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Y/N, Tyler, and Leroy followed Harry's friends into the Hogwarts train. They put their bags up and sat down on the opposite side of the each other. The atmosphere between the two groups wasn't exactly positive. It was kind of natural because of their houses. Y/N's group of friends were all in Slytherin and Harry's was in Gryffindor. Plus, being seen hanging out with Draco also added to the tension.

Hermione's cat still seemed to be focused on Ron's rat, but it looked at Y/N and slightly hissed. Y/N's face slightly dropped, wondering if the Crookshanks would give him away. However, Hermione only hushed him.

Harry sat down and they all noticed a man sleeping.

"Who's that?" Ron asked.

"Professor R.J. Lupin," Hermione responded.

"You know everything! How is it that she knows everything?" Ron asked, turning to Leroy and Tyler who shrugged, their knowledge a smidge compared to Hermione's.

"Erm, it's on the suitcase, Ronald," Y/N said, pointing to the the man's suitcase.

"Oh," Ron mumbled, embarrassed.

"Do you think he's really asleep?" Harry asked, looking at him. Y/N listened to the Professor Lupin's heartbeat, which seemed just slow enough for sleep, and he also seemed totally calm. 

"Seems so, why?" Hermione questioned.

"I gotta tell you something," Harry answered, closing the door to the cart.

He began to explain all about Sirius Black and his intentions, all of them listening closely. 

"Let me get this straight, Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban to come after you two?" Ron asked. 

"Yeah. The reason for me is supposedly because I'm the only thing standing between him and Volde- You-Know-Who. He lost all his power when I killed him, and he's coming after me. The reason for Y/N though, Mr. Weasley never told me. I don't know if he wants to kill you, but he's coming for you too," Harry explained. 

"Spectacular," Y/N mumbled.

"But they'll catch Black won't they?" Hermione asked. "Everyone's looking for him."

"Sure, except no one's broken out of Azkaban before and, he's a murderous raving lunatic," Tyler interrupted. 

"Thanks, Ty," Y/N said sarcastically.

The train suddenly began to stop, moving their cart around slightly. 

"Why are we stopping? We can't be there yet," Hermione stated. 

"Perhaps Sirius Black wants something on the trolley," Tyler joked. Leroy elbowed his side, telling him to shut up.

Harry stood up and opened the cart door, looking outside for the source of the problem. He couldn't look longer, however. The train suddenly jolted, sending Harry back to his seat. They all shared panicked looks with each other. 

"Maybe we've broken down," Harry suggested. Y/N looked over to see the man still sound asleep. The lights went out, making everyone look up. 

"Ouch Ron that was my foot," Hermione said. Ron ignored her and looked outside the cart window, placing a hand on it. 

"There's something moving out there," he told them, nervousness laced with his voice. Y/N stood up and looked outside the window, catching sight of something black floating in the air. Any signs of light were shut down. Y/N backed away from the window and sat back next to his friends. "I think...I think there's something coming."

The train jolted again, sending their bodies forward temporarily. The air became freezing cold, each breath now visible once let out. Y/N's body was appreciably warmer than theirs, so he didn't have too big of a problem when it came to warmth. The window Ron had his hand on slowly began to freeze completely, along with the water Professor Lupin had brought onto the train. The train suddenly jolted again, except it was more violent. 

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