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It was time for class, and Y/N couldn't do anything other than get up and go or else a certain someone will hex him for it.

As he entered the classroom, he knew that it was for the newest professor, and immediately would prefer Hermione to hex him instead. Or, anyone. Tyler and Leroy were still giving him his space, so they sat next to each other and waved at him as he walked by. He gave them a friendly nod, trying to think of a way to apologize later. A paper bird flew by his head, making him duck for a bit as others either blew it up higher or tried hitting it. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. 

(Literally one of the only scenes where all the houses act like family and it's by trying to chase a fucking paper bird x_x)

He suddenly felt someone grab his sleeve. He looked down to see Hermione.

"You're sitting here," she said, not leaving any room for question. Y/N took a seat next to her, placing his bag below his feet. Hermione wasted no time. "What happened last night?"

"What?" Y/N asked, confused. 

"With Tyler and Leroy," Hermione replied. "They told me about last night. In the dorm rooms."

"Okay, they told you, so, there's the answer," Y/N said, getting out a quill for later. He might use it for notes or he might use it to just to doodle on his paper. Hermione rolled her eyes. 

"You know what I mean," she told him. "I know you lash out sometimes but you never really lash out at them."

"I do, just not everyday," Y/N assured.

"My point is," Hermione sighed. "Something's wrong with you and you need to talk to us about it."

"Something's been wrong with me since birth, Hermione-"

"I'm serious, Y/N!" Hermione exclaimed, then lowered her voice after a few kids turned to them in confusion. "If you ignore your problems, they're only going to get worse."

"What could possibly be worse than this?" Y/N asked. 

"Good morning, children," a voice introduced. 

I spoke too soon. 

The class went quiet as they looked in the direction of the voice, seeing Professor Umbridge who must not have learned that there are more colors than pink. 

"Ordinary, Wizarding, Levels, examinations," she started, writing it down on a board with her wand. "More commonly known as, OWLs."

Her smile is annoying me. 

"Study hard, and you will be rewarded," she continued. "Fail to do so, and the consequences may be, severe." After that, books began being passed to them by magic, landing hard on their desks. "Your previous instruction in this subject has been disturbingly, uneven. But you'll be pleased to know that from now on, you will be following a carefully structured, Ministry-approved course of Defense Against the Dark Arts."

Y/N held the book in his hands, analyzing it with a frown as he read the title. 

"Dark Arts Defense

Basics for Beginners" 

It even had two little cartoon wizards opening the same book in the picture, cats painted in random areas of the picture. 

What am I, seven? 

Y/N looked over and Harry and Ron, who were just as confused as he was and spared him a glance. Harry shook his head with a frown while Ron shrugged before opening the book and skimming it over. Hermione frowned and then raised her hand, catching Umbridge's attention, making her call on Hermione. 

We Are Enemies | Hermione Granger x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now