They Know...

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Y/N sat in the library, Ron next to him as they waited for Hermione. They just needed a little extra help studying and decided to go at the same time so they wouldn't bother Hermione twice. It was on the same subject, after all. 

"I'm rubbish at potions," Ron muttered helplessly, slamming his head down on the table. "Added with the test..."

"Yeah well, at least we have Hermione. She's always right," Y/N said. "She'll be with us once she's done studying what she needs to study right now."

"It's annoying yes, but she's helpful," Ron agreed, pushing the hair out of his eyes. "How can she be so obsessed with studying and school?"

"Dunno. I guess she just has a little bit of, anxiety about being perfect," Y/N guessed. "She's always making sure she's at the top, after all."

"That's true," Ron said. "She's already the best, though. Why try harder?"

"It's one thing to be the best, it's another to maintain the position," Y/N added. "Plus, even if we told her to slow down, she wouldn't."

"Yeah, like last year. With all those combined classes and making sure everything was done, along with being the top of her class, she was extremely snappy if you interrupted her for 0.5 seconds," Ron mentioned. 

"Yeah well you and Hermione didn't exactly get along last year," Y/N said. "With the whole Crookshanks and your ugly ass rat."

"Hey! I didn't know he was an animagus," Ron argued, then took a deep breath. "We're drifting away from the test."

"Well yeah, you were frustrated," Y/N said. "Tried to diffuse it."

"Maybe I'm just thinking too much," Ron concluded. 

"Yeah well, don't think too much," Y/N told him. "Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself."

Ron's mouth dropped open as Y/N started laughing. He pushed the werewolf by the shoulder, making Y/N catch himself with the table. 

"Well, you have a point," Ron agreed. 

A few books suddenly slammed down on their table, making them look up. Much to their disappointment, it wasn't Hermione. It was a Slytherin member, Nolan. Y/N never talked to him much, since the kid just always seemed to act weird around him. Nevertheless, he needed to be polite. 

"Hey, Nolan," Y/N greeted. Nolan looked nervous, swallowing anxiously. 

"Uh, studying for potions test?" Ron asked, confused on why the boy was here. 

"Trying, yeah," Nolan answered, putting on a smile and sitting down in the chair in front of the duo. 

"Trying to understand how, organisms change," Nolan continued

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"Trying to understand how, organisms change," Nolan continued. 

"Yeah?" Y/N asked slowly, still not knowing what his point was. Ron squinted his eyes in confusion. 

"Like, how a fish can turn into an alligator," Nolan said. 

"Uh, alligators aren't fish. They're reptiles?" Ron cut in as Nolan began writing things down in his notebook. "That's, a bit off."

"And isn't the test on potions, not DNA? That sounds more like a DNA quiz," Y/N added. 

"Do you think DNA changes?" Nolan asked, his eyes beginning to widen suspiciously as he looked directly at Y/N. 

"If it's damaged, yeah," Ron cut in, looking between the two boys. "That could cause cancer, if that's what you mean."

"So," Nolan started, a fake smile and chuckle coming from him. "Organisms can change, organisms, change."

He focused his eyes back on Y/N. 

"They can change right in front of your eyes," he continued. 

"I don't think this is on the test," Y/N repeated, frowning. 

"Yeah...I wonder if, organisms can....change," Nolan said. "And then change back. Like, they're two things at once."

Y/N looked over at Ron, trying to give him a "we should leave" look but Ron was still confused and trying to give answers. 

"Like a...animagus? Professor McGonagall can change into a cat and change back so, technically, she's two things at once," Ron told him. "Maybe that changes her DNA? More things, parrotfish...erm, something called hermaphrodite or something like that, which is like male and female. Maybe you should be asking teachers, about it?"

"That's definitely not on the test," Y/N interrupted. "Or, any test, coming up soon."

"I wonder if, any of us, have changed. The ones who haven't told anyone they could or, they kept it a secret from everyone else," Nolan continued. "And if they could change, could there be any way to tell?"

(Major creeper vibes)

Y/N clenched his jaw, glaring at Nolan. He was about ready to grab Ron and drag his confused ass out of the library. 

"Like a, DNA test?" Ron asked. 

"I was, thinking a different type of test," Nolan said. 

Y/N and Ron shared a look, still a bit confused but getting an idea of what "organisms" Nolan was talking about. They were about to get up before Nolan suddenly surged forward, a knife in his hand as he sliced Y/N's cheek. Y/N yelped and grabbed his cheek, hissing. This got the attention of everyone in the library. They gasped and stood up from their chairs.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you?!" Ron yelled. 

"Look! Look at him!" Nolan shouted, everyone turning their attention to Y/N.

Y/N's cut was beginning to heal, slowly closing up. The blood that was trailing down his cheek made its way back up into the wound, as if they were reversing time. Once the blood had reentered the wound, the cut finally closed up, his cheek looking brand new again. Y/N touched his cheek and pulled back his hand, no blood or any sign of injury. He looked back up at everyone who was staring at him. He remembered what Lupin told him at the end of 3rd year. 

"That is correct, sadly, Y/N," Lupin said, hearing his mutter. "The next few years, you're going to struggle and stress about the people who don't understand or want our kind. They don't like people like us and, you have to keep yourself under control when they talk bad about you. It's something we're going to have to deal with at some time."

"He healed!" Nolan exclaimed. "No spell, no charm, no potion, no magic. Healed. We're all aware of his anger issues! Has no one bothered to put the pieces together?! He's a werewolf!"

Everyone looked at Y/N with a mixture of fear, suspicion, anger, betrayal, and confusion. Y/N looked down, feeling like he got caught with his hand in the jar. Nolan walked away to prevent being caught by a teacher, and leaving the crowd to stare at the Slytherin and Gryiffindor duo. 

"He's lying," Ron tried. "It-it's just a scratch! He's fine!"

No one seemed to believe him. They continued staring at Y/N, almost expecting him to turn right there. 

"Let's go," Ron muttered, grabbing Y/N's shoulder and making him turn around. 

But it doesn't change anything....

They know.

(Uh ohhhhhhhhhh

Sorry for the short chapter. More coming soon!)

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