The First Task

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(yes, the picture above is the dragon Y/N is fighting.)

The 5 champions paced in the room, minutes away from battling dragons. Repeat, DRAGONS. And this is only the first task! Could things get any worse?

"Alright, all dressed, and O/N is sending a letter to my mum in case I die," Y/N said, straightening his clothes. 

"You seriously sent her a letter?" Harry asked, fixing the gloves on his hands. "She'll be worried sick."

"Yeah well it'd be worse if I wasn't able to send her a goodbye letter. Might as well say so before I die," Y/N argued. 

"Well what about your dad? Your OTHER, dad. The fake one," Harry asked. 

"Fuck my fake one, he's an arse," Y/N said, frowning. "Always away since I found out how Sirius was my real dad. I get a letter, what, once or twice a month? And those barely take up a page."

"What has he told you?" Harry questioned. 

"Just that he's been working with the Ministry, hopes I'm well...and yeah, pretty much it," Y/N answered. 

"Huh, he is an arse," Harry agreed. 

"Exactly," Y/N said. "Well, might want to get a few moments of silence before we go out."

"Agreed," Harry told him, walking away from him afterwards as he continued to pace. Y/N took deep breaths and ran a hand through his hair, feeling extremely nervous. But then again, who wouldn't?

"Psssst," a voice hissed out. 

Y/N frowned and looked over in the direction of the sound. He went near the curtains and was about to pull them back when he heard Hermione's voice, making him slightly jump. 

"Y/N. Is that you?" Hermione asked, whispering. 

"Yeah," Y/N answered. Hermione's heart rate was abnormally high, which meant she was nervous. 

"How're you feeling?" she questioned. 

"Like I'm about to die, which might happen," Y/N responded. Hermione's heart rate got impossibly higher. 

Oh, mistake. MISTAKE. 

"But, I won't," Y/N said, not exactly liking the fact that he could be lying to her if he really did die. He wasn't able to promise it but tried to reassure her, because he really didn't know what was going to happen. 

"The key is the concentrate," Hermione continued. "After that you just have to..."

"Battle a dragon?" Y/N guessed. 

He heard a worried whimper and the next thing he knew, Hermione had her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He hummed in surprise but was quick to wrap his arms around her waist. 


They both pulled away to see Rita and her photographer with their camera, which was smoked from taking the picture. Glares quickly grew on their faces. 

"Young love," Rita sung, sighing dreamily afterwards. "How....stirring."

They disentangled their arms completely as the annoying woman kept on talking. The other champions seemed annoyed as well, getting up from their seats and circling Rita. 

"If everything goes unfortunately today, you two may even make the front page!" she stated, raising her eyebrows. 

"My, how exciting!" Y/N exclaimed in a sarcastic tone, purposely widening his eyes. He heard Cedric and Harry snicker quietly. Of course Y/N had something to say. 

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