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(!Final chapter of GOF!)

They all landed in the correct place, landing on the ground. Everyone cheered for them, the music came back on, and everything seemed to be okay. 

Except it wasn't. 

Harry sobbed into Cedric's chest, who still laid there with a blank face. Y/N felt tears gather in his eyes as he recollected everything that just happened. 

Fleur lost

Krum was bewitched.

His I.E.D. was back.

He just became an alpha.

Voldemort came back.

Cedric died.

I could have saved him. 

I saw it happen. 

I could have stopped it. 

But I just laid there. 

It's all my fault.

"I'm sorry," Y/N said, now starting to break down more.

He kept on repeating it as Harry sobbed harder. Dumbledore came over and pulled Y/N off, which Y/N let him, because he's never felt so weak in his life. Harry, however, refused to get off of Cedric. The music stopped, and everyone quieted.

"He's back! He's back!" Harry exclaimed. 

"Voldemort's back," Y/N said, wiping his tears only for more to take their place.

"Cedric asked me to bring his body back. We couldn't leave him," Harry sobbed. "Not there."

"It's alright, guys," Dumbledore assured, putting his hands on their shoulders. "It's okay, he's home. You all are."

Fudge warned the teachers to keep everyone in their seats. Professor McGonagall and Snape knelt down next to them, trying to get them to move, but they wouldn't budge. Harry wouldn't let go, and Y/N sobbed into his hands, repeating "I'm sorry I'm sorry" over and over again. 

"The body must me moved Dumbledore!" Fudge said. "There are...too many people."

A man started emerging from the crowd, begging to go through. Y/N looked up and realized who it was. Cedric's father. He collapsed next to Cedric's dead body.

"That's my son!" he cried. "That's my boy! My boy!"

It only made Y/N feel more guilty as he ran his hands through his hair repeatedly. He felt like pulling his hair out. He could've stopped it. He had his werewolf reflexes! He just laid there while Cedric was killed! He then noticed that Professor Moody had grabbed Harry, keeping him in his hold as the two began to walk away. Even though he felt as tired as ever, he refused to let Harry go alone. 

He didn't trust anybody right now. 


Y/N had followed Harry and Professor Moody into the room. He kept himself out of sight, however. There must have been a reason why Moody brought Harry but not him. He put himself under an invisibility spell.

"Are you alright, Potter?" Moody asked. Harry just nodded. "Does it hurt?" He nodded towards his arm. 

"Not so much now," Harry replied. 

"Perhaps I better take a look at it," Moody said, analyzing the arm that Wormtail had slashed open. 

"The cup was a portkey," Harry stated. "Someone had bewitched it."

"What was it like?" Moody asked, looking up at Harry. Harry slightly frowned, and Y/N had the same reaction. "What was he like?"

"The Dark Lord," Moody said. When Harry didn't answer, Moody carelessly moved Harry's injured arm while getting up, making Harry grunt in pain. Y/N did not like his vibe at all. "What was it like? To stand in his presence."

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