The Dark Mark

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Y/N slightly flinched as he heard a loud bang from outside the tent. He got up and saw Mr. Weasley go outside to investigate, so he stayed in case his friends needed protection in the tent. He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, looking outside the tent. He looked over at them and they had no sign of worry at all. The twins were running around weirdly with the Ireland flag on their backs, Ron was fanboying over Krum, Harry was smiling and laughing with the twins, and the two girls were hanging out in another room near them. 

"There's no one like Krum!" Ron exclaimed, the twins making weird noises as they circled around him with the flags. "He's like a bird the way he rides the wind! He's more than an athlete!"

Fred suddenly went forward and covered his younger brother with the green flag. Ron was too busy fanboying over Krum to scold him. 

"He's an artist!" he finished, taking the flag off of himself. 

"I think you're in love, Ron," Ginny said, patting his shoulder. 

"Shut up," Ron breathed. 

"Viktor I love you!" George sang, grabbing Ron's hand. 

"Viktor, I do!" Fred joined, grabbing Ron's other hand. Harry smiled as he joined in on the singing. 

"When we're apart, my heart beats only for you!"

Ron huffed and hit George with a pillow, the two starting to wrestle. Y/N almost laughed until he heard another bang, making his head snap back towards the opening of the tent. He frowned as he saw bodies running. 

"Sounds like the Irish got their pride on," Fred said, a bit alarmed by the continuous loud bangs but tried shrugging it off. 

"Guys, that's...not the Irish," Y/N said, making everyone in the tent look at him. 

"What is it then?" Harry asked. Y/N was about to answer but Mr. Weasley burst back into the tent, looking alarmed. 

"Stop, stop it!" he ordered to George and Ron who were still wrestling. "It's not the Irish. We've gotta get out of here, now."

They all quickly followed what he said, walking outside the tent. There were more explosions as they looked at the dark sky, flames and smoke around them. People were constantly bumping into them as they were running away. 

"Get back to the portkey everybody and stick together!" Mr. Weasley yelled over the loud screams and explosions. "George, Ginny is your responsibility! Go!"

George quickly grabbed Ginny protectively and led his sister and twin brother away. Y/N brought Ron and Hermione to his side, keeping them all together. He frantically looked around for Harry. Once his eyes landed on the boy, he saw Harry looking up at the sky, frightened. 

"Harry!" Y/N yelled, making Harry snap out of it. "Come on!"

Harry quickly ran over to them and Y/N pushed his friends forward, keeping them in his eyesight. He grunted and clamped his hands over his ears as he heard some men with deep, creepy voices chant something in Latin repeatedly. It filled his head quickly and he looked around for the source, seeing people dressed in all black with lit torches in their hands. They walked in the same formation and same pace. Y/N suddenly saw Harry beginning to wander. 


"Harry!" Y/N yelled, trying to get to him. 

"Y/N!" Hermione called, grabbing his arm and not letting him run into the crowd. "It's too dangerous!"

"Every time Harry's alone something bad happens. Ron, get Hermione away from here," Y/N said. 

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