grab muggles and sneak them behind a wall. He could only hope that their death was not slow and painful. 

It was obvious to anyone what had changed in Y/N. Voldemort kept his word, and helped him not only control, but detach himself from his emotions. Perhaps it was just him trying to turn Y/N into a weapon for use later, but Y/N accepted the help. There was so much pain before, and he only thing he could do was feel it and react to it. Voldemort used his trauma, anger, guilt, fear, and everything else to get rid of them. He told Y/N that trauma made him tougher, that it did not break him, but made him stronger. And what is not broken, cannot be fixed. He told Y/N that anger was of no use, that he shouldn't care enough to get angry. He told Y/N that guilt shall not ruin him, but help him build walls. Fear shall not be a barrier, but an opening. Fear makes you strong, and keeps you alive. Soon enough, Voldemort said, you'll get used to even fear fades away. And that's what happened. Y/N felt almost completely numb. 

Y/N watched the other Death Eaters cause an explosion to open up the wand shop, others screaming in fear around them. Y/N pulled what was left of the door open and rushed inside. Most of the people got scared off, and Y/N signaled to the others to let them run. They listened. After all, it was natural. He was still an alpha. Fenrir was by his side, pushing people out of the way. 

Y/N heard a spell shout out, and a searing hot fire missed him by mere inches, but hit Fenrir. Fenrir growled, and Y/N knew he was going to kill the wizard who did it. Y/N rushed towards him in a speed he knew the wizard could not come close to matching, pulled his arm holding his wand away, and sent his fist straight into the man's nose. The impact knocked the man back, and he fell to the floor, no sign of consciousness other than the loud heartbeat of his.

"Piece of shit," Fenrir growled, moving forward to finish off the man. Y/N held an arm out and pushed him back. 

"Just get the damn wand maker before the Order gets here," he hissed. Fenrir let out an annoyed grunt but did as Y/N said, moving forward to find the man. 

He surrendered to the werewolves willingly, not wanting to be harmed. With that, they apparated out of there, but the others felt the need to destroy a bridge along the way for some reason. Y/N didn't stop them, though. 

He didn't care.


Y/N awaited on the corner for his next task, leaning against the wall while he played with the rings on his fingers. He thought of what he was like before, then berated himself for doing so. Voldemort told him to never think about his past self. That wasn't who he was anymore. This is who he was. Who he must be. 

Was this what his prophecy wanted?

"Y/N," he heard Voldemort call him. 

Y/N pushed himself off of the wall and followed the voice. Soon, he was in the same room as the Dark Lord once more, and came into eye contact with Draco and his mother. 

"Y/N, my boy! Come in, come in!" Voldemort greeted, gesturing Y/N to come into the room. Y/N did so, analyzing Draco's and his mother's body language. They looked really uncomfortable. He wondered what was going on. 

"Anything you need, my Lord?" Y/N asked, internally wincing at calling him "Lord." He never knew why he did. Maybe it was an alpha thing. Alphas always wanted to be on top, right?

"Yes, I have another mission for you," Voldemort replied as Y/N took his spot beside Draco and Narcissa. "Draco has been given his first mission. You are to assist him along the way."

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