Getting Information

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Y/N went back to his common room, getting properly dressed in his black suit. When he was done, he noticed Draco still laying in his bed, though he was wide awake. He was staring blankly at the ceiling. No one else was in the room.

"Uh, you getting up? Breakfast is already going," Y/N mentioned. 

"I've been looking for you. The necklace failed," Draco said, finally sitting up. He was already dressed in his own suit, which only confused Y/N more as to why he wasn't up. "I ended up cursing some other girl. Well, she cursed herself, but I guess Madam Rosmerta decided to be a lazy bimbo and force another student to deliver it."

"Who?" Y/N asked. 

"I don't know, some Katie Well or Bell, I can't remember," Draco replied. He stood away from the bed, playing with his hands. "I have to come up with something else. Any luck on the Vanishing Cabinet?"

"I got distracted, so no," Y/N said. 

"Distracted? By what?" Draco questioned. He didn't want Y/N to be messing around. This is a life or death mission. He squinted his eyes and his face formed into a scowl. "Or who?"

"It's not like that," Y/N snapped. 

(Y/N and Hermione every time they're together:

"Kind of almost got killed by a supernatural last night, so I kind of took this time to regenerate," he finished. Draco opened his mouth to talk but Y/N interrupted him. "I'm not explaining it again. All I'll say is that it was a wendigo, I almost got killed, the rest of my pack here at Hogwarts showed up, and we killed it."

"Isn't a wendigo a supernatural creature?" Draco asked. 

"Yeah, but it's gone now, so it doesn't matter," Y/N said. "I'm going to go get breakfast. I'll tell you if I find anything, or if you have anymore ideas."

Draco only nodded, his eyes glued to the ground. Y/N walked out of the dorms. 


Y/N knew the pack made it in safely, because he could sense them in the Great Hall. Darell spotted the alpha and quickly left his table, almost tripping over the bench in a rush. 

"The food here is great," he cheered, a chicken leg in his hand. "I could get used to this."

"Did you guys get into trouble when you got back in?" Y/N asked. 

"No. Leroy knew some sort of passage into Hogwarts, something you told him about during third year," Darell replied. "We just snuck in without using magic."

"Guess all that 'extra security' is for nothing," Y/N muttered. He looked back down at Darell. "Is Hazel here?"

"Yup! Right over there!" Darell mentioned, pointing over to the Ravenclaw table. They were probably the most behaved table, but Y/N didn't miss the few throws of a bread. 

"I need someone who's actually smart," Y/N said, about to run over before stopping and looking back at Darell. "Not to say you aren't. You're brilliant, you just mess around a lot."

"All apart of my charm," Darell smiled, thumping his chest with his hand. 

Y/N chuckled, then ran over to the Ravenclaw table. He spotted Hazel again and jogged over to her. He placed his hand on the table next to her plate to catch her attention. 

"What's up?" Hazel asked, looking up at him. 

"Can you meet me in the library after breakfast is over?" Y/N questioned. "I need to figure something out."

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