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Hi guys, sorry for the delay...I was tied up with med school. But I hope you enjoy this chapter.


"What am I like, Leila?" He was looking straight at me.

"Uhm...what I meant was..."

Think, think Leila.

He was staring at me and it drained every excuse I was making in my head.

"'re a lycan king and you have almost everything you've ever wanted in your life..."

"Actually not everything." He says in a grin still looking straight at me.

Why does it feel like he was talking about me?

"That's why I said 'almost'..."

"I'm gonna have a meeting for the whole day, so when you mess around, don't enter the third floor...and if Noami comes back, tell her to stick in the ground floor and the garden."

"...anyways, I think I'm gonna run out if I'm gonna spend the whole day looking for something you don't have." I say walking backwards towards the door.

"That credit card doesn't have enough to get me what I want." He again had that same grin on him. "I'll be waiting for your gift." That makes me stop in my tracks. He then turns and leaves.

Goddess save me.

He's actually waiting for my gift...I didn't even wish him a 'Happy birthday.'

Aargh!!! Let me start heading out. I hope this credit card has enough for his gift.


I've spent the whole day searching for something expensive and that's in his standards but there's nothing perfect.

You're trying so hard. Reinah speaks to me in a link.

What do you want me to do then. Nothing's perfect. I complain back in a link.

Oh so now you're looking for something perfect...

I roll my eyes at her remark.

It happens in a few moments that our link becomes strong enough for us to talk. It had happened once, this is the second time.

It would've been easy with my lycan but right now it's conditional.

We all know he was talking about you when he insisted that he didn't have everything he wanted and that the credit card can't buy it, right?

So what are you tryna say...that I should hand myself to him in a platter?

Maybe... She says teasingly. I groan at the thought of that. But remember the art sessions we used to have? Why don't you make something for him?


I don't know...think of something. But don't give off your real identity cause our arts were according to our culture. Find anyone who makes artistic stuffs according to their culture and tell them to help you out.

I sigh. Fine.

I spend the whole day looking for any cultural artist until I end up in an accessory store in the most deepest part of the market.

I think I'm lost.

There were women making different beautiful accessories using different gems and pearls. I wished I could get myself something.


" can I help you?"

"I was just...looking around and I think what you're doing is...beautiful."

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