A Win-Lose

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Y/N didn't realize how long he was sitting on the ground. Ian's blood dripping down his chin made him feel absolutely filthy, and he felt his eyes burn as he desperately tried to wipe it off with the sleeve of his shirt. He couldn't believe what he just did. He felt so disgusted with himself. Any anger towards Ian turned against him. He looked down at his hands, and they were bloody and bruised from his other encounters. He clenched and unclenched them, not able to do anything else other than look.

It all happened too fast...

Y/N suddenly heard a gut-wrenching scream, which he identified as Harry's. 

He jumped to his feet and started running towards the noise, expecting the worst. But he saw Remus holding Harry back in his arms. Harry fought against his grip and screamed some more, a waterfall of tears rushing down his face. Y/N was frozen in his spot, watching Harry thrash in Lupin's arms. He'd never seen Harry like that before. He doesn't think anyone has. 

"Let go of me!" Harry demanded, but it was more of a cry than a scream. 

"Harry!" Lupin tried, his own voice breaking. "Please, you can't just-"

"I saw her! I saw her do it!" Harry cried. "Let. Me. GO!"

Right when he said the last word, he surprisingly broke himself free of Remus' grip. He dashed out of the room, into another hallway. His wand was clenched so tightly in his hand that Y/N thought it might have broke in half. Y/N stared in disbelief, then looked at Remus, who's eyes started to water. He started to saw Ron and Hermione attempt to run after Harry, but Hermione stopped, and grabbed Ron's arm to stop him. It was obvious that Harry wouldn't want them there. They walked over to Y/N and Remus, looking at Y/N with a shocked, terrified, yet still pitiful look. 

"What happened? Where's Harry going?" Y/N questioned, so confused. "Where's Sirius?"

They just stared at him. 

Are they slow? 

"Where is Sirius?" Y/N asked in a stern tone. 

Hermione opened her mouth, but then she closed it again. He could hear Ron's heartbeat start to raise. Y/N grew even more frustrated. 

"Will you guys just give me a damn answ-"

"He's gone, Y/N!" Ron exclaimed, his eyes glued to the ground. He took a deep breath, and lowered his voice. "He's gone."

Y/N heart dropped. His blood ran cold and his hearing started to fade. His vision grew blurry. 

No...no they're lying- they have to be lying! 

"You're lying," Y/N denied, shaking his head like a mad man. 

"He's not lying, Y/N," Hermione said, looking up at him with sadness. "It's why Harry ran off. I'm sorry-"

"Who?" Y/N suddenly questioned. 

"What?" Hermione asked, frowning. 

"Who did it?" Y/N questioned, looking at her dead in the eye. 

"It was..." Hermione took a deep breath. "It was Bellatrix."

His own bloody cousin...I'm done. I'm done trying to be the good person. 

"Where is she?" Y/N asked. 

"She ran off somewhere, I don't know," Hermione said. "Please, don't do anything rash-"

"How can you expect me not to do anything?!" Y/N exclaimed, getting so angry that he actually felt tears of frustration filling his eyes. "He's my father, Hermione! He was supposed to stay!"

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