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(I'm making lacrosse a Hogwarts sport because ffs, Hogwarts needs more than ONE sport. It's like Qudditch but it's on the ground, and there's no snitch. 

Here's a video if you want to understand more:

ANYWAYS, let's go. Y/N is a lacrosse player for Slytherin, obviously.) 

"I seriously don't know why I'm here," Y/N said as Tyler and Leroy pushed him over to the lacrosse field. 

"You are here to get a position on the team," Tyler confirmed, grabbing Y/N's shoulders and slightly shaking them. "We need good players."

"Well last year I was absolute garbage when I tried this game," Y/N mentioned. "I mean sure, I liked it, but I was still ass."

"Yeah well, you got bit," Tyler added. "So, it's gonna come quite naturally. It was the same for me and Leroy."

"Leroy and I," Y/N corrected. Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Smartass. Maybe you're getting it from Granger," he teased. "She's been rubbing off on you?"

"Shut up," Y/N mumbled, shoving him off. "Seriously, we don't even talk."

"Okay fine, but once you become a part of the team, you'll have girls all the time," Tyler said. 

"Is that....a compliment?" Y/N asked. "I don't know how that will happen."

"It will. You'll be a lacrosse player and you're ho-"

"Okay never mind I don't want to know," Y/N cut off. "Are you sure you're straight, Tyler?"

"Come on. We're gonna test stamina before we play," Leroy said, pointing over to the tracking field. "And some normal exercises."

"Brilliant," Y/N murmured as the three rushed over to the tracking field. 


Running was pretty easy. Since Y/N was a werewolf, he didn't waste much energy on it but he was definitely one of the fastest ones out there. Last time he tried out for the game, he wasn't the fastest but he wasn't the worst ones there. But he could definitely see the surprised and confused looks of other people at how easily Y/N passed the them when he looked like he was just jogging.

Which of course he was but, that's not the point. 

They went to go do some classic exercises like pushups, situps, and more. Everyone soon began to give out, wiping their foreheads. Even Tyler and Leroy tired themselves out. They looked over to see Y/N still going. 

"Do you think he's being too obvious?" Leroy asked, looking around as some of the other boys and girls who were trying out for the team gaped at him still being able to go strong. "Or maybe he's got more werewolf adrenaline because he's not used to trying out for a team?"

"Do you think he's a were-cheetah? Does that even exist?" Tyler countered, panting. 

"Everyone up!" the coach yelled, a few groans being heard before they got back up. 

Tyler and Leroy gave Y/N a thumbs up, which Y/N smiled at. He was a bit tired, but as a Slytherin, he was competitive. The coach started getting people in lines. 

"Here, these are the helmets," Leroy said, handing Y/N one. "We don't need the full uniform right now."

Y/N took the helmet and analyzed it. It was mostly green, but was accompanied by silver and black, all Slytherin colors. To top off, it had the Slytherin sign on the side. It had a glow alongside it. The helmet shined back at him in the sunlight, making him squint away. But he definitely liked the design.

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