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Y/N woke up in the middle of the night, in the comfort of his own home. 

He felt odd, and not a hormone charged teen boy odd, since he's getting there, an ACTUAL odd. As if something was wrong. He shook it off and pulled himself further into his sheets, closing his eyes again. However, the feeling never went away. 

Y/N sighed heavily and sat up in bed, looking around his room. He removed his bed sheets from his body and stood up, rubbing his eye that still wanted sleep. He did sometimes randomly walk around his room, or reread the letters he got from his friends. Or Hermione. Specifically....Hermione. BUT, he did read the others as well. Y/N constantly checked on Harry to make sure he was doing well, and asked Leroy for advice on the whole werewolf situation, and asked Tyler to stop being so fucking annoying. But it wasn't exactly working. 

Y/N went into his bathroom and shut the door, turning on the water and splashing his face with it so he really woke up. He analyzed himself in the mirror. He'd gotten a lot taller and his hair was significantly longer than before. He thought about getting a haircut but decided against it. He had also gotten more muscular, somehow. Tyler kept on telling him how he was going to get all the ladies, and then he was going to grow older and take them all from him. Annoying, that kid is. 

Y/N ran his hands through his curls with the water, feeling himself now wide awake. He was thinking a lot about what Professor Lupin had said when he left. How his, abilities, and state, was going to affect the people around him. People might turn against him, while others might stay. The question is, who will turn?

The only person Y/N is absolutely comfortable with to talk about anger and werewolf blood lust, or urge to kill, is with Leroy and Tyler. 

Sure, he'll talk about the werewolf subject with Hermione or Harry, maybe a little with Ron, if he wrote a letter to him. Ron found his werewolf powers terrifying but awesome at the same time. But other than that, no one else. He never mentioned anything about his urge to kill and hunt to them, however. He just used the word "control" all the time.

Yes, he feels that urge, along with every other werewolf. He's only had his abilities for a little more than a year. Combining the normal werewolf blood lust and anger, combined with Y/N's anger issues, isn't exactly allowing to learn control easier. Leroy said it himself, it took him a while to learn control. Him and Tyler almost tore each others' throats out at one point. But thank god they didn't. 

Y/N closed his eyes, wanting to see what others see. A boy, or a monster? He opened his eyes again, and jumped up in surprise. 

His eyes were red. 

Y/N clenched his eyes shut and shook his head, opening them again. His eyes were back to yellow. Then, he switched them back to his normal normal color, blue. He frowned at himself in the mirror. That was...weird. Y/N shook it off and turned back to exit the bathroom, but turned around again. He made his eyes glow, and he jumped again. 

Am I seeing things? he asked himself, opening and closing his eyes. His eyes just flickered red? 

He shrugged it off and started writing a letter to Leroy. It was a bit early in the morning but he had some questions. 

Dear Leroy Lester,

What's up, lop-sided jawline. Kidding, kinda. Anyways, sorry I'm writing to you this early, but I don't really have anyone else to talk to on what just happened. 

So I was in my bathroom right now, and no it's not THAT. I was washing my face off and just decided to shine my other eyes in the mirror just because. But when I opened them, they were red. They switched back to yellow, but then it happened again. I don't know if I'm hallucinating, if I'm tired, or if something weird is going on. I swear it happened. 

Is there anything you know about betas having alpha eyes? I know you have to kill an alpha and receive their powers in order to become one, and since I haven't done anything like that, it seems weird. If you have answers, please write them back to me. If you don't, damn.

From, you know who the fuck who.

Y/N L/N. 

Y/N put down his quill and sent out the letter. He laid in bed, wondering what this really was. 

Was it a hallucination? 

(Sorry for the short chapter)

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