The Third Task

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(The jealousy chapter wasn't able to get done. It was giving me SEVERE writing block to this story so I just went straight to the third task. But hey, we have like 4 more movies to get more jealousy scenes. I also really just wanna get goblet of fire done) 

Y/N wandered through the halls, technically not wanting other people around right now. He was becoming irritated lately, like something was nagging him. What added to his irritation is that he didn't actually know the cause. It was like Harry, but it came off as more of anger and an attitude rather than Harry, who's scar burned and ached more than usual. Something was triggering him, but he didn't know what. 


It wasn't like the anger he had before, it was coming from his much angrier stages, when he had I.E.D., or intermittent explosive disorderwhich he still does, but it is not as strong. I.E.D. is the sudden and repetitive occurrence of repulsive, aggressive, and violent outbursts. It's often acted grossly out of proportion and out of nowhere. Y/N got diagnosed with it in the beginning of second year. That's why he acted too angry from then up until now. He's always had sudden outbursts, which really broke a lot of friendships with other people. Some even were scared of him, since when he couldn't calm down, he got violent with the things around him, or just left, like how he did the day he found out Ian wasn't his real father. He's gotten his share of fights, way more than the average kid his age has. Increased energy as well as rage was already a problem, and for a sudden werewolf ability to come out of nowhere, and since werewolves naturally have anger issues, is even worse. It's why he's had so much more trouble controlling his anger than Tyler or Leroy. All symptoms are way worse for him than it was for them. And now he has to worry about the stupid tournament, SURVIVING IT, controlling himself, doing good in school, checking on his mom, having to deal with his step-dad's bullshit, remembering the fact that he has no idea where his REAL father is, fixing his relationship with Hermione, fixing his relationship with Draco, and more. 

I.E.D. alone causes a lot of problems, such as problematic relationships, trouble working and focusing, mood swings, physical and mental health problems, and without properly taken care of, can lead to self-harm. Y/N never felt as if he did anything self-harming, but he realizes that what he does to calm down, hit things, injure himself, punch the wall until his knuckle bleeds, is really self-harm by itself. He knows it worries his friends, the ones who stayed, but he doesn't like to be worried about. So he just says, "I'm fine." Though, if he doesn't do something soon, he'll go back to that severe I.E.D. stage, and being a werewolf with all this true alpha crap will only add to it. He needs to do something or he's going to hurt somebody, badly.

As Y/N walked further, he turned his head and saw Dumbledore's office open. Wondering if he should ask Dumbledore any questions about what's been going on with him, he pushed the door wider so he could enter. As he walked through, he saw something glowing in the corner, emanating a bright blue. 

"Are you waiting too?" a voice asked. 

Y/N turned around sharply and faced the direction, revealing Harry. Harry, a bit frightened by the sudden action, slightly raised his hands up. 

"Sorry," he apologized. 

"It's fine," Y/N mumbled, turning back around to face to object, starting to recognize it. 

"Any idea what it is?" Harry asked, walking up to it as well. 

"A Pensieve, I think," Y/N replied. "It allows you to look through your own memories, almost like experiencing it over again. Helpful for when you want to remember something."

"So Dumbledore's trying to review a memory," Harry concluded, looking back at the object. 

He took his wand out of his jacket, swaying it over the Pensieve. It started shaping itself into the correct memory, Y/N looking down and seeing a group of people below them. Harry looked closer and it suddenly pulled him in, dragging him into the Pensieve. Y/N's eyes widened as he saw Harry fall down to the bottom. 

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