To Hogwarts

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Y/N joined Draco at the Malfoy Manor, wondering what he was called for. 

"I want to go check out the Vanishing Cabinet," Draco stated. 

"How interesting," Y/N muttered sarcastically, turning around to walk away. Draco rushed in front of him. 

"My mum won't let me go alone," Draco tried. 

"Then take Mummy," Y/N shrugged off, turning to the side again. He heard Draco sigh angrily. 

"I want you to go with me!" he shouted, making Y/N stop. "It is our mission after all!"

Y/N rolled his eyes and dropped his suitcases down on the floor, turning around. 

"You could've just asked," he said. 


Y/N and Draco walked through the empty streets of Diagon Alley, looking around to make sure they weren't being followed. The only store actually open and bright was the one that belonged to Fred and George. Y/N remembered the pranks he helped them pull. A couple on Harry, lots on Ron, some revenge on first years, and a few on Herm-

For fucks sake, stop thinking. 

Y/N and Draco spotted Borgin and Burkes not too far away, and looked around before they started walking towards it. Y/N pulled open the door, walking in. He stopped and turned when he noticed Draco wasn't moving. There was a look of determination yet hesitation on his face. 

"Come on, Draco. Baby steps," Y/N joked, putting his foot on the lower step and then back to the higher one. 

Draco let out a shaky sigh, then walked up the stairs, joining Y/N in the store. They looked around at the many dark, weird, and obviously cursed objects in Borgin and Burkes. Draco moved to touch an open skeletal hand, as if it called out for him to grab it, but Y/N nudged him with his shoulder. His hand froze. 

"Don't touch anything. We don't know if it's cursed or not," Y/N ordered. Draco's curious hand moved away from the skeleton, only analyzing it now. "Come on. Let's make sure the Vanishing Cabinet is still here."

Draco nodded and they walked about the store. Finally, Y/N laid his eyes on an old, yet carefully-built looking cabinet. He walked towards it, Draco following behind him. The blonde-haired boy walked up to it, opening its door. He analyzed the inside, which had nothing in it, but was obviously tall enough to fit a witch or wizard. 

"This is it," Draco said with a small smile on his face.

"You lot looking to buy that old thing?" the store clerk asked, making them look at him

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"You lot looking to buy that old thing?" the store clerk asked, making them look at him. He looked old, tired, and suspicious. "Haven't been able to get rid of it for years."

"Just here to take a look," Y/N replied, stepping back to look at it while Draco went more hands on, dragging his hand along its many parts. The store clerk grunted annoyedly and pulled the newspaper he had back to his face. Y/N noticed that it was about the Death Eater break-ins in the wizard and muggle world. He slowly took his eyes away from the newspaper and back onto the Vanishing Cabinet. 

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