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"How's the arm?" Draco asked as Y/N sat down with Tyler and Leroy. 

"It's fine. Just a scratch," Y/N answered, Tyler and Leroy giving him a look like, "if only he knew."

"Filthy chicken that giant's got," Draco said. "I've told my father all about it."

"You did?" Y/N asked, suddenly turning towards him. "Why?"

"Because! We can't have that bloody chicken going around attacking people," Draco replied. "My father outta do something about it. And lemme tell you, he is not happy."

"You can tell your father that I'm fine and nothing needs to be done to Buckbeak. Really, we just made friends. I bowed to him and he did the same back," Y/N told him. Leroy and Tyler choked on their water at the same time, making Y/N and Draco look at them. 

"Well it's a bit too late for that. Plus, might as well get it back for attacking you and almost attacking me," Draco continued. 

"But it was LITERALLY your-"

"He's been sighted he's been sighted!" Y/N heard Seamus yell, throwing a newspaper on the Gryffindor table. 

"Who?" Ron asked. 

"Sirius Black!" Seamus exclaimed. The werewolf trio shared a worried look as they rushed to the table, reviewing the Daily Prophet. 

"Dufftown? That's not far from here," Hermione stated. 

"You don't think he's coming to Hogwarts, do you?" Neville asked. 

"They have dementors at every entrance," a kid noted. 

"Dementors. He's already slipped past them once hasn't he? Who's to say he won't do it again?" Seamus asked, everyone nodding in agreement. 

"That's right. Black can be anywhere," another kid said. "It's like trying to catch smoke. With your bare hands."

Harry and Y/N shared a glance from across the table, wondering if Sirius Black come to Hogwarts to catch the both of them. 


Y/N and the rest of the class analyzed the cabinet box in front of them as it shook. There was definitely something inside it that wanted to get out. Y/N turned over to look at Professor Lupin. 

"Intriguing, isn't it?" he asked the class as the cabinet shook more. "Would anyone like to take a guess on what's inside?"

"That's a boggart, sir," Dean responded.

"Very good Mr. Thomas," Lupin complimented. "Now can anyone take a guess on what a boggart looks like?"

"No one knows," Y/N heard, flinching at the sight of Hermione standing between him and Ron. 

"When she'd get here?" Ron asked, looking at Y/N. Y/N shrugged, a confused look on his face. "Boggarts are shapeshifters. They take in shape of whatever a particular person fears the most. That's what makes them so-"

"So terrifying, yes," Professor Lupin finished. The cabinet thrashed around again, making the class flinch. "Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart-"


"Let's practice it now," Lupin continued. "Without wands, please. After me, Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus," the class repeated. 

"Very good, a little louder, very clear. Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" the class repeated again. 

"This class is 'riddkiulus,'" Y/N heard Draco mumble, a smile creeping up to his face as a response. 

"That's the easy part. The incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a boggart is laughter," Professor Lupin informed. "You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Let me explain. Uh, Neville, would you join me please?"

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