Christmas "Break"

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Y/N spent his days constantly using Harmionia Nectere Passus on the Vanishing Cabinet. It was damn frustrating. There were a few times where the apple in his hand would return unharmed, but the next day, apart of it would go missing again. He felt like all of his hard work was being wasted each day he went away from the cabinet. He didn't dare use living creatures yet. How on earth is a living creature supposed to teleport back if an apple can't?

Or maybe he wasn't focused on his magic. 

Maybe he was too focused on. That. Damn. Kiss. 

What the hell was he thinking?! Hermione's now away for Christmas break, probably not knowing what the hell just happened. You know what? Fuck that, he didn't even know what happened! This is the literal definition of "caught up in the moment." She just looked so goddamn pretty! How the hell was that his fault? Well, it wasn't, but it IS his fault for kissing her. 

Sure, he didn't regret the actual kiss. Hell, he'd go back and do it all over again if he could. He just hated the consequences to it. Now, added to all the shit he already had to deal with, he has this weird relationship-but-not-relationship stuff going on here. He really didn't want to make it complicated. He was scared of commitment. But he didn't want to stop kissing her altogether. But he also wasn't going to use Hermione as some sort of toy that he kisses whenever he's feeling it. That's messed up, and he knew it. 

God, I hate my life. 

Y/N was now sitting in the library, alone at a table. It's weird how comforting yet lonesome being by yourself can be. 

He paused for a moment, hearing what sounded like heartbeats. Of course, there were many people around him, so it made sense. But something about it made him uneasy. It wasn't human. It was...

Oh for fucks sake. 

"Guys, I know you're there," he said in a regulated volume, since they could hear them. 

"Shit, abort," a voice that sounded way too much like Darell's. Y/N whipped around to see him and Hazel. They still had their eyes fixed on him, making them bump into a small bookshelf and nearly knock it over. 

"Who taught you how to walk? Stephen fucking Hawking?" Hazel growled at him. Darell opened his mouth to retort.

"Get over here," Y/N ordered. The two slowly walked over to him, giving him awkward smiles. "Sit." They immediately did so. "I get that we're a pack and all, but do you have to follow me everywhere I go?"

"Well, we didn't see you that much yesterday," Darell complained. 

"Yeah, we were just wondering how you were doing," Hazel added. Y/N nodded, causing her to lift her eyebrows. "So, what were you doing?"

Their curious eyes looked into his I-don't-give-a-fuck eyes. 

"Repairing some stuff," Y/N replied, playing with the feathers on his quill. 

"What're you writing?" Darell questioned. 

"More like what am I trying to write," Y/N mumbled. 

"Where's Draco? Aren't you two supposed to be working together?" Hazel asked. 

"He's too emo for me," Y/N replied, still looking down at the blank paper. 

And the questions just KEPT on coming. 

"Do you have any ideas?" Darell. 

"Just to keep repairing the cabinet." Y/N.

"Is he actually going to kill Dumbledore?" Hazel.

"Would you not say it in a public place?" Y/N. 

"Can you use living things in the cabinet yet?" Darell.

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