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Everything had changed, pretty much for the worse. And now Y/N had to go back to that school. 


He still stayed under his bed sheets, hoping his mom would be too busy and would forget he was in there. She was under a lot of pressure, having been told her ex was a Death Eater, and her son was now in danger, and is also a True Alpha. So naturally, she would forget things. 

A knock on the door made him freeze under his sheets. He stayed quiet. Then, it door burst open, revealing that it was Leroy, not Y/N's mom. 

Damn it, where did he even come from, Y/N thought. 

"Y/N," Leroy called out, pulling on his sheets. Y/N fake coughed loudly while keeping his sheets on top of him. 

"No I'm sick! I'm sick," he excused. 

"You're not sick," Leroy sighed. 

"No I am, I'm like deathly ill, it's serious," Y/N stated, then began to fake cough more. "I think it's...I think it's the flu."

"It's not flu season," Leroy told him. 

"Well then I probably have pneumonia," Y/N tried. 

"Y/N, you're a werewolf, you can't get pneumonia," Leroy said. "But you know what you can get, is in trouble for being late to school, so come on, let's go."

Leroy pulled down his sheets again, making Y/N's head pop out. Y/N sat up, clearly in distress. 

"I don't think I should go to school," he stated. "Or outside, or anywhere, ever again!"

Then, he covered himself with his blanket again. Leroy sighed. 

"Is this about the Third Task or the True Alpha crap?" he asked. 

"Both!" Y/N shouted, though his voice was muffled underneath the blanket.

"Look, it doesn't matter what you think okay because you gotta go," Leroy told him. "And all you have to do is pretend like nothing happened."

"Pretend?!" Y/N exclaimed, sitting up with the blanket still on top of him before throwing it back down to reveal himself as he sat up but didn't exit his bed. "I'm just supposed to pretend?" Leroy tried to think of something. 

"Think of it, like when Superman gets caught with his glasses off," he said, making Y/N look back down as he thought about it. "You know, he doesn't give up. He puts them back on and says, 'I'm still Clark Kent.'"

"You want me to wear glasses?" Y/N asked, looking at him confusedly. 

"No!" Leroy exclaimed, squinting his eyes in disbelief. Then, he grabbed Y/N's ankle and dragged him out of bed. "I want you to go to school!"

Y/N grunted in refusal but fell on the ground with his blankets, sitting himself up on the edge of his bed. 

"And be Y/N L/N," Leroy finished. Y/N sighed and looked up at him. "Just like how Superman has to be Clark Kent. Spiderman has to be Peter Parker, and Captain America-"

"Captain America is just Steve Rogers," Y/N interrupted, making Leroy frown. "He doesn't have to pretend, everyone already loves him. Unlike us, who everyone hates."

Leroy's eyes went from confusion to realization. 

"They hate us for being what we are," Y/N said. "It's not like we chose to be it, we got bitten. We just wanna help, what what do we get in return? Nothing, and maybe even more hate than before."

Leroy knelt down, so he was at Y/N's level since he was sitting on the ground. 

"You're right," he told Y/N. "We are trying to help. Which is why, you're gonna get up and go to school, and pretend like nothing happened. Because if you don't, more people could die."

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