What're Trying To Hide, Y/N?

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(This might be a long chapter, since it's all about the mistreatment of werewolves and Y/N's fear. I'll start a new chapter when it's time for the First Task.) 

Y/N sat still on his bed, a blank stare on his face as he looked down at his sheets. It was night time, and almost every Slytherin was about to head off to bed. Tyler and Leroy left him alone for the time being, knowing not to bother him in his state. No one talked to him, but they definitely looked at him. 

"What're you playing at?" Draco asked while getting his bed ready, making Y/N look at him. "How'd you do it?"

"What do you mean?" Y/N question, frowning. 

"Never mind. Doesn't matter," Draco mumbled. "Might have let your friend know, though. I'm still around, in case you haven't noticed. I haven't gone anywhere."

"Let you know what?" Y/N asked, getting irritated. 

"You know damn well what," Draco said, turning away from him to set his blanket on his bed. 

"I didn't ask for this to happen, Draco," Y/N argued, sitting up straighter to look at him. He sighed heavily. "You're being stupid."

"I'm the stupid one? I'm not the 14 year old who decided to enter a deadly tournament for fame," Draco spoke, getting under his sheets. 

"I didn't put my damn name in the goblet!" Y/N yelled, making everyone in the room flinch. "If you honestly think I'd do so, I shouldn't even consider you a friend!"

"Oh right, you're too busy making out with the Gryffindors, are you?" Draco asked, sitting up slightly in his bed. "Going with the enemy."

"They aren't the enemy, and if you'd get over yourself and stop being such a prat, you'd know, Malfoy," Y/N growled.

Draco shook his head and got back under his sheets. Y/N looked over at everyone around the room, who were staring at the two. Once they noticed Y/N's gaze, they quickly looked away. Tyler and Leroy carefully watched the argument. Y/N got out of bed and went over to Draco's. 

"I didn't put my name in that cup," he said, Draco looking up at him. "I don't want eternal glory. I just want to be myself and apparently that's not allowed in this damn school. I don't know what happened tonight and I don't know why, it just did. You just have to accept it just like I have to."

Draco looked away from him and turned away, tucking himself into his sheets. Y/N rolled his eyes and walked back over to his bed. He heard Draco shift around and saw him looking. 

"Piss off," he muttered. 

Y/N sighed and got back under his covers. Everyone was completely against him now. Draco was now against him. Ron was angry at both Harry and Y/N. He and Hermione weren't on talking terms. Every person in the common room is staring at him like he's some sort of freak. Dumbledore is angry. Igor is angry. Maxime is angry. Everyone is angry, at him. At Harry. At them. For something they didn't even do. Typical.

He looked around the room, catching Nolan and Gabe's eyes. He scowled at them. They were the main players here. The people trying to expose them. The people trying to convince everyone they're dangerous. Too bad they were put into Slytherin, and too bad he couldn't go over there and rip their throats out. Gabe was definitely the oldest, and looked like he didn't belong in the common room of Slytherins this age. And Nolan was constantly looking anxious, as if he didn't want to do this dirty work at all. 

Everyone was angry at him. Gabe and Nolan were gonna use that as an advantage.


Y/N angrily walked around in the Slytherin common room, since no one was there. Everything was so fucked. Why couldn't he just be another normal kid at Hogwarts? 

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